 Varicose veins - a common disease that is more common in women than in men. Not last role in it played by hereditary occurrence of structural features of the veins. In addition, matters hormones, the presence of excess body weight, a sedentary lifestyle - all of these factors can lead to the development of the disease.


What happens in the body for varicose veins

Varicose veins - veins that change, which is reflected in their expansion in some areas, increasing the length, and the formation of convolutions uzloobraznyh coils. As venous blood flows from the bottom up, varicose disease most commonly affects the lower limbs and veins of the rectum.

All the veins of the lower extremity are divided into deep and superficial veins, which connect the first two types of veins. Blood flows through the veins from the bottom up to the heart, with the majority of the venous blood moves through deep veins. Backflow of venous blood prevent venous valves. That dysfunction of these valves is the main cause of varicose veins. It is believed that varicose veins is the price of human bipedalism.

If venous valves fail, the blood is collected at the bottom, causing the expansion and extension of the veins of the lower extremities. Stagnation of blood leads to the appearance of edema, compressing tissue disruption of the flow of arterial blood to him, which is the cause of trophic disorders in the tissues, including venous ulcers.


Causes of

Varicose veins is a consequence of bipedalism and disruption of the venous valves. Its causes are often hereditary features of the structure and functioning of the venous valves. Therefore, varicose veins often occurs in relatives.

Development of the disease also contributes to prolonged exposure to the patient's legs, if it works, for example, the seller, a hairdresser and so on. What matters is the frequent increase in intra-abdominal pressure - when weight lifting, chronic constipation, coughing, sneezing and so on. Abdominal pressure increases during pregnancy and especially during labor, and after giving birth, most women suffer from hemorrhoids Hemorrhoids - how to avoid unpleasant consequences  Hemorrhoids - how to avoid unpleasant consequences
 . Sometimes varicose veins develop when hormonal disorders in women, as well as chronic administration of COCs (combined oral contraceptives). Very often varicose veins develop in old age.



Varicose veins begins quietly. Sometimes, the first signs of the disease are the branches of the superficial veins of blue, which appeared on the surface of the legs. This is often perceived as purely a cosmetic defect, and not everyone pays attention to it.

But in some cases, cosmetic symptoms of varicose veins in the beginning does not happen. The disease manifests itself in the case of heavy legs, especially after prolonged standing or walking. In the field of foot and ankle swelling appear. Later appear leg cramps that often develop at night, during sleep and are associated with a sharp compression of veins and their surrounding tissues, including nerve endings.

If the patient does not receive appropriate treatment, you can begin a violation sensitivity and trophic disorders: numbness, pins and needles in the skin, the appearance of venous ulcers. Trophic ulcers of varicose veins are very difficult to treat. In addition, they are often associated infection.



One of the most frequent complications of varicose veins is the thrombosis - blockage of a blood clot and vein inflammation of the walls of superficial veins. Surface Vienna with the inflamed skin over it reddens, swells, becomes painful. Thrombophlebitis requires immediate treatment to the doctor, because the inflammatory process can go on deep veins, and it is even more dangerous.

Deep vein thrombosis is dangerous because it will greatly enhance the poor circulation. In addition, the clot can break away from the vein wall, through the blood vessels to get blood vessels in vital organs, they clog. Occlusion, for example, pulmonary arteries can lead to sudden death.

Complication of varicose veins are and sores. Infection often leads to the last development of gangrene, which would require the removal of the limb. Varicose veins may also be complicated by bleeding from varicose veins, as the skin becomes thinner over such veins as a result of trophic disorders.

Varicose veins - a serious disease that should be treated as early as possible.

Galina Romanenko

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