Bikini Hair Removal
 Bikini area in need of attention, no less than other areas of the body. The more developed cosmetology, expanding the range of techniques to remove unwanted vegetation, the greater the number of women decide to professional hair removal permanently or for a long time. Hair removal bikini zone need not only aesthetic, but also from the hygienic point of view, that means not only physical attraction, but also the preservation of comfort and health.


To delete or not to delete?

Even in the twenty-first century, when the appeal body built in the cult are women who do not even think about the need to remove hair in the bikini area. They were led, on the one hand, laziness, and on the other unenlightenment. After all, if the hair is growing out there, then it's for anything you need, and hair removal, especially with the removal of vegetation, once and for all, can intervene in some way nature intended processes and states. In this there is a grain of truth, which, in turn, the need for layered aesthetics and hygiene.

Hair in the groin area really need to preserve the intimate flora, which is necessary for the health of the area. Eliminating hair relieve the vagina and anus, where bacteria can freely penetrate from the outside. But nowadays, when enough of hygiene, produced specifically for the intimate zone, rather strange excuse dense vegetation need to preserve women's health.

Excessive vegetation, particularly in hot weather, contributes to the development of microorganisms in the groin area, which causes discomfort and odor. Naturally, from the need to get rid of hair, then carefully taking care of this area with the help of customized cosmetics based on natural lactic acid. Ways of hair removal bikini few - there are plenty to choose from and on budget, and according to their own feelings.


The methods of hair removal bikini

Shaving as a way of self-removal of hair in intimate area continues to be widely used at home. This method is available to all, but has a very low efficiency and aesthetic result. Hair grow fast, there is discomfort, the skin is covered with small rash formed ingrowth. For the independent use, there are other, more effective ways of hair removal.



Wax and sugar - the main active ingredients for bioepilyatsii Bioepilation  Bioepilation
 . These methods of hair removal are very similar because they are based - sticky texture, which is applied to the skin covered with hair Hair: structure, characteristics of growth and development  Hair: structure, characteristics of growth and development
 And then the mass of a sharp movement is torn off. Bioepilation painful but more efficient than the traditional shaving, because in the course of the procedure the hair is removed from the root that extends the smoothness of the skin for a long time.

For waxing apply a warm (heated in a water bath) wax (hot method) or wax strips (cold method). In the first case, the mass of wax is spread gently on the skin and covered with a strip of cloth, in the second - a strip of paper with a thin layer of wax. Waxing usually well tolerated, especially cold way, but there are cases of intolerance wax, and then help the sugar hair removal or shugaring. It is also called caramel epilation, because it uses sugar paste. Shugaring as waxing, apply both at home and in the salon.


Hardware epilation

This type involves the use of devices that facilitate hair removal. The easiest way - the use of this appliance, which is possible in the home hair removal. Work epilator bikini - a kind of replacement shaving, the only difference is that this procedure is more painful, but the result lasts longer, because the hair is removed from the root. Before epilation the skin so you can numb the ice, reducing sensitivity, but this treatment is not possible in the mucosa and is only suitable for the vulva. Manufacturers of such devices developed special bikini trimmers, which are suitable not only for aesthetic hair removal, but for the independent exercise of intimate haircuts with adjustable-length hair and a local removal of vegetation in addition to shaving.

Laser hair removal has come to replace the electrolysis, the use of which in this area was problematic. The laser beam targets the dark hair, destroying the follicle, but without affecting the surrounding skin. After 6-9 sessions of laser hair removal may eliminate hair permanently.

Laser hair removal is less effective than laser and has a significant side effect in the form of local skin burns. This is due to the fact that the action of high-momentum of the beam of light, damaging the hair has no selectivity. As a result, it affected not only hair but also the skin, which before the procedure is necessary to anesthetize the applications of ointments.

Elos hair removal is similar to the photoepilation Laser hair removal - light to help  Laser hair removal - light to help
 . At its core - the interaction of radiofrequency and photo-emission, in which the hair is destroyed under the influence of a complex of different types of energy. Its obvious advantage is the minimum pain, that allows to use it even in the zone of deep bikini touching mucous membranes. Elos hair removal does not guarantee permanent hair removal, but differs in the greatest comfort procedure that is great for people with sensitive skin.

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  • epilation
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  • Hair removal with sugar - to make life sweeter