Fernando Colunga is simply not coming to our screens. It seems that "Viva", headed by its owner decided it was the best actor of all time. Man, he, no doubt, a prominent, but, in my opinion, is too sugary and not so hot as played. He takes texture, and it is impossible. Immediately after the show series "never forget you", where the Fehr burned with love for the heroine, Edith Gonzalez, our March 29 (Friday at 21.30) surprises in the form of the telenovela "Hold me closer," where he was the object of love will be of the young Mexican Aracely Arámbula asterisk. Despite its catchy name, it looks really lovely, I advise you to look at. But other than this sweet couple new series gives us an appointment with a constellation of famous actors.
"Abrazame Muy Fuerte",   "Televisa", Mexico, 2000, 135 series.
Written by Caridad Bravo Adams, Liliana Abud, Rene Munoz
Directed by Miguel Korseha
Juan Gabriel song "Hold me closer," takes the author

Platinum series

First of all, I hasten to inform you that after a long absence is returned to us, "Simply Maria" - that is to say Victoria Ruffo, still charming and attractive. Her three men played Osvaldo Rios ("Cassandra", "Widow Blanco"), Cesaria Evora ("The right to love," "Labyrinth of Passion") and Arnaldo André ("Fiorella," "Rich and Famous") - which is not a name, glow in the eyes of "soap" Olympus.

Women have always been crazy about Osvaldo Rios: he is not only handsome, but passionate, romantic, beautifully singing. At one time he was going to marry a famous singer Shakira, but decided that the twenty-year age difference - it's too much. And when he began filming in Mexico in the series "Hold me closer" (originally the name sounded like a "mortal sin"), the audience froze, because she was his partner Victoria Ruffo! Both are free - really do without romance? But the novel has happened only on the screen: the heroine Victoria gave birth to a hero even by Osvaldo daughter. In the life of actors just friends.

Yet ,  In addition to these famous names ,  We met in the "Hold me closer," still a lot of old friends: unfading Alicia Rodriguez ("The Rich Also Cry" ,  courageous Joaquin Cordero ("For Your Love" ,  "Angelic face" ,  "You are my Destiny") ,  now deceased famous black Cuban actor Rene Munoz ("Mary of the village" ,  "Impostor" ,  "Rosalind") ,  charming Pablo Montero ("never forget you") ,  utterly passionate Rossana San Juan ("Angel") ,  mysterious Tina Romero ("Rosalinda") ,  Miguel Noble Sorseha ("impostor" ,  the director of the series, "You - my destiny") ,  known Mexican actress Aurora Clavel ("The Rich Also Cry") ,  unforgettable Toño Mauri (son of "Simply Maria" ,  "My second mom" ,  "The right to love") ,  Rene popular Kasados ​​("Golden Cage" ,  Angel ") ,  awesome Jorge De Silva ("Rosalinda" ,  "Intrusa") ,  compelling Esther Rinaldi ("Rosalinda" ,  "Esmeralda" ,  "Intrusa") and brilliant Helena Rojo ("The right to love" ,  "You are my Destiny")  

Reflecting on how you look telenovela "Hold me closer," or do not look, do not forget that in Mexico, she received the title of best TV series in 2000!

Someone who embraces?

The daughter of a rich owner of the banana plantation Cristina (Victoria Ruffo) falls in love with a poor laborer of the estate, the hacienda "El Pantanal" Diego (Osvaldo Rios), honest and decent guy. One of the servants of Don Severiano, Raquel Kampusanos (Rossana San Juan) found out about their relationship, and reported this to her father, Don Severiano Alvarez (Joaquin Cordero). This despot forbids Christine meet favorite and even tries to kill him, set fire to his house, and then Diego leaves. Christine wants to marry terribly rude and cruel man Federico Rivera (Cesar Evora). He is a player Player in the family: safety rules  Player in the family: safety rules
 , Loses his entire fortune on the jumps and all sorts of cockfights. Therefore, he needed marriage to Christina - it solves all his financial problems. Before Severiano understands where the shoe pinches, and opposes the marriage.

Cristina expecting a child by Diego, what she did not have time to tell loved. My father found out about it, sends his daughter to another city with Raquel, love, among other things, in Federico. They should be there as long as the baby is born. Christina's mother, Consuelo (Alicia Rodríguez) are not able to withstand the husband-tyrant and nothing could help her daughter.

When a girl - she was named Maria del Carmen - Severiano orders Rachele record it in his own name and get it from these places forever. He paid a servant for her services, but she thought a little. Faced with Federico, Raquel tells him about what happened. He hides the pseudo-mother with a child in his house, as a reward Raquel becomes his mistress. Federico Rivera comes to the heartbroken Christina (s father said Raquel allegedly stole the child, and that the police is looking for it) and says that it will help to return the child if she would marry him. Christine desperately agrees. At the wedding, the father of Christina's father, unable to bear the pangs of conscience, what his fault breaks his daughter lives, dies of a heart attack.

Raquel soon returned with the child, and, in the end, the whole truth pops out - and how fate has ordered the father of Christina, and what bastard husband, Federico, to exploit the situation. But it is too late and, moreover, lawful spouse blackmails Christina, promising that in the case of the fact that Raquel leave and take the child, as the law is her daughter.

At that time, the manor returned Diego. He persuades Christine to run with it and with my daughter away from Federico and all the people who wish them harm. But on the day of the shoot Federico kills Diego, knocking him off his machine, which is known only to the squeegee. Returning home, he raped Christine, saying that he sees in crime - she was his wife! The wife reported that she intends to divorce him, using the fact that he openly cohabiting with Raquel. Christina summoned to the prosecutor's office, as it becomes aware of its relationship with the deceased Diego. Federico, fearing that he might expose himself lucky wife for questioning, but on the way, gaining a huge car speed, jumps, and a car with Christine crashes into a tree. At the hospital, it is known that as a result of the accident, she lost the child from Federico, and besides - blind.

