rashes on the hands of pregnancy
 During pregnancy, hormonal changes women, which can lead to the emergence of different rash or exacerbation of skin and allergic diseases. Including a rash may appear on the hands The rash on the hands: the place has a value  The rash on the hands: the place has a value
 . Some types of rashes even pose a threat to the lives of women and children.

 The rash on the hands of pregnancy: different causes

Allergic rashes on the hands of pregnancy

It is noticed that in some women during pregnancy allergic processes (including the skin) may pass completely, while others, on the contrary, worsen or occur in the same way as before the pregnancy.

Sometimes a woman shows signs of atopic dermatitis when in contact with a substance that she had enjoyed without any health effects. This can be a favorite hand cream, household products and so on.

In this case, the hands in a day after re-exposure to the allergen redness and swelling appear. If an allergic reaction occurs easily and the contact with the allergen is gone, all that and can end. But more often the woman did not immediately realize what had happened, and continues to be a means of causing allergies. As a result of allergic reaction increases, and edematous inflamed area of ​​skin appear bubbles with clear content. Then the bubble burst and the surface becomes wet first, and then covered with crusts.

The risk of contact allergic dermatitis in pregnant women is that a woman is sometimes a very long time could not understand what was the usual means to cause allergies. This creates the premise, first, to the attachment of a bacterial infection (do not forget that during pregnancy decreased immunity), and secondly, to the transition process in the chronic stage, that is quite possible to get eczema Eczema  Eczema
 Get rid of that is always difficult.

Therefore, if there was a bubble in the hands of the rash, it is best to consult a doctor, especially as rash with blisters during pregnancy may be a sign and other processes.

 The rash on the hands of pregnancy: different causes

Herpetic eruption on the hands

Herpes pregnant has nothing to do with herpes infection. It is called so because it is a disease that manifests itself in the form of bubble rash. The cause of herpes pregnancy is allergic to its own tissues (autoimmune process). There herpetic rash Rash: Classification - primary and secondary elements  Rash: Classification - primary and secondary elements
   usually late in the second trimester of pregnancy. By this time in a woman's blood appear antibodies that attach to the basement membrane of the skin and cause the destruction of skin cells. Rash, there may be not only a bubble, but in the form of red spots and papules. Bubbles burst, forming extensive erosion, which are then covered with crusts.

Most often, such a rash appears on the abdomen, but can occur in other places, most often it appears on the forearms. If you do not take timely measures, the rash can spread throughout the body.

For small eruptions carried out local treatment with ointments and creams containing corticosteroids. Appointed as antihistamines (many of them are allowed to take during pregnancy). But if the process does not stop and is distributed throughout the body, appointed by the hormones are administered orally or by injection.

 The rash on the hands of pregnancy: different causes

Changes on the palms

Changes in the skin on the palms of pregnant women can be manifested in the form of erythema and telangiectasia. The reasons are often rooted in the appearance in the blood increased amounts of female sex hormone estrogen. But these manifestations doctors always treated with caution, as they can speak about the changes of the liver.

Telangiectasia is a persistent dilation of small blood vessels located in the middle layers of the skin. They may take the form of small red dots, Stars, dashes, spiders and so on. Such elements of the palms can be a lot, and maybe one or two. Sometimes telangiectasia occur during pregnancy and in other areas of the skin - on the face, neck and chest.

Another type of change in the hands of pregnant - erythema (persistent redness). It can hold up to the end of pregnancy and after the birth place only. Often combined with palmar erythema telangiectasias.

These states do not require treatment and disappear after childbirth alone. But we must monitor the state of the liver. For example, the occurrence of itching and jaundice pregnant women, combined with palmar erythema and telangiectasia can already speak about the violations of the liver. This woman needs medical help.

Any rash in pregnancy, even if they are located only on hands, require attention dermatologist.

Galina Romanenko

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