Susan Boyle
   It was a shock. Terrible rural aunt in worn boots, an old-fashioned dress, spanned by a shapeless thing, never the former figure with unkempt hands and eyebrows, with multi-chin and a complete lack of makeup, besides obviously not "in itself" ... In general, simply blissful old woman appeared on the popular show Britain's Got Talent one of the English Channel and said that she, too, has the talent. Seasoned operator anticipating the obvious scandal prudently Eaters showed the world the perfection of their own members of the jury, barely contained grin of superiority, and the first rows of the audience giggling.

But here's the thing: after the village's aunt opened her mouth and began to sing, the facial expressions of the presence of radical  Susan Boyle
   changed - people stretched and, despite all the Botox injections have become similar to human. Clean, strong, young, a little hesitant, but amazingly expressive voice strange woman plunged into a stupor, not only Britain but also a significant part of the civilized world. The video recording of sensational performances on YouTube for a week has been viewed over 200 million times! With the village's aunt wanted to get to know (for example, a Scottish Prime Minister, who did not disdain in person to call and congratulate), invited on the show to some of the famous master (such as Oprah) or dinner to the popular policy (for example, to Obama) . Everyone - young and old and young - suggested flashed star fame, money, sex, attention, marriage, love, respect ...

And suddenly it turned out that Susan Boyle has nearly 48 years of living quietly in the British province, in the town of Blackburn. She alone, pious, never married, no education, no job, was born into a large working-class family. Susan - a disabled child after birth trauma in need of special education and upbringing. But the extra money in the family had never been, so the girl to attend regular school with their brothers and sisters - no special training or teachers. Classmates did not like her (violent children) and teased, "Susie fool" for having a standard curriculum to give her with great difficulty. Notorious and ugly, Susie was unable to arrange a personal life and slowly whiled away his days in a small room together with the elderly cat on the dole.

They brighten up her meager existence only grandiose dreams of glory possible. In an effort to bring them Susan twice tried unsuccessfully to show the world your talent - still a young girl, 22 years old, at the local competition, and an adult woman in the 33 - to show brawler Michael Barrymore. Probably, this is the irony of fate, but to become a world-renowned helped her a third time, mature age and an aria from the musical "Les Miserables» - I dreamed a dream.

But now the world fame Susan not dreamed - her performance, her voice, she became a sensation on an unprecedented scale. No one doubted her victory in Britain's Got Talent, and that the prize - 100 thousand pounds and the right to speak before the queen is already quite tangible plus a huge number of offers from the producers, directors and television - in her pocket.

 Susan Boyle
   The finals, which no one expected surprises, held on 30 May. Slightly converts - her hair in a new dress, stylish shoes, with plucked eyebrows and lips stained - Susan Boyle brilliantly performed the aria of Memory inimitable musical «Cats». And it is here that there was a second sensation with Susan - she lost. The winner of the show Britain's Got Talent on the results of the audience voting has become an unknown dance group from Essex - it seems that the guys wondered even more than losing Boyle. Host, himself did not believe in a trembling voice announces the result, the jury looked nervous and called the producers, Susan smiled on the verge of hysteria, the winners of the group «Diversity» feel spat.

But there were some actors who rubbed their hands and feel your best .  First, of course, bookmakers, who at defeat Boyle received several million - in fact, most bets have been made on its victory, it is not surprising .  And, by the way, we can talk about tens of millions only in the legal bookmakers ... Secondly, many times won the channel itself - the defeat of "popular star" gathered monstrous size of the audience, even more than her debut .  On the channel of the show and its controversial final told news agencies all over the world, on all continents and in all languages; and many - with the important "historical" details .  And this is - a direct benefit: the price of products produced by the channel (TV series, programs, because even the same show Britain's Got Talent is sold in different countries and under different names goes around the world, in Russia, for example, is the "Minute of Fame") It increased in proportion to the world famous canal .  And the price of advertising? And the interest from sponsors? Of course, in the name of such a prospect Susan Boyle just had to lose!

Finally, the star herself, Susan. She probably does not know it, probably not before, but her startling defeat - the surest step towards the dream of glory.  Susan Boyle
   If she won, it would be? As if she was carrying the heavy burden of fame? How to put up interest in intimate detail? The audience - an impartial and detached the animal, she would be happy to watch the rise and becoming a celebrity, but then, very soon, the townsfolk want to know that the stars inside. The insides vyvolokut live on the gossip pages of magazines, in the Internet space is shaky, lay the, cut up and interpreted. It is difficult to be similar to the final - but what about the women with no education, religious, lived all his life in the wilderness and having some problems with intelligence? Urgent hospitalization neurological clinic after a disastrous final - confirmation of the most bleak prospects for the future. After losing the final, Susan did not become a star - she became a heroine of the people, some Joan of Arc. And there is hope that a curious little man in the street it will regret.

Yes, and future career defeat only benefit. What would happen if Susan won? Well, yes, it would be awarded the prize at a large gathering of people and journalists (Susan least a couple of times has given corporate "nod" thigh), she performed in front of the Queen, hitting all prostetski unpleasant manners. Signed to a contract, has appeared on several projects about her life would be removed documentary. Perhaps it would be lucky and not a producer or an agent it would not be deceived. Perhaps it would have recorded an album and, again, it may even be nice to sell. But the most beautiful set of circumstances, she would never have become a phenomenon of the cult persona of this folk hero, the place of her work would be on the lower shelves of music stores. The audience success of the winner of the next show would be quickly forgotten. But now it is impossible to forget Susan Boyle - Cinderella, which at the height of her triumphant publicly ball stolen shoe.

  Natalia Rudenko

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