Slumdog Millionaire
   What do you know about India? Saffron tea spot in the forehead, henna, dancing, elephants, Mowgli, Goa, Taj Mahal, Bollywood, Amitabh Bachchan Amitabh Bachchan - the unfading light  Amitabh Bachchan - the unfading light
 . Yet? The subcontinent, Hinduism Mughal Empire, Gandhi billion population. Yet? Poverty, yellow fever, AIDS, Industrial Growth, Delhi, Mumbai, Bombay ... In our minds, India - a set of disparate associations of something big, distant and exotic spicy. Bright tale where the beautiful women and strong men love and sing, all related to one another, and never ends at noon.

But in fact, India is not like that.

This tried to tell the strangest team possible. Danny Boyle - almost a cult director, if not the "shot" inappropriate and unfortunate, "Beach" after a «Trainspotting». Lavlin Tandan, who starred in the first film in 1999, and to interrupt the "Millionaire" functions of assistants and helpers. Composer AR Rahman and his shrill traditional music in one and a half hundreds of films produced by Bollywood. Dev Patel - eighteen year old young man, debutant, unusual for Indian cinema hero without biceps, who was born in England and has never seen the slums of Bombay. Freida Pinto is surprisingly beautiful in the Indian, not quite in the Indian thin Latika. They all joined together in the film irreconcilable things. No, not the East and the West - they are organically coexist in India, remember its colonial past, and the human and situational morality.

Spectators missed this film - less make-up artists in the frame, less work and more work machines face - and the impossible happened. For the first time in many years, the box office for the second weekend rolled products fell and rose. Critics, though, and scolded a little "too easy", yet gave the film four "Golden Globe" - "Best Film of the Year", "The Best Director", "Best Screenplay", "The best music." For the first time in the history of Bollywood Indian film has a real chance to take the Oscar - and not just for the music or in the category of foreign films, but a real, full-fledged Oscar for best picture of the year.

At the center of the story - Jamal Malik, a boy from the slums of Mumbai, who lost his mother prematurely and vygryzshy their lives at the cost of enormous efforts. Jamal's brother, Cain repeated the fate of the girl Latika, similar to the Hindu deity, omnipresent mafia, religious pogroms and the love of a lifetime. The price matches and poluobmanov Jamal gets to show "How to Be a Millionaire" and is half a step from victory and win mad. Why, he could, where - no education, only by personal experience?

"Millionaire" - in addition to its melodramatic component - an attempt to show that the mind can not understand India and the eye - do not cover .  And just this fact shows the movie in full: in India, "Millionaire", first, third the amount of fees among the foreign films in the history of hire .  Secondly, the show "Millionaire" has caused public outrage, demonstrations, riots in theaters and sharp skirmish in the press .  "We - not so! "- No, the Indians are not so poor, no, they do not worship the Bollywood actor as living gods, the Bombay-Mumbai is not only slums and palaces .   Bishaha Dutta, a well-known Indian journalist and documentary filmmaker, even wrote: "The film uses all the known clichés about India and Mumbai .  As a result, it leads you from one horror to another Mumbai in the storyline, which is absolutely implausible " .  Of course, implausible, and how .  I also think that small children can not fall from the roof of the train and nothing does not break down .  And the slums? Yes, the scenery! In these .   disadvantaged residential areas of Mumbai are all well .  Sanitation, hygiene, mutual assistance and beautiful picture especially for the United Nations to the money allocated for educational programs .  For the money you could plunder .   Sometimes it is necessary to unscrew the bump image .  Wrong side, she keeps the memory of fact, it rarely comb .

In any normal modern human uneducated and insensitive towards the middle of the film is growing idea: it is necessary to enter into India troops to kill all the bad, all good captains do, feed the children, to establish the triumph of justice and the occupation government. That's when all the Indians would be good, then that world, once again, justice will prevail ...

Are you sure? What is justice? There Rama and Allah - which between them justice? There are two brothers, girlfriend and survival - in general, what kind of justice can speak in this situation? But without denying that stuck in his teeth Justice (each child - a video game and big-poppy, every dad - a job and a tie every mother - mop and silicone breasts million - for the whole family to go to hell from here), " Millionaire "tells of another justice - on the conscience.

"Millionaire" - the main film of the year .  But not because he won an Oscar - it is likely just an Oscar for best film he did not get .  Because why Paulo Coelho few years ago with its simple to primitivism stories rose to the top of the global popularity - people need to be reminded of them sometimes biblical truths and human morality .  We need to talk about the gap between these two concepts .  They recall vkapyvayas not the essence of things and not forming a philosophical concepts .  If you want to simply show that there is some higher feeling distanced from reality, religion, need, there is no easy way out, and sometimes a person has to be painful not only physically .  Suppose that long ago decided that it's not too expensive, it is easier to cross through a neighbor than to understand that a child can be hit and kill adult or humiliate .  Is it always the easy way right? Permissiveness - sin, to step over the near - scary to be in a certain situation quickly someone - ashamed .  People, instead of training on seduction and personal growth go to the movies .  Remember that you are the people .

By the way, you know, what do the main characters when the credits? You will not believe. They are dancing.

  Natalia Rudenko

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