fasting days
 Fasting days - it is not an official medical term, so its value rather vaguely. By unloading days someone means days of complete rejection of food (perhaps with the exceptions of yogurt Kefir: a unique drink for health and harmony  Kefir: a unique drink for health and harmony
   and fruit juice), and someone - the days when the diet consists only of easy low-calorie foods, such as boiled rice, buckwheat, fruit or vegetables. It seems that it is quite easy - a couple of days instead of the usual meal to cleanse the body of toxins, lose a little excess fat, but at the same time take a break from standing at the stove. About the handling of these days there are many opinions and often - the opposite.


Fasting days and slimming

Whether that would mean by unloading days - complete exclusion from the diet of solid food or diet restrictions to a few cups of cooked rice a day, in any case implies a sharp reduction in the number of calories consumed, and hence weight reduction. The attractiveness of fasting days as a means for weight loss is that it is quick and easy: two or three days - and you can once again look impressive in your favorite dress (unless, of course, we are not talking about overweight and obesity). But experts say that the weight that quickly goes away as quickly restored - almost immediately after the person returns to the usual diet. Even doctors who advise fasting days for medicinal purposes, is not recommended for them to lose weight. Moreover, it is believed that fasting days may exacerbate the problem of excess weight.

With a sharp decrease in caloric metabolism slows down, and as soon as possible the body begins to accumulate fat in the event of another hunger strike. Especially dangerous in this sense arrange fasting days with a complete rejection of solid food.

For healthy people undesirable weight fluctuations are usually the only complication of fasting days, however, they can cause more serious problems in people with liver disease and kidney failure, violations, suppress the immune system, as well as those who are taking any medications.

Some people consider it normal to arrange fasting days before the event at which they want to look perfect, after which they are again gaining dumped kgs - and well, if only them. This makes it difficult to develop the habit of a healthy lifestyle and eat right, and eventually may lead to an imbalance of chemicals that are responsible for metabolism, blood sugar level, and so on.


Elimination of toxins

If you arrange fasting days for weight loss doctors unanimously not to recommend the relative output of toxins their opinions diverge. Some experts believe that there is no reason to believe that fasting days will help to cleanse the body of toxins. A healthy person's liver and lungs, intestines, kidneys, lymph nodes and skin without assistance have to cope with toxins.

According to other experts, if a person eats foods that contain few nutrients, the body can not itself bring all the toxins - and junk food with lots of calories and a minimum of vitamins, eat a lot today. Because of unhealthy diets in cells accumulate toxins which gradually can lead to the development of atherosclerosis, diabetes, nerve damage, as well as to premature aging Internal and external aging: it is necessary to think in advance  Internal and external aging: it is necessary to think in advance

Some people find an indirect confirmation of the use of unloading days to cleanse the body by the fact that the method used for centuries in different religions for spiritual purification. Post Christians and Muslims, restrictive eating habits in the Buddhist monasteries, and other options for food restrictions in other religious practices are intended to teach a person of humility and bring it closer to God. Many people who fasted - in any religion - note that at this time felt a surge of strength, lightness and clarity of mind. Similar people describe the feeling after a few days of discharge, which they kept not for religious reasons. Presumably it is connected with the withdrawal of toxins from the body, which occurs regardless of the reason why people limit themselves to food.


Fasting days as a cure

Fasting days can be used to treat psoriasis, lupus, eczema, ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease and high blood pressure. It is expected that with the help of fasting days can effectively control the level of insulin in the blood - at least, this has been confirmed in experiments with animals. Fasting days fasting and even help some people to cope more effectively with stress and depression Depression  Depression
 . Why it happens is not known, but a thousand-year experience with food restrictions for medical purposes suggests that fasting days and today is regarded as a medicine.

Any medication has contraindications, and fasting days - is no exception. They are dangerous for pregnant women, patients with arrhythmia and renal failure. Every person who has any chronic disease, before arrange a fasting days, consult your doctor.

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