• Kanefron - Instructions for use: to be healthy kidney
  • Effectiveness

 efficiency kanefron

Efficiency kanefron

Placing on one scale standard medication with active enough staff, mostly synthetic substances, and on the other - a means of containing the basis phytoextracts, we find that for the average inhabitant of the globe will be second at a premium. It is not surprising, since many centuries, people treated using natural remedies, plant extracts and medicines by using the gifts of nature, demonstrating their continued effectiveness. On the other hand, it is always an urgent need to sicken all sorts of "chemistry" body, which certainly will feel better if he is to offer a certain dose of natural substances that are on its effectiveness can be anything not to give drug with predominantly chemical nature.

What is most gratifying for the adherents of all natural - a regular pharmacy shelves borrow herbal medicine, which is confirmed by the result of the largest research institutions. One such tool is Kanefron - a drug that helps cure or alleviate the symptoms of diseases of the urinary system.

Kanefron produces the German company Bionorica AG, the philosophy of which is such a thing as "fitorining" means the use of centuries-old traditions of herbal medicine and mix them with the latest scientific technologies, which, in turn, provides high-performance drugs. Each tablet of this company always contains the same amount of active ingredients, and the risk of side reactions is minimized.

Kanefron (available in drops and pills), will be on sale immediately became an event in the world of pharmacology, because before that the treatment of diseases of the urinary system presents certain difficulties. Previously, patients with infectious diseases of the urinary tract was prescribed a course of antimicrobial drugs that are often first rigidly affect the body, and then he quickly for them to adapt, the composition of the microbial flora, seize territory, lightning changed, disease adjust to the medication and the effectiveness of the drug significantly reduced.



The big advantage is the possibility of a means Kanefron its use and as a primary therapy, and as a dietary supplement, which enhances the effect of the basic anti-inflammatory treatment.

The main active substance in the preparation Kanefron - lovage root, rosemary leaves and grass centaury. The complex work of these substances has a powerful healing effect on the urinary system. The essential oil of lovage and rosemary enhance blood flow to the renal epithelium. Lovage, due to the content of phthalide has a powerful antispasmodic action, which is why improving the flow of urine, and the pain subsides. Rosemary has long been known as a good anti-inflammatory. Together, rosemary, lovage and centaury help to normalize the acidity of urine, so Kanefron can be used prophylactically to prevent the formation of kidney stones.

The experience gained during the monitoring of patients and quite widely studied drug Kanefron, suggests its good tolerability, and his appointment even in cases when other medications are very undesirable, for example, during pregnancy and lactation, as well as pediatrics, even for infants .

From the first days of Kanefron may provide a significant improvement in well-being in patients suffering from cystitis Cystitis - do not forget about personal hygiene  Cystitis - do not forget about personal hygiene
 , Pyelonephritis, renal diseases both infectious and non-infectious. Used for the prevention of kidney stones Stones in the kidneys  Stones in the kidneys
   and after operations.

Doctors recommend taking Kanefron quite a long time - for the first treatment and then to fix the result. The specific figures are best to speak individually. During pregnancy, breast-feeding Breastfeeding: notes  Breastfeeding: notes
   and the need for the medication of children must first consult a doctor and strict compliance with all health requirements.

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