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Djufaston endometriosis
Duphaston helps with many gynecological diseases associated with hormonal disorders. Such diseases include endometriosis, and - growth of cells of identical cells of the mucous membrane of the uterus (endometrial tissue) in other tissues.
Endometriosis affects mainly the sex organs - the muscle of the uterus, fallopian tubes, ovaries, cervix, vagina, large and small labia. But in some cases, it affects other organs, such as the pelvic organs - the rectum, bladder, intestines. Sometimes there are areas of endometriosis in the lungs. Of endometriosis contribute to hereditary features, long flowing inflammatory processes of female genital mutilation, induced abortions, immune disorders, formation of sex hormones, severe liver disease
Liver disease: when the natural filter faltering
in violation of its functions.
In the tissue of an organ appear endometriosis, which can quickly grow tissue and whole body to hit. Especially hard amazed endometriosis uterus walls thicken it evenly or covered with large and small units.
In all these cases, the endometrial tissue in whatever organ it was not, during the menstrual cycle
The menstrual cycle - that occurs in different phases?
Similar changes occur such as in the uterus mucosa (endometrium). In the first phase of the menstrual cycle
The phases of the menstrual cycle failures unacceptable
mucous membrane under the influence of female hormones estrogen is growing, growing and areas of endometriosis. Upon the occurrence of a second phase of the menstrual cycle becomes the main hormone female hormone progesterone, which inhibits the growth of the endometrium, but makes it secrete mucus.
Endometriosis is characterized by the appearance of severe pain in the lower abdomen, not associated with menstruation, and painful menstruation and bleeding occurring before and after menstruation, caused by minor injuries (for example, sexual intercourse). Quite often endometriosis goes unnoticed, it does not prove itself, but at the same time leading to infertility or endometriosis sites degeneration into a malignant tumor.
Treatment of endometriosis is better to start in the early stages of the disease, when there was still a significant proliferation of tissue.
Conservative treatment of endometriosis - a hormone therapy. To this end, designate synthetic analogs of female sex hormone progesterone, for example, djufaston. Duphaston is a preparation for oral selective progestogen (progesterone relevant) to the mucous membrane of the uterus. It provides an offensive secretion phase of the endometrium. Indicated in deficiency of endogenous progesterone - progesterone deficiency, including endometriosis, dysmenorrhoea (painful menstruation that can accompany endometriosis).
Influenced duphaston suppresses proliferation of the mucous membrane of the uterus. Simultaneously inhibited proliferation portions of the same cells in other tissues. As a result, reduced pain, intermenstrual bleeding, are not as heavy menstrual bleeding. But most importantly - the process is inhibited proliferation of endometriosis.
This is not disturbed menstrual cycle, going in and out of the maturation of ovarian egg (ovulation), menstruation occurs at the usual time. This means that during treatment with Duphaston woman can conceive.
There are general guidelines for the appointment duphaston endometriosis. But to maximize the effectiveness of its drug dose should be individualized according to the nature and severity of an organ. Duphaston daily dose should be evenly distributed on several doses throughout the day.
Take djufaston endometriosis individually designated physician daily dose divided into 2 - 3 admission from 5 to 25 day menstrual cycle, or continuously for at least six months and sometimes longer - the duration of the course is determined by the doctor.
Under the influence of such long-term treatment is sometimes the opposite happens the development of endometriosis sites, but more often it occurs when the disease began recently and areas of endometriosis in other tissues not so much. Djufaston also reduces the risk of malignancy areas of endometriosis - rebirth of a malignant tumor. But even with severe endometriosis may benefit the state as to prevent the spread of the disease. Of course, significant changes are rarely subjected to reverse development.
Duphaston is often the drug of choice in the initial stages of endometriosis.
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