amazing facts cats
 Home favorite - a cat, not only pleases the master of his affection, but, as many tend to think, cures disease, taking part of them for yourself. Open up "the door" in the cat's life, to help some amazing facts.

 10 amazing facts about cats

10. Left-handed or right-handed?

Not only people, but cats can be divided into lefties and righties: over 40% of cats better hold left or right legs. The remaining equally good command of all the limbs.

 amazing facts cats

 10 amazing facts about cats

9. Warm or cold?

Cats do not like neither too hot nor too cold food. The best option for cats - the food at room temperature, just for what the temperature would have to sacrifice their natural environment.

 10 amazing facts about cats

8. Life in Color

Cats see life in color, so a new dress housewife - orange, purple, yellow - will not escape their attention. In addition, cats have a unique night vision - they need only a sixth of the world, a person needs to see.

 10 amazing facts about cats

7. What's in a name?

In English, to designate a group of kittens and adult cats have special names: for a group of adult cats used the concept of «clowder», and for young kittens - a concept «kindle».

 10 amazing facts about cats

6. Meow?

In a single sound of "Meow" cat invest no less intonation than people - interrogative, scared, happy, demanding. Interestingly, the sound of "meow" cat save up just for people, not for themselves such.

 amazing facts cats

 10 amazing facts about cats

5. Intuition

Cats have unusually developed intuition - they are easy to define any shades of mood its owner in tone of voice. Cats perfectly distinguish when the owner yells at them (although all their views and indicate that they do not care). In order to calm the cat, you must choose a calm, loving voice - and the result will not be slow to follow.

 10 amazing facts about cats

4. Isaac Newton and cat door

The inventor of a small door for the cat at the time was the Isaac Newton. Perhaps the famous scientist too distracted from the work of his pet, who demanded the release of his home, on the contrary, to let. As a result, Newton, and cut through the door of his house miniature cat door - to the great relief of all subsequent generations of cat owners.

 10 amazing facts about cats

3. Technique fall

Cats really land on their feet, and, moreover, always fall the same way. First cat aligns the head, then back, legs, and finally arches her back in order to soften the landing.

 10 amazing facts about cats

2. Progeny

Owning a cat is better to sterilize the animal immediately - otherwise you'll have to look for many future owners for posterity. Just one pair of cats and their offspring can produce up to 420,000 cats for some seven years.

 10 amazing facts about cats

1. Individuality

If the person can be identified by his fingerprints, the cat can be identified by the nose: the nose of each cat is unique, and a second similar pattern nasal pillows to be found.

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