Ukrainian fashion
 It is believed that in the age of globalization is international fashion: fashionable women around the world are of the same model with Paris or Milan shows. Yet each country has its own national fashion features that depend on the climate, mentality, national traditions and more. As a result, for example, Ukrainian fashion can differ markedly from the Russian or Western European fashion.


The history of Ukrainian fashion

Ukrainian fashion history began after the collapse of the Soviet Union. Turning points of history always allow enterprising and creative people realize their ideas, and when the Soviet Union collapsed, several designers of Ukrainian descent have made themselves. Such avant-garde designers like Irina waxed thread, Alex Zalewski and Olesya Savenko happy demolished Soviet stereotypes, creating new areas of the Ukrainian fashion. None of these designers had no proper education, but their outstanding abilities and creativity allow to create very different and always original collection.

 Ukrainian fashion
  Ukrainian fashion

At the same time avant-garde fashion, which was perceived as a kind of game has evolved and true Ukrainian fashion - clothing that becomes relevant not only on the catwalks, but also on the streets. Lilia Pustovit, Alain Vorozhbit Sergei Byzov, Angela Fox, Tatyana and Irina Kutsyuk Zemskova presented their collections. In 1997, the first shows of Ukrainian Fashion Seasons, which then became regular. Despite the strict requirements that apply to designers wishing to participate in these shows, the number of participants grew steadily: Seasons of Fashion became popular.

 Ukrainian fashion Anisimov

Designers willingly experimented, mixing Ukrainian tradition with the latest trends in European fashion. As a result, it created a distinctive and original fashion, having bright national characteristics. Creation of Ukrainian designers have gained popularity in the world.

 Ukrainian fashion Zalevski

Ukrainian fashion industry is still very young and that is attractive. Designers inspired experimenting with textures and colors, shapes and fabrics to create original things. Ukrainian fashion is constantly evolving, and it is likely that over time, Kyiv will be as famous dandies of the world as it is now known Paris and Milan Fashion Week, and Kiev will be no less attractive than the Western.


Ukrainian designers

The most successful Ukrainian designer Lilia Pustovit are called: her collections are sold in London, Tokyo and Seoul. They love this designer, and Ukraine, but the demand for clothes from Poustovit in Europe is much higher than for economic reasons. Things Lilies are perfectly cut and surprisingly harmonious combination of national traditions with world trends. The designer manages to constantly create something new, while remaining true to their own style.

 Ukrainian fashion Podolyan

The clothes from Igor Kikot is available in boutiques in Paris, Milan and Tokyo. Well-known in Europe and Vladimir Podolyan. In men's fashion is a recognized master Victor Anisimov. In Italy, commonly known Fedor Vozianov - the young designer was awarded a few years ago as one of the most promising artists in the world. Collections Fedor successfully sold in Milan.

 Ukrainian fashion Poustovit

Among the promising young Ukrainian designers should be noted Sasha Kanev, Lily Litkovskaya, Anna October Valery Kowalski Bevza Svetlana, Irina caravans duo Natalia Kamenskaya and Olesya Kononov. Julia Pascal, Kostya mistletoe and Yasya Khomenko also promise to be very popular.


Fashion Street

Street fashion in Ukraine, as well as in other countries, sometimes very different from the models on the catwalks. Most people dress in accordance with their ideas of beauty. And because these representations can vary considerably, the clothes and sometimes looks very different.

 Ukrainian fashion Daz
 Ukrainian fashion Oktyabr

Fashion journalists often say that the main problem of Ukraine - love girls and adult women glamor Glamour - the charm of bad taste  Glamour - the charm of bad taste
 . Ukrainka by nature are usually very good, but they are not content with their natural beauty and tend to decorate themselves. In the course it is fitting and stressed sexy clothes, shiny fabric and, of course, crystals and stones. Of course, such orders if they choose with taste, can look very nice, but not everyone can boast of good taste. As a result of decoration on clothing Ukrainian women is sometimes too much. All of this is complemented by the splendor emphasized luxury accessories and jewelry - as a result, many women do not even look elegant, but discharged, which seems appropriate rarely.

 Ukrainian fashion Simonenko
 Ukrainian fashion Oliynik

If the Western countries, women dress in the first functionally, in Eastern Europe, the most important thing to look expensive and stylish. It is difficult to judge good or bad: it is one of the national traditions, including the Ukrainian fashion. A woman should look feminine, a woman should look smart - is the motto of many Ukrainian fashionistas. Many of them manage to reconcile the national actual brightness with negligence, creating interesting and original images. Others look sometimes a little ridiculous in his sincere desire to look more elegant. High Heels, lush fur Fur - Luxury is timeless  Fur - Luxury is timeless
   and evening make-up in the morning or too sexy clothes in the office - a very common phenomenon.

However, the situation is improving each year: more and more women seek to ensure that not only look beautiful, but also appropriate, in accordance with the situation. When selecting garments resident of Ukraine increasingly take into account their individual characteristics, rejecting the fashionable "uniform" in favor of their own unique style. Stylish clothing is the best natural emphasizes the extraordinary beauty of Ukrainian women and serves as a perfect frame for this beauty.

Maria Bykov

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