Michael Galustyan
 For the first time he saw Michael Galustyan in Sochi KVN team "Burnt by the Sun" in a bright Gadi as bad, no one no doubt that Russian comedy horizon rises a new star. Showman and actor Mikhail Galustyan only thirty years old, and in the creative career of so many important events: the author's sketch show "Our Russia», some serious work in film, participated in the ice show on the First Channel. The actor a lot of creative ideas, the greatest dream - to play in the dramatic tape and in an action movie.

 Michael Galustyan: young comedian or a serious actor?

Childhood gold, creative youth

Michael Galustyan born October 25, 1979 and at birth was named Nshan. The fact that Michael - a talented kid knew everything from the earliest days, both in kindergarten and at school this short kid differed inexhaustible humor and restless mobility. While all his peers were playing on the stage of the school theater bunnies, this sparkling child played serious roles Cardinal Karabas-Barabas and.

About Misha acting career began to dream in high school, but not on the comedy genre, but the militants all the boys wanted to play Rambo. That dream still remains unfulfilled, although in the arsenal of the comic has a long list of filmography. In 1988, Misha Galustyan enrolled in Sochi State University for Tourism and Recreation on specialty economist, graduated from high school but with difficulty and only by KVN.

 Michael Galustyan: young comedian or a serious actor?

Creative milestones

 Michael Galustyan
 In late 1994, the University organized a team of KVN "Burnt by the Sun", which first came up with the role of Gadi Galustian sucks in a duet with a policeman, ably played by Alexander Reva, led the participants in the Premier League KVN. A striking image of a red silly with a thick beard instantly made Michael Galustyan recognizable to millions of viewers. Today they played as kvnshikom role includes classics KVN.

In 1999, Michael became the leading program "Smehfederatsiya" on TNT, where he met with the director of the project Sergey Svetlakovym also former KVNschiki. Thus was born the famous duo of light and dark, overgrown in the birth of the author's sketch show "Our Russia». Stunning popularity sketchkoma led channel TNT in the top ranks of the rating, transmission and looked old and young. In addition to new versions of the popular 'Rashi', Michael is actively acted in films today counts seven young comedian comedy roles, including the image of Catherine the Great in the film "The Best Movie-2".

When Michael appeared in the show of the First Channel, "Ice Age" quite neumevshy stand on skates, it was hard to imagine that he, along with his partner Maria Petrova will be released in the final. His tenacity and will to win Galustjan showed that for him there are no insurmountable obstacles.

 Michael Galustyan: young comedian or a serious actor?

About his wife and personal life

 Michael Galustyan
 On the day of the three sevens 07/07/07 Michael Galustyan and Victoria Stefanet, then a student of the Kuban State University of Technology, played a modest wedding in Moscow. Three months later, a large, noisy, real Armenian wedding was initiated with the filing of numerous suitors relatives. In the traditions of the family to invite to the wedding all their relatives to the seventh generation - guests at the ceremony were more than five hundred people, including actors of «Comedy Club», and many pop stars.

Today, Victoria is a business, organizes holidays. Couple bought the mortgage apartment in Moscow. Michael does not like the yellow press inflates another sensation, "sucked from the finger." In his own words, the rumors he is ill, "the people who write it, God will punish you. I do not judge them, but to do so properly. Yes, and earn money on this kind of sin - it's very bad. "

 Michael Galustyan: young comedian or a serious actor?

It is interesting

Idols young actor - Zhvanetski and Mikhail Zadornov, Yevgeny Petrosyan, Alexander Maslyakov. These are the people who "do life with someone," according Galustjana of foreign masters of humor can be leveled at Eddie Murphy and Robert William. However, the main dream of the young comedian - to play in the tragedy, or at least a tragicomedy. He understands that his audience is not ready to accept such a role of a young actor, but Michael says that all the time.

Memorable images Mikhailovich, Ravshan, coach of Omsk "GazMyasa" bum beard and concierge Ludwig Aristarkhovich - part portrait series of characters, brilliantly played by charismatic actor. Winner of the "For acting" and "Ovation" Michael Galustyan was another in 1996-1998. There is no doubt that in the future the audience waiting for more interesting creative findings gay comic.

Jeanne Pyatirikova

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