• Increased diastolic pressure: Causes and Symptoms
  • Treatment

 increased diastolic blood pressure
 Diastolic pressure - the pressure in the arteries between heartbeats, the screen shows the bottom of his sphygmomanometer, fewer. Increased diastolic blood pressure at a normal systolic pressure occurs much less frequently than the usual hypertension (state poi which increased diastolic and systolic pressure) and isolated systolic hypertension - a disorder in which only increased systolic blood pressure. Patients with elevated diastolic pressure Diastolic blood pressure is an important indicator of health  Diastolic blood pressure is an important indicator of health
   ranges from 6% to 9% of patients with high blood pressure High blood pressure - one of the most frequent pathologies  High blood pressure - one of the most frequent pathologies

Isolated Diastolic Hypertension is diagnosed when the patient's diastolic pressure exceeds 90 mmHg and systolic blood pressure below 140 mm Hg.

Diastolic as systolic pressure changes frequently during the day. It reached its lowest level when a person is at rest, especially - when he is asleep; transient increase in diastolic blood pressure may occur during and immediately after intense exercise, as well as a result of stress, but for healthy people it is not dangerous. For diastolic blood pressure also affects posture, the use of certain substances - such as caffeine, alcohol, nicotine, and other factors. People with isolated diastolic hypertension, the lower pressure is high, even when they are at rest.

Currently, an increase in diastolic pressure is considered to be less dangerous than a high systolic blood pressure; This is indicated by the extensive scientific data. For example, in one study, scientists have for several years been seen 1560 people under the age of sixty years, among whom were people with isolated diastolic pressure, isolated systolic blood pressure and an increased upper and lower pressure. Individuals with the latter two types of diseases were, on average, men older high diastolic pressure High diastolic blood pressure - the problem is serious  High diastolic blood pressure - the problem is serious
 Among them were more smokers and those who had elevated levels of cholesterol in the blood. For four and a half years of observations were twenty-four cases of myocardial infarction, and all of them were people with systolic hypertension, or high diastolic and systolic blood pressure.

All this does not mean that high diastolic blood pressure is perfectly safe and it does not need to worry. If untreated, it slowly but surely can reduce the elasticity of the arterial walls of the heart muscle tissue damage and the development of dangerous diseases. Moreover, often in patients who have a relatively young age was increased diastolic pressure in adulthood and old age, it starts to decrease, and the systolic blood pressure increases.


Reasons for increase in diastolic blood pressure

It is believed that high diastolic pressure is the same reason as the normal hypertension. A very important role is played by hereditary predisposition: people whose close relatives have suffered from isolated diastolic hypertension is often diagnosed as a violation. The development of the disease may contribute to bad habits (smoking, alcohol, overeating), sedentary lifestyle, frequent and severe stress, chronic kidney disease, disorders of the adrenal glands and the thyroid gland, excessive salt intake, overweight and obesity. However, in contrast to isolated systolic hypertension, hypertension diastolic probability of not increase with age.


Symptoms of elevated diastolic blood pressure

Very often isolated diastolic hypertension does not cause any symptoms, and find it by accident, for example, in the general medical examination. Typically, symptoms are absent when the diastolic pressure is from 80 to 89 mmHg - a state called pregipertenizey. If the pressure is greater than 90-100 mm Hg, there may be symptoms such as nasal bleeding, blurred vision, frequent or prolonged headaches, shortness of breath. People who have these symptoms persist for several weeks, you should consult your doctor. However, even those who feel well and lead a healthy lifestyle, you must at least once every five years to measure blood pressure.

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