Bags - girls best friend (after diamonds), so it is not surprising that women want to get the best of the best. Bag Louis Vuitton, Hermes, Coach and Prada - the best accessory that can be worn with a woman. But, unfortunately, fake designer bags, there is a huge demand. Obviously, if the Louis Vuitton bag is worth fifty dollars, you can safely assume that it is a fake. How to distinguish real from fake designer bag?
If you admire the bag Louis Vuitton, for example, on eBay, it is desirable to hold a mini research before put two hundred dollars (a very good price for the goods labeled Louis Vuitton) the seller, in which you are not sure. One of the main characteristics of any designer handbag is high quality. Most designer handbags are handmade. This is one reason why they are more expensive than the rest of the bag.
What to look for
Attributes forgery - minor defects on the surface, and the poor quality of the material from which the bag is made. Uneven stitch or stitch a different color from the material sticking thread traces of glue, mismatches patterns and seams, any asymmetry, uncharacteristic for this model - all signs of forgery. Also, pay special attention to accessories: metal parts should be made carefully, without chipping and other defects.
The material from which the bag is made must have uniform color without spots, stains and other things. It should not be any irregularities and other defects. If there is a picture on the bag, it must be clearly defined. If the bag is made of leather, its authenticity can be checked by hand mash material: real leather quickly take initial shape as a fake and will remain battered. Louis Vuitton makes bags from a single piece of material to minimize the stitching and seams.
All of designer brands high standards of quality control. They guarantee the best design and the best materials for the money you spend on their products. Another sign of designer bags - on a flat surface it should be, not filled up one side. Bags category of "luxury" is always made of soft leather or suede (it's a bit harder). You'll never see a designer bag from low-quality textiles, plastic or polyester. In addition, the designer bags sewing for ages, they can be worn for decades. Designers will never sell defective product. With proper care designer bag will last you a lifetime. If the bag looks cheap, it is a fake.
Buying a bag on the Internet auction site eBay and other similar sites, beware of sellers that offer a large number of identical products. Fakes are often mass-produced. Additionally, the dealer places the photos, the better. This will give you a better idea of what you are buying, and help to distinguish real from fake designer bag. Designer brands also pay great attention to packing their bags. Excluded to handle designer handbags
10 most famous designer handbags: what is worth buying
It was wrapped in plastic or fabric. This designer bag is packaged in a special bag and accompanied by a certificate of authenticity stating its data.
While many manufacturers of counterfeit bags can repeat corporate design and logo, there are ways to distinguish the original from a fake. For example, Louis Vuitton bags are labeled «Louis Vuitton Paris, Made in France» (Louis Vuitton Paris, made in France). Hermès bags on the inscription «Hermès Paris». The brand mark of Coach differs in raised letters. The serial number stamped on the back (inner) side of the tag on the bag Coach, should include reduction «No.», followed by four digits.
Small details
You should also pay attention to small details such as zippers and rivets. All items (rings, riveting, straps, etc.) must be well secured. Logo, which is usually depicted on such details must be clearly defined, must not be curved or dented. Designer house carefully monitored to ensure that the logo was made very high quality. Zippers should be evenly stitched and easily fastened. Note: Many counterfeiters have learned to apply the logo «LV» with zipper as well as on real bags Louis Vuitton, however, monogram must be clear. Fakes can often be recognized by the fuzzy image of the logo. Buying a bag Juicy Couture, note the letter «J» in the form of heart: it should be completely out of the skin, the skin should not shine. Brand Coach uses YKK zippers for your bags
Bags - a necessary thing in every woman's wardrobe
So make sure that this item is present.
But perhaps the main sign of forgery is a misspelling of the name of the brand: a fake often written a few warped name, and sometimes the difference is easy to see. In particular, this applies to brands with long and complicated names. For example, instead of Louis Vuitton can be written Louis Vuiton, instead of Bottega Veneta - Bottega Vineta or instead of Yves Saint Laurent - Yves Sain Laurent.
Safety measures
Another way to distinguish real from fake designer bag - visit websites or flagship stores of brands to explore the details. If the bag is not on the web site, it is possible that the seller tries to pass a counterfeit of the original.
One important precaution is to buy a bag at the store checked with a good reputation, ideally desired brand boutiques. If you are afraid to buy bags on Internet auction site eBay, visit other websites, such as those that are official distributors of designer clothing
Designer clothing
and accessories, and provide assurance of the authenticity of items sold on them. You can be sure that these vendors do not you slipped a fake.
Although the price is not always an indicator of quality it is always worth considering if you are offered a "real designer bag" at too low a price. If you are not entirely sure of the authenticity of the bag, do not buy it.
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