Polyps in the stomach: the dangerous tumors
 Polyps - a different education field of the mucous membranes, towering over its surface. Polyps may occur in the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract, uterus, respiratory and urinary tract. Polyps are not so harmless, they can degenerate into cancer.

 Polyps in the stomach: the dangerous tumors

What is gastric polyps

Every tumor on the leg, coming from the mucosa and disposed in the lumen of the stomach is called a polyp. All polyps are divided into two major groups:

  • polyps resulting inflammatory and then reduction processes in the mucosa;
  • neoplastic polyps of nature - fibroadenoma Fibroadenoma  Fibroadenoma
   or adenoma.

A clear distinction between these two types of polyps difficult. There are single and multiple polyps, they make up 5 - 10% of all tumors of the stomach and are more common in men aged 40 - 60 years. A feature of gastric polyps is that they often degenerate into malignant tumors (maligniziruyutsya).

 Polyps in the stomach: the dangerous tumors

Appearance of stomach polyps

More often than polyps are located in the lower part (passing into the duodenum) of the stomach, at least - in the body and the upper portion (adjacent to the esophagus). Externally, the polyps can be different from rising slightly round warts, papillae, sometimes mushroom-shaped formations on a thin stalk to growths resembling cauliflower Cauliflower: Queen vegetable table  Cauliflower: Queen vegetable table
 . The surface of the polyps can ulcerate and bleed.

Under the microscope you can see that a polyp is composed of connective tissue framework and increase or decrease in volume (hypertrophic or atrophied) mucosa with the growth of glands and surface epithelium. Depending on the content in a polyp glands, blood vessels, granulation tissue (connective tissue of the young, burgeoning in the resolution of inflammation) distinguish glandular, vascular (angiomatous) and granulation polyps.

 Polyps in the stomach: the dangerous tumors

Symptoms of polyps in the stomach

The most common gastric polyps does not appear random and are finding in different studies. But sometimes, while there are pains associated more with the accompanying gastritis. Initially, these pains are connected with the meal, but they gradually begin to appear and outside the administration. Patients may also complain of the bitterness in the mouth Bitterness in the mouth  Bitterness in the mouth
 , Nausea, belching. Appetite is usually not affected. If a polyp grows so much that closes the outlet of the stomach, vomiting may occur.

In some cases, the polyp is on the long leg may enter the duodenum, thus hurting a gatekeeper (at the junction of the stomach to the duodenum). In this case, patients may appear sharp cramping pain in the upper abdomen, smack around the abdomen.

When a polyp ulceration can occur gastric bleeding, the patient has weakness, paleness, in fecal blood is detected. Sometimes blood appears in the vomit.

 Polyps in the stomach: the dangerous tumors

Diagnosis of gastric polyps

The main value in detecting polyps stomach have radiographic and endoscopic methods. X-rays can be seen defect (or multiple defects polyposis) filling round or oval on the background of various sizes intact mucosa.

Endoscopic studies (gastroscopy) allow to find out the prevalence of the process, the state of the surrounding mucosa, take a small piece of tissue for histological examination (thus it is possible to eliminate a malignant tumor).

 Polyps in the stomach: the dangerous tumors

Treatment of stomach polyps

Solitary polyps with a diameter of 1, 5 cm, are asymptomatic and do not increase in size (it turns out in repeated studies) can not be removed. But they require constant monitoring. Relatively small polyps on the stem can be removed during a gastroscopy.

Single large polyp on a broad basis in the area of ​​the body or upper part of the stomach is often degenerate into a malignant tumor, and so they should be immediately removed surgically. In this case, the operation usually do gastrectomy. When operating normally smaller volume remains removing a substantial portion of the gastric mucosa modified, which may lead to recurrence of the polyp or cancer development in this field.

In the presence of polyposis is a gastrectomy. In some cases, patients with high-risk operation possible excision of the mucous membrane with a single polyp with an urgent histological examination (while the patient lies on the operating table) to exclude malignancy. If histological examination confirms the presence of a malignant tumor, then go for an operation gastrectomy.

Polyps in the stomach is best removed to prevent their degeneration into a malignant tumor.

Galina Romanenko

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