The sharp taste, spicy aroma and a useful part made from ginger one of the most popular spices. He fell in love with not only the people who are addicted to hot oriental cuisine or consumes it in pickled form from the land
Sushi - Japanese delicacy
But also those who are eager to lose a few extra kilos. Ginger tea for weight loss - not a panacea, but a good aid to help warm up, raise the general tone of the body and become slimmer and more beautiful.
The properties of ginger tea for weight loss
Ginger is worldwide known as the root of health, without it is unthinkable Indian cuisine, its specific flavor repel some other writing in the ranks of fans of this timeless product. In fresh ginger root very rich vitamin and mineral composition. It includes the vitamins A, E, B1, B2, the amino acid methionine, phenylalanine, tryptophan, Leysin, threonine, as well as potassium, zinc, sodium, which are necessary for any organism for normal functioning.
Tea with ginger is effective for weight loss due to a marked acceleration of metabolism. During the assimilation by the body of ginger is enhanced blood circulation, possibly a small increase in temperature and pressure, burning calories is more intense than usual.
Despite the effectiveness of ginger drink for burning calories, you should not take it literally efficiency and drink liters of it every day, hoping for a miracle to get rid of excess fat in the shortest possible time. Do not forget that the same effect will give even a small exercise: it is enough to perform a few sit-ups to speed up the process of burning calories, having loaded with the largest muscles in the body.
The benefits of ginger tea to lose weight is somewhat exaggerated, so you need to look at things realistically. Moreover, the effectiveness of this product has a reverse side of a number of contraindications and side effects that are much more serious than the positive effect of the drink.
Safety measures
Contraindications ginger tea for weight loss will help avoid the trap of the widely advertised benefits, which, as is known, is always associated with certain disadvantages.
Despite the fact that ginger is widely used to treat coughs and colds because of its warming properties, strengthens the immune system and efficacy against infection, it can not be taken at a high temperature. The tendency to high blood pressure, nasal bleeding, allergic reactions, skin diseases intake of ginger tea is extremely undesirable. Do not take ginger in the bile and kidney stone disease, acute hepatitis and chronic liver disease all, since this product stimulates the activity.
Due to the fact that ginger stimulates increased blood flow, you can not drink infusions of it during menstruation, bleeding disorders, with the fragility of blood vessels, with mucosal damage, which could reopen the bleeding. Ginger tea for weight loss is strictly contraindicated if you have had a stroke or are in the Pre-stroke conditions, suffer from heart disease such as coronary heart disease and several other ailments. Do not take ginger tea during pregnancy and lactation, as well as while taking certain medications such as blood thinners (such as aspirin). Ginger is contraindicated in diabetics, it can not be combined with drugs to lower blood sugar.
As you can see, the list of contraindications have ginger tea
Ginger tea: healing healer
more than wide, so losing weight with the help of ginger tea - not always a safe idea.
Cooking ginger tea for weight loss
Standard recipe for ginger tea for weight loss means 1 cm of fresh ginger root in a glass of water. Fresh ginger root should be cleaned from the peel and grate, so that the process is not allocated too much juice. Throw ginger in a cup and fill with boiling water. Insist 5-10 minutes, after which the drink is necessary to drain. For a taste you can add a cup of other spices that are a little dilute spicy taste of ginger root and help to enhance metabolism. This can be a pinch of cardamom
Cardamom: grains of paradise and the king of spices
, Cloves, cinnamon, lemon, honey.
Drinking ginger tea after a meal is necessary because before eating ginger oversaturate a taste buds and will not allow to enjoy the taste of food. If you like the taste of ginger, you can add it slowly to the regular black or green tea that you drink during the day. Clean drinking ginger drink is necessary in very small doses, no more than three times a day. If you feel soreness in the stomach, allergic reactions, negative changes in the skin, immediately stop taking ginger tea and seek medical attention for measures to detoxify.
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