make-up lessons for beginners kinds of brushes
 Remember, as a kid you played small applicators, making himself a toy make-up? It is time to get rid of such brushes that come with shades or powder. Of course, they can be used if you are in a hurry to work or need a little correction make-up before a date, but to make a really beautiful makeup, you need the proper tools. In order to understand in all, enough to read a simple make-up lessons Makeup lessons: to help the layperson  Makeup lessons: to help the layperson
   for beginners on choosing cosmetic brushes.

To create a work of art, be it on the canvas or on the crease of the century, artists often use a brush. Special brushes for make-up there to help us to apply and shade colors and create different images with makeup. Buy as many different brushes for make-up. You will enjoy them every day and you will not regret that you will be plenty to choose from.

Brushes for make up different names and functions. Bits brushes can be made from natural materials such as wool squirrel, goat, horse, or sable. They may also be made of synthetic materials. Do not be afraid to experiment with different brushes of various synthetic fibers. There is no better way to find your ideal brush, but remember that some people have allergic reactions to certain types of animal hair. Try to use a new brush to find out what kind of brush can cause an allergic reaction.

 Makeup lessons for beginners: types and selection of brushes

Brushes for applying makeup to the face

  •  make-up lessons for beginners kinds of brushes

    Brushes for tonal framework used for applying foundation on the face, and they are usually made of synthetic fibers. Most of these brushes are small, round-brush attachment, its form resembles a tiny spatula.
  • Brushes for masking agents like small brush for tonal framework. With smaller, they are more suitable for coating for applying stains or liquid concealers, when it is difficult to reach places such as corners of the eyes.
  • Brush for powder usually with large, fluffy nozzles and a soft bristle brush. They are ideal for applying loose powder on the face.
  • Brushes blush brush powder resemble only are smaller and beveled or rounded tip. They are perfect for applying blush or bronzer Bronzer - a skilled sculptor makeup  Bronzer - a skilled sculptor makeup
   on the cheeks.
  • Brushes for the eyes. Now a huge selection of brushes for the eyes, which is good for squirrels girls, and not very good for beginners. Start your collection with the most basic of brushes for the eyes.
  • Brush eyebrows have elastic, curved nozzle, like the tip of the marker. They are used for applying powder, creams and wax on eyebrows.
  • Brushes for age is not as rigid as the eyebrow, they have square heads to evenly apply crumbly and creamy eye shadow.
  • Brush for shading used to shade the different colors of cosmetics and erase sharp edges. They come in different shapes and sizes. They are not as rigid as a brush for shadows, and the tips of the brushes are usually tapered. This will be your second major (after brush for shadows) brush.
  • Brush for applying concealer is used to cover blemishes and other defects of the skin on the face. They have thin, sharp tip.
  • Brushes crease fluffy and soft, they come in different shapes, from thin and tapered to rounded and fluffy. Selecting a brush shape will depend on your preferences. Choose a brush to make it soft enough for you to fit the age and shape.
  • Brushes Lip. From time to time, each of us directly lipstick tube of lipstick. Admit it, that so much easier than using a special brush for the lips, and sometimes you just do not have time for it. However, if you are going to make up lips dark red or matte pink lipstick, it is best to pick up a brush. With it you can put lipstick clearer than directly from the tube. These brushes stiff fine tip. Look for yourself closing lip brush, which protects the tip of the brush, thus prolonging the life of the brush.

 Makeup lessons for beginners: types and selection of brushes

Tips on choosing and caring for makeup brushes

 make-up lessons for beginners kinds of brushes

Brushes are inexpensive ($ 10) and very expensive ($ 250 each). Do not spare the funds for the purchase of brushes, because you will constantly use them. Buy Sami best brushes that you can afford.

Regular cleaning of brushes for makeup prolongs their life. For sale even special liquid for cleaning brushes, but you may well use baby shampoo and water for this purpose. Antibacterial wipes help you quickly clear the brush, if you are traveling in the car or are somewhere else. After cleaning brushes, restore the shape of the tip, go on with your fingers and place them in neat rows on a shelf to dry.

Do not leave your brush alone Loneliness - this is not new, or why am I still alone?  Loneliness - this is not new, or why am I still alone?
 , There are other tools that you can add to your arsenal.

 Makeup lessons for beginners: types and selection of brushes


  •  make-up lessons for beginners kinds of brushes
 Pliers twisting eyelashes used for twisting the upper eyelashes. How to distinguish good from bad tongs? Good curling will not cause you any inconvenience during their use. Beauty does not have to deliver the pain. Always tighten the eyelashes when they are dry and clean. If you try to tighten painted eyelashes mascara, you risk to break them.
  • Round and wedge-shaped sponges are suitable for shading and crease of makeup on the face and around the eyes.
  • Ear cleaning is a very useful thing. You can use them to remove excess makeup around the eyes or lips, as well as to apply eyeshadow.
  • Fingers. Even with a huge collection of brushes for makeup, you still sometimes use your fingers to apply a particular makeup. It's just convenient. Fingers can be applied creamy blush and tonal basis that better fall on your skin, podogrevshis from the heat of your fingers.
  • Comb eyebrows used to shape eyebrows and comb them to remove excess shadow eyebrows.

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