This show is so much sunk into the soul of the audience that the actress Gloria Pires, which played a major role in it, ever since habitually called Nishi (named after the main character).

Remembering the poor thing Nishi

In the 90 years around the world, a wave of remakes of serials, and probably no surprise that the reusable taken subjects that twenty or thirty years ago, enjoyed great success with the audience. As this was a "cruel angel" of the sample 70, which shone starring Susana Vieira (Nishi) and Zhohe Uilker (Rodrigo). We know very well these actors on the series in recent years, and therefore it is difficult to imagine Branco of "In the Name of Love" or Clarita Assunson of "Mulheres de Areia" impoverished nurse Nishi, factory girls, drying of the son of the owner.

Meanwhile, it is the role of the Nishi 76-year made Vieira star of the first magnitude, "Globo", and the Brazilian audience remembers her cruel angel ", and much more violent than Nishi Gloria Pires. Nisi by Gloria Pires is much softer, more humane, and its actions spectators often justified than condemn.

Changes in the character of the heroine was made by Maria Adelaide Amaral, based on the novel which starred the first and second serial version. When filming the first option, the writer seeks only to ensure that the source was not corrupted, but nevertheless allowed Cassiano Gabus Mendes to give the story more tragic tone. The new version Amaral decided to be the main writer that, as she said, finally rectify the injustices that took place in Scenarios and novel.

Joining in the final frame of the final series of Suzanne Vieira (in the role of a new nurse little Juan) and Pires, the creators of telenovela like to pay tribute to the first, the original version of "Cruel Angel."

The role of the lover and husband Nishi, Rodrigo Medeiros, this time entrusted Kadu Moliterno, to start, by the way, his acting career series "The Heiress", where he played with the same Suzanne Vieira. Prior to his work in the series Moliterno has long been a popular model in Brazil. In his youth, he'll hit the imagination of her beautiful figure, which has got through his father, a tennis coach - Kadu had no equal on the courts of Rio de Janeiro). Change "on duty" elect Nisi this favorite Brazilian public like Jose Uilker was no easy task - not so long ago we had the opportunity to watch the power of talent Jose Uilkera as Valdomiro Cerqueira, charming owner "Marmoriala" living the dream of the perfect man, a kind of Brazilian Gosh from Moscow that does not believe in tears.

It is not always the actors portraying the show hotly loving couple, experiencing even a hint of a warm relationship in life. But Gloria Pires and Kadu Moliterno in this respect fortunate. Play a couple of them was very easy, they are really good friends, and for a long time. Not just starred together in the telenovela "The Lord of Peace" also played a loving couple.

Directed by Denise Saraseni series forced the producers to give important roles in the "cruel angel" is not only to veterans of the Brazilian "soap", but several almost unknown young actors. The selection was very strict, and take into account all the way up sskhodstva members of each family. For many of the young actors in this role seriade it was the first - for example, to Luciano Shafir (Julio, eternally in love with Nishi), Samara Felipe (Simone, daughter of burn), Emilio Orchollo (Bruno, brother of Paula Navays). Last before only once appeared on television, appearing in the finals of "fatal inheritance."

In "Zhestokomy Angel" is rarely used a specially constructed pavilion scenery. Most of episodes filmed in these mansions. Choosing a location for filming, TV reporters were looking for those buildings that are not used in other films. The search process was not easy, because everyone wanted to see these objects were not too far removed from each other to reduce the time to travel from one point to the next.

As a luxurious family home Medeiros was shot mansion in Morumbi, but for the office Rui Navaysa (Mauro Mendoza) -where he arranges dinners, playing golf and taking a bath with a whirlpool Whirlpool  Whirlpool
 , Had to rent apartments in Brooklyn. Nearby, in Pakaembu where the university, filmed scenes of student life young heroes of the series.

"For the filming in an old mansion sisters Jordan we found fascinating abandoned homestead in Sao Paulo with a long time not working elevator - told director Alexander Ishikawa. - We have the most preserved there the interior, up to the broken head on the front stairs to emphasize so impoverished aristocratic Clos and Elizini (Segal and Erikli Beatriz Perez), without losing his snobbery.

Street near Belenzino inhabited by simple characters - black truzhennitsa Don Sid (Lea Garcia), restless dressmaker burn (Lilia Cabral) and the family of the protagonist, Nishi - Alzira (Regina Dourado), Augusto (Claudia Correa e Castro), Luis Carlos ( Marcio Garcia) - the handiwork of decorators. It was built in the studio, with the utmost precision by reproducing all the signs of 40-ies. There razmetsilas and workshop mechanic Julio.

