goat's milk in the preparation of handmade soap
 Goat milk - one of the most popular ingredients used for the manufacture of handmade soap Handmade soap: instructions for making  Handmade soap: instructions for making
 . And no wonder: goat's milk is a natural emollient, which perfectly smoothes and moisturizes the skin. It contains vitamins Vitamins for everyone  Vitamins for everyone
   A, B12 and E. Furthermore, it is three times more beta-casein than in cows' milk. Casein is easily absorbed by the skin and contribute to its rapid and deep moisturizing. Triglycerides and goat milk acid helps maintain the natural pH of the skin and provides gentle exfoliation of dead cells.

Making soap from goat's milk takes a lot of time, but the end result is worth it. You can use fresh, dry or evaporated goat's milk, and each recipe has a few differences.

 The use of goat's milk in the preparation of handmade soap: pros and cons

Fresh goat's milk

 goat's milk in the preparation of handmade soap
 The main difficulty of using fresh goat milk for the manufacture of an alkaline solution instead of water is that as the heating alkali caramelizing sugar found in milk, and the mixture becomes bright orange. As a result, the soap will have a bright orange or amber tint. If you want to avoid this, you need to take some steps at an early stage in the manufacture of soap. The surest way to reduce the intensity of the orange color What color blends orange: bold and calm combination  What color blends orange: bold and calm combination
   - To maintain a low temperature of the alkaline solution. To do this, place the dish in which you are cooking liquor into the container with ice or water ice. It can also be used to prepare the solution frozen goat milk.

Pour the required amount of milk into molds for ice and freeze it .  Then put the ice in a bowl where you will prepare a solution, wait until it begins to melt, stirring constantly, slowly add the lye .  Mix and wait a few minutes before adding the next increment of alkali .  The solution temperature must not rise above thirty degrees, so keep adding alkali is very small portions .  Typically, this process takes ten to fifteen minutes .  However, despite all precautions, in solution will still be a light shade of orange .  This is partly due to the peculiarities of goat's milk, and that the alkali even ice, to a greater or lesser extent heats the solution .  Using ice to the step of preparing a solution helps to minimize color change but does not eliminate it completely .  When the solution is ready, you can continue to cook the soap, as usual .

 The use of goat's milk in the preparation of handmade soap: pros and cons

Dry goat milk

 goat's milk in the preparation of handmade soap
 Although fresh goat's milk, of course, preferable for making soap, if the store did not have it and you do not have goats, which can be milk, milk powder will have to do - if it is of sufficient quality, the end result will be just as good. In addition, many people prefer to milk as it is much easier to use.

Choose the most concentrated powdered goat's milk - usually it gives the best results. Mix milk with 50-90 g of the oil, and add the resulting mixture into a soap solution, when it reaches the stage of the track.

 The use of goat's milk in the preparation of handmade soap: pros and cons

Condensed goat milk

First of all, prepare an alkaline solution using half the amount of water indicated in the recipe - for example, if you want to use one liter of water, at this stage, only use half a liter. Be very careful, because such a solution would be very strong. If the alkali is not dissolved completely, add a few tablespoons of water and wait.

Add condensed goat's milk in an alkaline solution before adding the oil, and how to mix things up. The mixture can get a light orange hue, but as a rule, it is almost invisible.

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