eyelash safe
 We dream to have long thick eyelashes, but some of us do it more easily than others. If the ink does not solve this problem, many are turning to cosmetic. But is it harmless? How eyelash safe?

 Eyelash: safe or not?

Is it dangerous eyelash?

You can cause irreparable damage to the lashes, if the capacity is wrong. Artificial eyelash used in this process, are bonded together at the base, and can cause loss of your own eyelashes, whereby you lose many lashes together. To have an idea of ​​where it may lead: if you vomit 20 times the eyelash, it never grows back again.

How do I know that you do a safe eyelash? Before agreeing to this procedure, ask a few questions to the master. Make sure that it specializes in eyelash extension, rather than a master of nail salon. Make sure that your Master uses pharmaceutical grade adhesive, and look to the eyelashes before the wizard starts to use them. If they are plastic, or that you feel heavy, ask for lighter lashes.

 eyelash safe

 Eyelash: safe or not?

Do not let the disaster at the eyelash

First of all, make sure that the master Eyelash has a certificate. When the procedure is complete extension, the best way to check is good or bad it did - is to take a toothpick and hold it between the lashes. If the toothpick stuck, so your lashes are glued together. This is, as mentioned above, it can lead to irreversible loss of eyelashes. But if the cilia are separated from each other are likely to build is done correctly.

If you realize you made a bad build-up, do not wait. Do something to rectify the situation. Wrong extended eyelashes to be divided, or immediately professionally removed. Do not remove them in the same place where you have increased them. Another piece of advice relating to security, ask such eyelashes, which have the same thickness as your own. If the artificial eyelashes are too heavy, it can also damage your own lashes.

 eyelash safe
  eyelash safe

 Eyelash: safe or not?

How to do it right

Make a good, proper eyelash quite real. Moreover, if you make this procedure correctly, your own lashes will grow more healthy and long as you do not use ink. You'll look great in the morning immediately after waking up, even without make-up, and save time.

 Eyelash: safe or not?

Expert Tips

Experts give advice that can be used in the eyelash.

  • Never use waterproof mascara. The base of your eyelashes need to breathe, to grow eyelashes. Waterproof mascara prevents this.
  • Be very careful when using eyelash curlers as they can pull out lashes.
  • It has become very popular eyelash at the corners of the eyes. This gives the corner of my eye a peculiar flavor. In addition, it is not as expensive as a full eyelash.
  • Another fashion trend - Add a feather in the corner of his eye at the lash line.

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