Beauty terrible force
 "Ah, the beauty - a terrible force" - this line from a poem by Semyon Nadson ironically stories and received extraordinary popularity after the movie "Spring", where it says grotesque heroine Faina Ranevskaya. This phrase is used in a number of cases, with a sarcastic meaning, especially in those situations where a natural desire to look perfect results in tragic consequences. Sometimes the cause of the inability to use cosmetics, and sometimes - in unscrupulous manufacturers.

The reverse side of makeup

What is done with the skin beneath the everyday makeup? If high-quality cosmetics, the fact that the make-up is an integral part of your daily life, there is nothing to worry about. However, a number of bad habits can cause significant damage to the skin and even cause some chronic diseases. To avoid this, it is necessary, first of all, to take preventive measures, correctly choosing cosmetics.

When choosing makeup that you wear on your skin all day, looking for the foundation containing SPF. Then you will not only get the tone effect, but also the skin will be protected from ultraviolet radiation. Those who have a tendency to acne, as well as the holders of oily skin should avoid comedogenic ingredients, substances that contain isopropyl, lanolin and red dye for cosmetics.

If you are going to buy a new vehicle for themselves cosmetic brand, even if it is the production of the famous and popular brand, be sure to use the tester and wait twenty-four hours. At a time when the immune system all residents of cities and industrial centers weakened severe environmental conditions, many women have shown individual sensitivity to the various components of cosmetics and perfumes.

Whatever the quality may be a means of decorative cosmetics, make-up should be removed as soon as it is no longer necessary. It is particularly important to remove cosmetics at night before going to bed or at any time of the day. During sleep, the body started inherent self-healing system and thus open pores. Grim clog their skin "not breathing" through the open pores of the body get makeup of matter that there is not a place. Not surprisingly, after sleeping face with makeup does not look fresh, eyelids swell.

In commercials and brochures can be found the statement that mineral makeup can sleep. Do not get involved in such experiments. The fact is that in advertising the word "can" is often confused with the term "necessary" and "useful." Some types of mineral cosmetics are composed of bismuth, talc, causing many people irritation and rashes Rash: Classification - primary and secondary elements  Rash: Classification - primary and secondary elements
 . No makeup contains only natural ingredients and no decorative means is not conducive to relaxing the skin during sleep.

It is a bad habit - to go with the makeup of the beach, especially during the heat of use foundation and powder. Not only that, it's just frustrating, very harmful to the skin sweating in makeup. During sweat from the pores out internal toxins. A layer of makeup creates a barrier and prevents evaporation. Instead, the sweat from all harmful substances and sebum remains on the surface of the skin, which leads to extremely negative consequences - the formation of pimples, blackheads, clogged pores.

Contaminants in cosmetics

Petrochemical component of modern cosmetics has long been a subject of dispute of doctors and cosmetologists. Is so harmless parabens, mineral oils, fenoeksitanol, colorants, flavors, both cosmetic manufacturers assure us? All products of chemistry - the result of the synthesis of these substances do not exist in nature, which means that our body is unable to dispose of their own.

For example, parabens - preservatives, antibacterial and antifungal properties, and having a low cost. They have a dangerous property to accumulate in some tissues of the body. Many scientists suspect that large amounts of parabens can acquire mutagenic properties, that is, cause changes in the human genotype. Their influence is noticeable immediately, but in the late period of life, often seen in premature aging Internal and external aging: it is necessary to think in advance  Internal and external aging: it is necessary to think in advance
 , Lowered immunity and may even cause malignant tumors. Acting on germ cells, mutagens may affect the offspring.

Molecular biologist Philippa Darbre and specialists of her lab at the University of London after a series of studies raised serious assumption of a cause-and-effect relationship between prolonged use of products containing parabens and negative changes in the human body. The French Agency for the Safety of Medicines issued a statement on the harmful effects of parabens on the human endocrine system. These preservatives over time cause a hormonal imbalance of the body, and even reproductive disorders.

Mineral oils that are used as low-cost active humidifiers, are not harmless. Forming on the surface of the film, they prevent the evaporation of moisture, the skin does not dry up, it is a positive factor. But with such a film retains moisture toxins, toxins, to be output from the body. This barrier prevents the full breath of the skin, there is a deficiency of oxygen, in turn resulting in slower growth and development of cells of the epidermis. Mineral oils - one of the main causes of acne, not just adolescents, but even in adults and even mature women. If oil products are present in cosmetics, such means can not be considered natural.

Another dangerous ingredient notorious in the cosmetic industry - SLS (Sodium Sulfate Loire) - surfactant in shampoos, gels and other facilities for swimming, bathing and showering. It causes flaking skin, dandruff and other allergic reactions. Component degreasing scalp, causing itching, weakening and loss of hair Hair: structure, characteristics of growth and development  Hair: structure, characteristics of growth and development
 He tends to accumulate in the body, so the products containing SLS, absolutely contraindicated in pregnant women and children.

Today, still no laboratory has not published the definitive conclusions about what cosmetics with oil leads to cancer, but the toxicity of these substances during long-term use and side effects of their use - proven and verified facts.

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