fuchsia clothing
 Shade fuchsia popular among young girls and older women, it is worn in clothes and accessories, and how his love of fashion houses and designers, each season can be seen on the catwalks of the world. Fuchsia clothing to properly wear and match, otherwise there is a risk to create an image in poor taste, stooping to cheap and vulgar style, which does not paint any of the girl and the more older women.


Hue youth

It is believed that the pink (shade which is fuchsia) - is definitely the color of youth, youth, and after hormonal teenage boom-end, it is necessary to move to the quiet tones, aiming for stylistic decorum. On the one hand, a fair comment and has the right to life. On the other hand, it is not so simple, especially in the modern fashion, which, if desired, can be adapted for yourself virtually any color, including it in the wardrobe very carefully, adding things other shades which smoothes the brightness and form a harmonious color duo.

 fuchsia clothing
  fuchsia clothing

Fuchsia - very bright color, and if you have doubts about what to wear this color will look appropriate, try not to put him in the face, where all the attention will be drawn to him. Choose a skirt or pants that color - so much safer. But in general, always start from its tsvetotipa, it will tell you whether you should wear clothes in fuchsia or better pay attention to the more muted shades.


To fuchsia suits

  • Shade fuchsia clothing is perfect brunettes with dark skin. In light-skinned brunettes tsvetotipa winter, that is, with porcelain skin and jet black hair, it can also look good, but if you find the right intensity and not to overdo it with the amount of things. Full clothing in shades of fuchsia clothes can even the girl he is, turned into a tasteless Barbie doll.
  • Brown-haired, olive-skinned with facial features Jennifer Lopez, too, can come to wear fuchsia, but in this case you should choose a less glaring colors, not too cold, similar to the classic pink border with coral. In this case, better to do matte fabrics, silky and without, moreover, satin gloss peculiar dress for the prom.
 fuchsia clothing Blake Lively
Blake Lively
  • Blondes can come in matt fuchsia dress for a special occasion when the hue is carefully selected. Example - Blake Lively, who, being a cold blonde chose a dress of fuchsia color saturated cold and looked great.
  • Another secular style of the actress was also based on a bustier dress in neon fuchsia shade. Again she looked flawless thanks to the tanned skin.
 fuchsia clothing Gwyneth Paltrow
  fuchsia clothing
  • Another blondes from fuchsia should refrain at all or use it very sparingly. A good example - Gwyneth Paltrow, the typical owner of spring tsvetotipa appearance. Everyone remembers her pale pink dress, in which she received the "Oscar" - these are the shades, soft, gentle, noble, restrained approach her appearance. In 2013, at the Costume Institute Ball Paltrow clothed in a long dress with a train long-sleeved bright fuchsia shade. And this dress it completely "absorbed" by diverting attention away from the perfect shape of her face and stars.


Cocktail dresses and prom dresses

If you can not wait to put something in the shade of fuchsia, but you are not sure about the right combination, you can be sure that a cocktail party or graduation - the best case for the dress of fuchsia shade. Girls drop out of school or university, can easily pick up for her dress of that color - designers each season produce such a huge number of dresses. The secret to the popularity of fuchsia for special occasions in his self-sufficiency. You do not need to reflect on the cut and design of dress, enough to stay in this shade, and even a simple model of the case will attract attention.

 fuchsia clothing
  fuchsia clothing

Dress-Fuchsia for prom can be both matte and satin is always advantageous to look at the young girl model bustier and asymmetrical bodice with options for one or strap dress in retro style Dress in retro style: how to find and select  Dress in retro style: how to find and select
   fitted silhouette. As a decorative element for such a dress suit or silver edging elegant floral decorations on the waist or shoulder.

For a cocktail party is better to choose minimalist dresses in fuchsia shade of matt or slightly silky shine. You can stay at a retro dress in the style of the sixties, or a model with a bell skirt and a black belt in the iconic dress from Oscar dela Renta.

To anyone fuchsia dress shoes should choose quiet colors - pale pink, beige, coral or classic black. You can choose a neutral shoe model with a combination of colors, with gasoline in divorce, with snake print, but its color should not argue with the dress.


Complete with color fuchsia

For everyday style for street image is to choose one piece of clothing in the color fuchsia, which is combined with other colors, neutral or delicately supports it. Bright, fresh and elegant look on the young girls a strict jacket fuchsia. It can be put on a summer dress-case black or white What colors combined with black: less darkness and pathos  What colors combined with black: less darkness and pathos
 On solid color suit, a simple one-color T-shirt with blue jeans.

 fuchsia clothing
  fuchsia clothing

Fuchsia skirt, short or long on the floor, perfectly combined with a simple direct topom black, white or gray. If you want to experience the trend of color blocking with a combination of bright contrasting colors, try the following combinations:

  • fuchsia skirt with turquoise topom (top leather leather jackets available in black or white jacket strict);
  • skirt or pants fuchsia with orange topom or jacket;
  • fuchsia blouse with trousers, royal blue What colors are combined with blue: the fashion new solutions  What colors are combined with blue: the fashion new solutions
  • long double-breasted coat with orange-fuchsia dress-holder;
  • spacious top with thin spaghetti straps in fuchsia with green color flowing long skirts to the floor.

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