as the lower pressure at home
 People with hypertension often require medication to control blood pressure. But lifestyle changes can also lower blood pressure at home, and perhaps even reduce the need for medications.

Anyone who has raised the pressure should, in consultation with the doctor, to try out different ways that can help them reduce the pressure in the home without the use of pharmaceuticals.


Physical exercise

Catching exercise thirty minutes a day most of the week, you can significantly reduce your blood pressure, say cardiologists. If you are used to lead a sedentary lifestyle, try to do aerobic exercise to lower systolic blood pressure (the upper number) of three to five digits and the bottom - from two to three digits. People who begin to move, can often reduce the number of hypertension drugs they are taking. Choose exercises for my taste - walking, jogging, swimming, cycling and regularly follow them.


Eat bananas

You probably know that eating too much salt can increase the pressure, but most people do not know about the benefits of potassium, which neutralizes the harmful properties of sodium. Many people do not get this mineral in sufficient quantities. According to studies, people with high blood pressure may benefit from increasing the amount of potassium in their diet. Adults should get at least 4,700 mg of potassium a day. Here are some good sources of potassium: bananas (442 mg each), baked potato with skin (738 mg), orange juice (738 mg in one cup) and yogurt, fat-free or low-fat (579 mg na200 g).


Reduce consumption of salt

People with normal pressure, increased pressure and moderate hypertension complete, can significantly reduce the pressure How to reduce the pressure at home: self-help  How to reduce the pressure at home: self-help
 Reducing salt intake. Experts recommend that people with high blood pressure High pressure  High pressure
   limit the use of salt and 600 mg per day. Most of the salt we get from processed foods, so choose whole foods. When you eat food, which is painted on the package content of nutrients, be sure to pay attention to the salt content.


Do not smoke

Smokers have an increased risk of hypertension. However, although tobacco and nicotine in cigarettes can cause a temporary increase in pressure, smoking itself is not considered to cause chronic hypertension. Rather, it is responsible for the factors that often accompany smoking, such as excessive use of alcohol and lack of exercise. However, if you stop smoking, it can help you a little bit lower blood pressure. And, of course, will have other valuable health benefits.


Lose weight

Studies consistently show that dropping a few kilos can significantly affect blood pressure. Excess weight makes the heart work hard. This increased tension can result in hypertension, while weight loss eases the burden on the cardiovascular system. If you are overweight or obese, it may be enough to lose weight, to keep the pressure under control.


Reduce the use of alcohol

Even moderate alcohol consumption (no more than one drink per day for women and two drinks per day for men) has health benefits, excessive use can increase its pressure in some people. Studies have found that consuming more than two drinks per day increases the risk of hypertension in men and women. If you drink, enjoy your drinks at meals, it can reduce the effect of alcohol on blood pressure.


Coping with stress

Effective management of stress in your life can help lower blood pressure, but it is not sufficient research that can offer a step by step plan to get rid of stress for everyone. There are a number of practices that people use to relax. While it is difficult to say which one is best and what is right. However, experts advise people with high blood pressure, stress management techniques to explore and find one that they can constantly practice.



Yoga - a great way to cope with stress. Recent studies have found that breathing exercises of yoga reduces pressure in those who suffer from hypertension, probably due to the influence of the autonomic nervous system, which is responsible for heart rate, digestion, and other important functions of the unconscious. But we should not think that yoga replaces aerobic exercise. Each of these practices in their own benefits to the body.



Meditation, does it include a singing, breathing, visualization or both, may be an effective way of dealing with stress. Again, it is important that meditation Meditation and women's health  Meditation and women's health
   you like and that you do it consistently.


Avoid caffeine

Coffee has some health benefits, but the pressure drop not one of them. Caffeine can cause short-term pressure surges, even in people who do not have hypertension. If you have high blood pressure, it is wise to reduce caffeine intake to two cups of coffee a day. You can check out whether coffee increases the pressure effect on your body, measure the pressure before you drink coffee or other drink containing caffeine, and within half an hour after that. If the pressure is increased by five to ten units, you are likely to be sensitive to caffeine.



Garlic lowers the pressure, especially systolic, due sulfur components such as allicin, which relaxes the artery. It is recommended to consume 600-2400 mg of garlic powder or garlic extract for three months.


Fish oil and omega-3 fatty acids

Omega-3 fatty acids - is essential fatty acids found in fish and some plants. Studies suggest that it may reduce the pressure in individuals with hypertension. It is recommended to use two to four grams of omega-3 fatty acids daily throughout the year.



Hibiscus tea lowers blood pressure. It is recommended to take it with caution because of side effects, including diarrhea.


Chocolate or cocoa extract

Studies have shown that dark chocolate and cocoa products may slightly reduce the pressure. It is recommended to drink fifty grams of cocoa a day.

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