To store the lord America (Sergio Viotti) look authentic, it was created in the image and likeness of the "empire of Santa Maria," delicacies shop in Morumbi. "

"We get more advice on the part of French wines, as well as the necessary directories, - says Denise Saraseni. - For the office Rui Navaysa were purchased six bottles of fine brandy, a lot of creams for massage, the best Cuban cigars plus a set of cutting and special matches . We all were present and of the highest quality. "

Dressed characters of the series the artist Elena Gastal. "It was not easy - she says - to please the tastes of the most elegentnyh women. Paula (Alessandra Negrin), Theresa (Louise Brunet), Estella (Maria Padilla) must be dressed expensively, but not provocatively. A spouse Siro Furtado (Raul Gasol) , Marilou (Mila Moreira), all the time trying to emulate their style sometimes looks ridiculous. Ricardo (Leonardo Briceno) allows himself some extravagance in dress. The dress for it, you must avoid the blue tones, and Rodrigo, they, on the contrary, it is going .

The biggest problem turned out to be impoverished aristocratic outfits Elizini and Clos. Their dresses were to look very expensive, but a little old-fashioned, as they have long been can not afford to put on, as before, in the most prestigious salons ".

Why is an angel so cruel?

Alzira and Eduardo Moron took shelter from a little girl named Nishi. She became the sister of two of their sons - Luis Carlos and Luis Augusto, who, as adults, both enthusiastic motor racing. Luis Augusto died under the wheels of the machine and therefore Alzira passionately opposed to this hobby second son. She hates adopted daughter, whom she gave birth not from her husband and was forced to hand over to a shelter, then to "choose" it. Mother thinks that Nishi inherited bad qualities of character of its own father, Zhoziasa.

Unsuspecting this Agusuto works as a driver in the family wealthy Medeiros. He has attached to the factory, owned by the family, and Nishi, but because of the contentious nature of the long time she was not detained. Nishi saw the eldest son of the factory owner, Rodrigo, fell in love with him and therefore not respond to the affection which nourishes her other brother, Julio mechanic. To be closer to the object of his passion Nishi gets a job at Medeiros House - nurse to the son of the daughter of Eduardo Medeiros, Estella and her infirm husband Tadeu (Daniel Dantas).

Do Tadeu has illegitimate daughter, Simone, which he secretly gave birth to his girlfriend young age - to burn, now the owner of a wedding salon. All these years burn itself with the help of his brother Benny raised a daughter, but when the series unfolds, Simon is already zanevestilas, and finally crossed her path with his father's.
Rodrigo is in love with Paulo Navays, the daughter of a prominent businessman, not always honestly make their case, and is going to marry her. But Paul wants to marry him just because of the fact that he was the heir, whose father is away at his place. And she's in love with his younger brother - Ricardo, walking in and womanizer.

In Rodrigo love another girl - Ligia (Lavinia Vlasak), the daughter of a friend Estelle Marilou and "right hand" of Eduardo - Siro Furtado. He was formerly with Lizhiey novel, but sexy Paula Lizhiyu deprived of any hope for happiness.
In Ricardo's love of his ex-girlfriend Elena (Bel Kutner), the heiress of an impoverished aristocratic family of Jordan-Ferraz. Her mother, Elizinya and Aunt Chloe is considered the father of Elena, Otavio, the dead, but in fact he is alive, and his "death" contrived to get away from the violence Navaysa, whose money he misappropriated. In Helena there are unlucky Olavino brother (Gabriel Braga Nunes), which for the sake of profit is willing to sell his soul to the devil. Claw Brother Fred (Jackson Antunes), fell in love burn, but he has yet to learn that Clos - his mother that parents forced to abandon the child born from the connection with the servant.

Brother love Paula dos in blacks receiving Seeds, neighbor Moroni, Vivian (Tais Araujo). Rui Navaysa wife, Paula's mother, hiding from everyone, that is the daughter of Seeds. She and her husband strongly against Vivian.

Paula - the evil genius Nisi by his father, it almost from the first to the last series of attempts to separate her from Rodrigo, who in the end still fell out of love izmenschitsa-bride and fell in love with a poor nurse. Intrigues Paula finishes its complete defeat and Nishi and Rodrigo happy with her newborn son.

Irina Grushin

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