 Glamour - a controversial concept, which causes a lot of debate and provoking people on various, sometimes radically opposite emotions. Despite the fact that the term has a definite value, what is the glamor of many is still not fully understood. And the burning question: is it good or bad - to be numbered among the ranks of the glamorous characters?


Holiday disobedience

From the point of view of linguistics glamor does not cause misunderstandings. In English it is "charm", "charm", "attractiveness". That is, everything that draws admiring glances and perhaps even envy as the personification of the highest degree of beauty. But all these charming characteristics shattered when talking about the fashionable and social categories is conducted in Russian. "The queen of glamor", "glamorous character" and other epithets, which are firmly attached to this definition, does not seem to compliments Compliments  Compliments
 . On the contrary, to be so for many it would be an insult. Though, probably, it is not that glamor - it's bad, but how he lived and developed for many years, both mutated and evolved, and how it became the unflattering term awarded to bright, smart, brilliant, but often not too smart and decent.


In fact, the glamor - it's not just something beautiful and attractive, but not necessarily - catchy look and attract attention. He was alien to modesty and restraint, he insists on visual excess, the so-called wow-effect. Many experts agree that the style of glamor - it is nothing more than a disguise behind which hide the shortcomings and build another reality, more successful, because such a desire. This reality is very bright and shiny, turning into bad taste, but it produces an effect on which to bet. What woman will be more noticeable in the crowd - haired with understated makeup, beautiful by nature, but dressed in business casual style or a sleek Style casual: the rules of everyday life Neskuchniy  Style casual: the rules of everyday life Neskuchniy
 Or bright-blond curls, a red lipstick and shiny jewelry or jewelry? The answer is obvious.


Hollywood glamor: platinum hair

Since glamor - it is not a style, but rather a way to feed a particular aesthetic, which can exist in different conditions, it is impossible to determine precisely the time frame of its origin. If glamor - it's attractiveness, women have always sought to be established, and another thing - what tools they used.

The era of the early glamor refers to the twenties and thirties of the last century. This was a time of beginning of emancipation, when the woman became more independent, no longer had to wear tight corsets, but had the opportunity to enjoy the bright make-up and wearing revealing outfits.

Forties and fifties went down in history as the era of Hollywood glamor, which praised her femininity in the highest manifestation. In fashion were medium-length hair, curled into the soft glowing waves framing the face. Waist underlined models of dresses, coats and cloaks with a belt, chest rose a pointed bra.

 glamor of Marilyn Monroe
Marilyn Monroe
 glamor Twiggy

Quintessential Hollywood glamor becomes Marilyn Monroe - platinum blonde with a sensual mouth in tight dresses, frivolous, but fascinating men and the envy of women. Of course, it was, first of all, the image of the actress, who brought her success and fame, but that's the essence of glamor. The luxurious shell, which may be hiding another human being, and can not be nothing.

The sixties are a new milestone in the history of fashion and glamor has changed its face. Following the example of supermodel Twiggy girls began pasting huge eyelashes, more mature taking as a basis for make-up Audrey Hepburn with her hands wide, following the way Brigitte Bardot - whipping volume "Babette". Again glamor - a stylistic excesses, without which you can do, but it is this excessive makes an indelible effect.

In the seventies and early eighties had its icons of glamor. While the average fashionista wore dresses in soft colors with flowing feminine forms, other ladies from the soul experimented with colors and volumes. Glamour reigned after the sexual revolution - is superobemnaya perm Perming hair - important proper care  Perming hair - important proper care
 , Excessively shiny makeup came later flashy clips, backcombed varnished and bangs, square shoulders.

The end of the nineties and the subsequent decade was the heyday of modern glamor era which moves inexorably to its end. Fortunately for many, particularly for those who in every fiber of the soul tends to minimalism, which is against the background of moribund glamor sometimes looks "poor cousin".

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