Fifteen years. Maria del Carmen, daughter Christina (Aracely Arámbula), which the girl said her godmother, was fifteen. In love with her poor worker estates, a childhood friend of Maria Jose Maria Montez (Pablo Montero), and she is also very fond of this young boy, but as a brother. Maria is in love with her nephew Federico - Carlos Manuel Rivero (Fernando Colunga). The same passionate lovely blonde - Deborah Falcon (Noelia Norvind), which does not reject courtship nephew, but at the same time, sleeping with his uncle.

Meanwhile, Christina, who is forced to endure her husband's antics, rewrites at her all his fortune. This is a very angry Federico. Carlos Manuel had brought Christine ophthalmologist, Dr. Angel Luis Robles (Arnaldo Andre), with which she hoped to regain his sight. The doctor fell in love with his patient, and he opened it the mystery of the birth of Maria del Carmen. Federico Robles gets jealous of his wife. He even spent a night at her bedside, looking at the one woman who dared not to respond to him in return. He admitted himself that apparently fell in love with Christine, and decided it would not give it to another.

Love and crime

Carlos Manuel and Maria del Carmen increasingly spend time together, they are drawn to each other. One day they went together in his home town and was brought to the estate's mother Carlos - Jacinta (Tina Romero), which did not have to taste Federico. He has too many problems. First, the local priest, Father Ignacio (Michael Korsega) caught them with Deborah, and he had to instruct his henchmen Eulogio (Toño Infante) to adjust the old man's car accident, which resulted in the silent forever. And then when he decided to run for the post of head of the municipality, Federico began to interfere rival - Celia Ramos (Carmen Salinas), which had to be put in place, killing her infant son. In short, hands full.

By the way, Carlos Manuel is actually the son of Federico and Jacinta. Therefore Federico hates Jacinta, afraid that she blabbed about it, and first of all to Carlos Manuel, who believes his uncle (he was told that Jacinta was the wife of his brother Federico). In the end, with the help of Deborah, which sends Jacinto poisoned fruit, he kills a woman bothered him. But the truth is still pops out and Carlos Manuel says Federico, would never recognize his father, he did not deserve this right.

Carlos Manuel like Maria, but she was still a little girl, and so young doctor is sent to continue his studies in Europe, hoping that this time Mary would forget him, and he - it. Federico furious - his mistress, Deborah secretly went behind his nephew. He was hoping that the girl was frightened when he threatened to kill her - did not happen!

And then there's Raquel Robles catches and Christina, all reports Federico, who beats his wife, and then Christina in another city with Maria del Carmen.

Three years later, they return home because of the squeegee, and at the same time on the estate comes Carlos Manuel - and his wife Deborah. Eighteen Maria del Carmen, who still loves him, shocked. Three years ago, she overheard a conversation with Deborah Federico, from which she learned that they - lovers. And now her favorite connected his life with a woman - is, from what upset. Especially on the eve of departure Carlos Manuel kissed her, and the kiss was so passionate ... She felt that he was not indifferent to it, and return it to him will find their happiness. Maria del Carmen Carlos Manuel says that he loves and it does not matter that he was married. It is impossible not to notice that her words do not leave him indifferent.

In the end it turns out that Federico has another son, who does not recognize his father - a Jose Maria. His mother died, raised him by his grandparents, and at first everyone thought that he - the illegitimate son of Severiano, because of this he suffered a great deal as schatliv themselves by blood uncle of Maria del Carmen. They are even going to get married and the marriage fell through because of this right in front of the altar. A blood test later revealed that he - the son of Federico and stepbrother Carlos Manuel. As Carlos Manuel is married and the love between him and Maria del Carmen is not possible, Jose Maria is fighting the whole series of her love, and so it is in fact a struggle between two brothers for the love of the same woman.

Eulogio begins to spread rumors about the secret illegal business Federico, who is trying to kill him. Eulogio lucky - he miraculously survived, barely standing on his feet, agrees with Raquel destroy Federico, which prepared a plan. Attempting to shoot the owner failed - he was only wounded. Christine decides to give her husband a chance to prove that he has changed ...

Christina still has regained sight after the second operation, but hid it to bring clean water to the Federico, because it has not met its confidence and tried to rape Maria del Carmen. Then she decides to get a divorce and marry Dr. Robles. But Federico kills him (hit by a car). Federico continues to have 2 mistresses - Deborah and Rachel, and Rachel is constantly threatened that one day kill him.

Deborah gives birth to a child allegedly by Carlos Manuel, but in fact it is the son Federico. In the end, the truth comes out and Carlos Manuel wants to divorce with Deborah, but it is not to lose at least Federico constantly blackmails him and that it eventually kills too. The police begins to investigate the circumstances of his crimes, and he runs away in an unknown direction. Jose Maria realizes that he will never get the love of Maria del Carmen dies of unrequited love. Carlos Alberto takes Beret - a symbol of French charm  Beret - a symbol of French charm
   his brother (who still loves like a son) and leaving town.

A few years later Federico (gray-haired, bearded and long-haired), returns to town and tries to kill Christine, but does not have time - it kills Raquel. And he, even before his death, did not repent of their wickedness, he flies straight to hell. Returns Carlos Alberto already grown up son (brother), they meet again with Maria del Carmen.


Irina Grushin

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