laxative at home
 When it comes to a regular chair, a single standard does not exist. However, regardless of whether you go to the toilet three times a day or three times a week, the symptoms of constipation is usually the same for all. If you are less likely to go to an ordinary toilet or your stools hard, dry and painful, you are experiencing symptoms of constipation. Fortunately, it is rarely a sign of a serious disease, and usually with constipation can be overcome without tough measures, using laxatives at home.

There laxatives at home to help ease the discomfort. If constipation accompanied by abdominal pain, blood in the stool, or sudden weight loss, you need to see a doctor because domestic laxatives in this case can not act.


Olive oil

Olive oil - is not just a tasty product, it helps to cope with constipation. It stimulates the digestive system, helping to move food through the intestines, and the regular use of olive oil Olive oil: useful properties  Olive oil: useful properties
   can prevent the occurrence of constipation. In the morning, eat a tablespoon of olive oil. Best of all it works on an empty stomach.

If you forget to eat a spoonful of oil, wait for a while after eating. Olive oil can be mixed with a small amount of lemon juice, which also acts as a natural laxative.


Fish fat

Omega-3 fatty acids are important for many functions, including, for digestion. Fish oil in food or supplements - a rich source of fatty acids. They especially rich in cold-water fish such as salmon, mackerel, halibut, sardines, tuna and herring.

Fish oils as additives should be taken with caution. High doses of any omega-3 fatty acids may increase the risk of bleeding, so those who easily gets bruised or suffer from bleeding, should be careful, taking fish oil as a purgative. Another disadvantage of this laxative consists in the fact that fish oil may cause bloating and flatulence, diarrhea and sometimes. It is also important to know the source of fish oil Fish oil - from childhood  Fish oil - from childhood
 Because some fish may contain heavy metals like mercury and other contaminants.


Castor oil

Castor oil has a laxative effect. Its advantage is that it is quick laxative at home. For this same reason, however, castor oil should be used with caution. It should not be taken at night because of his quick action. Another disadvantage of castor oil - it tastes bad. In general, castor oil is considered safe, but in large quantities it can lead to overdosing.



The recommended dose of fiber - 20-35 mg per day. It is found in fruits, vegetables, whole grains. This handy laxative as fiber one can find in your kitchen. Lack of fiber as a laxative is that it can make the problem worse, if you do not drink a lot of water with it. It takes a lot of liquid to move the fiber through the digestive system.



Herbal remedies for constipation fall into two categories: laxatives, increase the amount of intestinal contents, and stimulant laxatives. The first category includes flaxseed, fenugreek and barley. Remember that flaxseed oil is not a remedy for constipation as a laxative used whole or crushed flaxseed. Stimulant laxatives - is senna, cascara sagrada and aloe.

Keep in mind that stimulant laxatives, especially aloe, can cause cramps. Before using aloe as a laxative, senna try. Herbal remedies can react with the drugs and additives. Before taking any herb, consult your doctor.



 laxative at home
 Probiotics - bacteria that live in the intestines and promote digestion. They include lactobacilli, bifidobacteria and Saccharomyces boulardii. They are available as additives, and also contained some products such as yoghurt. Like fiber, probiotics - a relatively simple, mild laxative at home.



Citrine acid in the lemon stimulates digestion and helps to remove toxins and undigested food that may accumulate along the walls of the intestine. Mix the juice of one fresh lemon with a glass of warm water and drink.



Caffeine - natural stimulant of the digestive system, so a cup of coffee can serve as a laxative. Should not drink more than one or two cups of coffee, because it is too large amount may adversely effect. Coffee also has a diuretic effect, so large quantities may excrete water which usually soften stools.



If you want to move food through the intestines, you also need to move. Today we are sitting a lot more than move. Movement stimulates the smooth muscles of the intestine. Remember that after a meal you need to wait one hour before engaging in exercise. There are special exercises and stretching Stretching - Get a wasted no time  Stretching - Get a wasted no time
 Help constipation.



Regular bowel movement at a specific time prevents constipation. Highlight about fifteen minutes one to three times a day and sit on the toilet, even if nothing happens. Be sure to relax. The body over time, adjusted to this mode.



Bicarb perfectly helps constipation, as well as pains in the abdomen, as it is bicarbonate, which facilitates the removal of air from the intestine. Soda neutralizes the acid in the intestine and helps to move the chair. Stir a teaspoon of baking soda in a quarter cup of warm water. Drink this mixture, the sooner the better.


Epsom Salt

Epsom Salt - a strong laxative at home. First, salt brings water softens stools and helps it move faster. Secondly, magnesium Epsom salts in the composition helps to reduce intestinal musculature, which also contributes to the removal of the chair. Dissolve two teaspoons of Epsom salt (half a teaspoon for children) in a glass of water or fruit juice and drink. If four hours no chair can repeat dose.



 laxative at home
 Prunes and prune juice - a classic laxative. Prunes contain a lot of fiber and sorbitol, which softens the stool. Too large amounts of sorbitol, however, can cause flatulence and make too soft stool. Drink a glass of prune juice in the morning and a second glass - in the evening. After a few hours means must act. Instead of juice you can eat a few prunes.



Dandelion - a mild laxative, it also effectively removes toxins from the body. A cup of tea from dandelion great help for constipation caused by lack of activity or eating junk food. Brew one or two teaspoons of dried dandelion leaves in a cup of boiling water six to ten minutes. Drink three times a day.

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