Baltic Lady Lima Vajkule
   Baltic Republic, while in the USSR, the Soviet stage presented many bright and talented musical artists. But hardly anyone would argue with the fact that the most popular (at least in the last two or three decades) in the Soviet Union and then in Russia, enjoyed Lima Vajkule. Lima was born in March 1954 in the Latvian town of Cesis. As is usually the case, her family did not have a direct relationship to music: his father was a worker, mother - a store manager. For the musical genes became apparent quite early, Lyme is likely to be thanking his grandmother, who sang in the church choir.

However, as the singer herself recalls, in early childhood music she was indifferent and not dreamed of the stage, and the work on a medical path. And the obedient child Vajkule was not - hard character made itself felt even then. At that particular girl I was not a tomboy, but on every issue had an opinion which sought to impose on the entire family. And in the age of five, the main weapon in the "struggle" with the parents was "leaving home" is limited, however, standing around the corner from the house next door.

However, the talent, as we know, can not hide, and delight loved singing in all kinds of holidays and family celebrations Lima began in preschool age .  However, the first few years of school were for the future stars of the ordinary - she studied for one top five and is still considered the main purpose of his life medical calling .  But gradually the music and singing have come to occupy in the life of the girl more and more space, she started in the school initiative, and about 11 years immediately Study receded .  Seriously think about how to relate to the stage his life, Lima became in 14 years, once with a friend at the city won the vocal competition .  A year later, at the end of the eight-year school, she obeyed the request of the family and enrolled in medical school .  But it was too late, music has become a major part of life Vajkule: it leaves medical school, refuses to offer the then little-known outside of Latvia composer and leader of variety orchestra Raimonds Pauls on cooperation and begins to sing in their own vocal and instrumental ensemble .

Next Lima singing career has evolved steadily up from 18 years she soloist Riga Variety Concert Association, and in 1979 began to work in the most famous variety shows Jurmala "Juras a pearl." That "work" and not just to perform vocal numbers - because from that moment on Lima was not only a singer, but also took over almost a dozen scenic specialties. It undertook the selection of the musicians involved in staging dance numbers, took an active part in the development and production of costumes, developed the concept of the presentation and, of course, do not forget to sing. So we can say that one of the first music show on the national stage made it Lyme Vajkule.

But the breakthrough to the Limes-Union fame is linked, of course, with the renowned Raimonds Pauls, who in the mid-80s due, especially, fruitful cooperation with Pugacheva, has become a real maestro, and with no less famous songwriter Ilya Reznik. In 1986, Lima in one of the television shows she performed the song "Vernissage" and the following final "finishing off" the audience with her second mega hit (by the same authors), entitled "More is not over." To say that the singer and her songs are extremely popular - so do not say anything.

However, Lima did not stop there and in early 1988 showed the audience the power of his artistic and directorial talent (in 1984 the singer studied at the department directors Gittis on stage). Solo program in the concert hall "Russia" in which Lima responded literally all the components, from the costumes to the vocal performance, has become the ultimate proof that in the emerging Russian show business personality appeared on an enormous scale.

That was confirmed in the future - it is the program of Lima Vajkule in the late 1980s - mid-90s became perhaps the first (perhaps on a par with the show Vladimir Leontiev), of which, without exaggeration, one could say that they meet the highest European and international standards. For example, its program of 1990, based on the songs of composer Igor Krutoy, also enjoyed great success.

Certainly, cropped creative wings Lima serious illness in the early 90s. But even after such a serious test Vajkule returned to the scene, and not just back. Her art became a real event for only the emerging and what could hide in the mass of low-quality Russian show business past decade.

With regard to the personal life of the singer, something for the family, it is a kind of "godmother". And though at the Limes do not have their children, however, she had a large family - a family to take at least two sisters and her brother. Vajkule life partner is a musician and producer Andrew Latkovsky with which they are familiar with the more distant 1970, and the relationship between them account for nearly three decades. In addition, Lima is well known as a hot protector of animals and nature, a staunch vegetarian and a lover of dogs.

  Alexander Babitsky

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