History perm is very long, its roots go back to antiquity. You thought that the "chemistry" was born recently? Nothing of the kind, this procedure, in the form in which it is known to us, more than a century, but people are always curled hair. Of course, the ancient methods were primitive and incomparably far from those that are at our disposal today. But these were the first steps that led to a range of facilities and services that are to us familiar and natural.
The geography of the ancient "chemistry"
Succeeded in these procedures, the ancient Egyptians and Greeks, who have always paid much attention to her appearance. In Egypt, for curling hair girl using a mud mixture - they distributed it throughout the length and divide the hair strands, each screwed onto a wooden stick.
Greece used the curling iron rod, called Kalamis. Slaves (kalamistry), which managed to achieve a particular skill in hair dressing their masters, occupied a special position in their home. In Africa, women have used for curling vines, soaked in the juice of the plant, which is very close to a modern approach to the "chemistry".
In the Middle Ages has long been fashionable to wear wigs, curled in ringlets. For this strand of hair exposed taut wrap on wooden bars. Then the wig is heat treated - for some time it had to be boiled in a special solution. The result is hair, which perfectly retains its shape, besides, they were completely impervious to water.
A new era of hairdressing
When a Frenchman named Marcel designed the tool for the first time a wave of hair (special pliers), it was the beginning of a new era in the art of hairdressing. The invention of Marseille was really a revolutionary discovery. The hairdressers all over the world began to use hot tongs "Marcel." Naturally, the method of hot hair curler is not given a lasting effect. Exactly up until the early twentieth century, Karl Nessler invented method of permanent wave, which consisted in the use of chemicals.
First, the method of Nessler barbers would not accept - this method simply did not inspire confidence in them. One of the drawbacks of a perm that offered a barber, was that the heater had to be hand-held, which was extremely uncomfortable. But the idea of fixing the locks for a long time seemed so close and seductive that the experiments were not over. Thus were created the world's first curling rods which were heated under the influence of electricity. But this study did not cease.
The hardware method of hair curler
In 1935 a method was established hardware cold perm without using additional devices, but with a stationary device. To create curls do not need any heating elements, because under the action of a chemical substance strands wound on curlers, retained its shape for a long time. It was a real breakthrough in the art of hairdressing
Hair - it is better to fool than parikhmaheru
. This method of cold perm, replacing all previous methods, survives today and performed in almost any salon or barber shop around the world.
Modern perm: freedom of choice
What are the main advantages of chemical wave, which is performed in modern beauty salons
Beauty, from hairstyles to krioliftinga
or hairdresser?
- To perm there are no restrictions on the length of hair. You may want to make waves on short hair
Hair: structure, characteristics of growth and development
, Or spiral curls on long strands.
- With the help of bobbins of different diameters, lengths and shapes, you can create very different types of curls.
- For the action of the chemical composition on the hair no additional heat source is required.
- Today there are many modern facilities for perm, thanks to which the hair with a completely different structure can be turned into seductive curls.
Perming hair - a widespread service around the world. It is not surprising that the preparations for waving constantly improved, introducing new technology, used more sparing agents that any woman could afford luxurious curls.
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