Polyps in the intestine: a danger signal
 Polyps are formed mainly in the large intestine and it is not already trifling disease. Polyps in the intestine require immediate removal or permanent medical supervision to conduct diagnostic tests, as they have a tendency to degenerate into a malignant tumor.

 Polyps in the intestine: a danger signal

As the image and look polyps in the intestine

Polyps in the intestine - are benign growths in the mucous membrane on the leg. Polyps can occur after inflammation, and then the rehabilitation process in the intestinal mucosa and may be benign tumors of glandular origin (adenomatous polyps).

The natural process is the renewal of cells of the intestinal mucosa, but it also happens that this process is uneven, which contributes to the formation of cilia in the mucosa, that is, leads to the formation of polyps. Such a mechanism of formation of polyps is often hereditary.

Polyps may have a different structure and shape. The most dangerous type of polyps are villous polyps (usually adenomatous polyps) that could grow significantly in the mucosa of the intestinal wall and degenerate into a malignant tumor.

The reasons for the development of colon polyps set. This genetic predisposition (close relatives of a patient with colon polyps Colon polyps: treated with caution  Colon polyps: treated with caution
   risk of polyps increases by about four times or more), chronic gastrointestinal disease, especially if they are accompanied by constipation, consumption of large amounts of meat and fat food (in the process of digestion in the intestine are produced substances, the metabolism in the mucous shell), sedentary lifestyle (contributes to chronic constipation and delay of toxic substances in the intestine).

 Polyps in the intestine: a danger signal

Symptoms of intestinal polyps

Intestinal polyps rarely somehow manifest themselves. Usually they are accidental discovery during the examination. Sometimes the stool there is a large amount of mucus - this trait often occurs when villous polyps, which have a glandular character. When ulceration of the polyp Polyps: problem to solve  Polyps: problem to solve
   he can bleed and then there is the blood in the feces, intestinal bleeding sometimes takes considerable size, especially for large polyps, but it is rare, is often the bleeding is chronic. Especially prone to bleeding villous polyps in the rectal area.

Large polyps sometimes turn a blind lumen of the intestine, and then there are signs of intestinal obstruction and paroxysmal pain.

About 20% of all polyps can degenerate into a malignant tumor.

 Polyps in the intestine: a danger signal

Diagnosis of intestinal polyps

The diagnosis of intestinal polyps can be confirmed using radiographic and endoscopic methods. X-ray examination of the large intestine is called a barium enema. During the study, the intestine using an enema administered contrast agent, which fills the lumen and allows to see a change in its walls.

Endoscopic studies (sigmoidoscopy, colonoscopy) - a study using a special optical equipment, which allows a good view of the intestinal mucosa, the form and extent of the polyp. If necessary during a colonoscopy, you can take a piece of tissue for analysis in order to exclude malignancy.

 Polyps in the intestine: a danger signal

Treatment of intestinal polyps

Any intestinal polyps to be removed, since they often degenerate into a malignant tumor. Some types of polyps can be removed during the colonoscopy, often in a manner to remove polyps thin stem. Large polyps sometimes can not be removed immediately, when they are removed piece by piece. Polyp tissue is sent for histological examination, while the patient lies on the operating table, it allows you to change the tactics of operation in case of detection of malignant process.

If the polyp is too large, or on a broad basis and can not be removed endoscopically, then surgery is performed resection of the bowel.

Some of the recently reborn in cancer polyps can be removed by colonoscopy, but only if they are arranged on the stem, rebirth has not spread beyond the head of the polyp and there is no venous or lymphatic network.

Removal of small, asymptomatic polyps in the bowel is the prevention of colon cancer.

Prognosis of the disease is usually favorable, of course, if a polyp is not reborn into a malignant tumor. But the cancer at an early stage of the disease completely curable.

Galina Romanenko

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