• Unisex Style: Fashion frenzy or Need of the Hour?
  • Clothing, shoes, hair, fragrances
  • Trends

 unisex history
 Unisex style is more or less relevant for decades, and although men are unlikely ever to be worn to the office flowered skirt, today they often wear shirts and ties in a floral pattern. The fact that women are a huge number of objects of the male wardrobe has long been familiar. But it is neither men nor women are not fully adopt the style of the opposite sex.

Unisex - it is just a cross, merging traditional male and female elements of fashion. Men dress up as women and women dress like men to unisex irrelevant.

 Unisex Style: Fashion frenzy or Need of the Hour?

The origin of the style

Unisex style originated in the early twentieth century, when women's fashion has been changing faster than ever. In the 1920s, women began to boldly experiment with their wardrobe. Katharine Hepburn in the 30s often photographed in trousers and shoes, oxfords, and Marlene Dietrich wore neckties and pantsuits that time considered exclusively male. In 1923, Coco Chanel introduced a suit with a skirt to the knee and a jacket with very clean lines, which at that time looked quite androgynous, but despite this, it is dominated by femininity. Many of the trends that were born in this era, is still not disappeared and have been used successfully to this day.

In the 1950s, born of rock and roll. Elvis Presley and other musicians are widely used for their scenic images parts of the female image - bright shiny clothes, high hair and makeup.

 unisex history of Katharine Hepburn
  unisex history Marlene Dietrich

Beatniks - pseudo-intellectuals, supporters of jazz, poetry and intangible assets, also contributed to the development of unisex. Many of them wore something like a uniform - a black turtleneck, black tight pants, sometimes takes. The image was indisputably uniseksovym. Largely under the influence of the Beat has formed the image of Beatles, which in turn are influenced by not one generation. Until now, fashion designers have created a line of clothing that matched traditional gender roles: first of all, skirts - for women, pants - for men. In the 60s, however, thanks to the music, social changes and even new directions in science, the role became confused, and it has become much in vogue. Twiggy began to appear on the podium with a variety of short hair; in the pages of fashion magazines were her pictures in shirts, pants and ties. At the same time men are influenced by the hippie style of to grow long hair Hair: structure, characteristics of growth and development  Hair: structure, characteristics of growth and development
   and wore baggy trousers, sometimes with flowers embroidered on them. Rock Star (man!) Appeared on stage in feather boas, jackets with embroidery, beads, jeans at the hips, and high boots. Designers quickly noticed this trend and started to design clothes unisex, which is especially notable was the impact of the hippie fashion.

 Unisex Style: Fashion frenzy or Need of the Hour?

Mixing of male and female

In the next decade, the gender roles in the fashion became even more confused when David Bowie and Roxy Music headed the direction of glam. Part of the male and female wardrobe that time became boa, bandanas, scarves and shirts in a Victorian style. The world of high fashion responded to these trends of street fashion creation platform shoes and slacks Slacks: elegance without giving up comfort  Slacks: elegance without giving up comfort
 Virtually the same for both sexes.

 unisex history
  unisex history of David Bowie

In 1977, the screens out the classic Woody Allen film "Annie Hall." Annie (played by Keaton Dine) appeared in the frame in the men's button-down shirt, a sleeveless jacket and tie. In combination with a long skirt, this image was the embodiment of pure unisex - a mix of male and female, in which one does not outweigh the other.

 unisex story Annie Lennox
  unisex history

In the 1980s, when women began to actively move from the position of secretaries and assistants to higher positions, unisex again reflected the changing public mood .  Suit with thick shoulder pads, fitted jacket, trousers strict or straight knee-length skirt and a buttoned shirt, has become one of the most vibrant and fashionable incarnations aspirations of women to make a career on an equal basis with men .  While this suit quickly lost popularity, the concept has remained, and pants with a jacket (without shoulder pads and other details, which give the female silhouette similar to the male) has become a popular women's clothing for the office .  Madonna has influenced fashion, among other things, taught women to wear men's shirts and suspenders, at the same time recalling that a woman wearing a tie can still be a woman .  Especially popular unisex began at the beginning of the third millennium, and since then its relevance is gradually increasing .

 unisex history
  unisex history

Art to dress in unisex fairly easy, but when used properly, it helps to emphasize their individuality and stand out from the masses. Better to start with a simple example, try to wear a strict pantsuit Trouser suit - one of the achievements of women  Trouser suit - one of the achievements of women
   a chiffon blouse and elegant belt; When you get used to this way, you can try tie and even suspenders. Then you will be able to experiment with objects of the male wardrobe even bolder. Unisex does not imply a rejection of his own nature. Rather, it allows you to expand the boundaries of style, to see themselves from all sides, and in the end, more than usual to enjoy fashion - it was for that she created.

Read more Clothing, shoes, hair, fragrances

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