• Pharmatex - prevents pregnancy, but not always
  • Mechanism of action

 mechanism of action Farmateksa

The mechanism of action Farmateksa

Contraceptives for topical application are mainly used in emergency situations, as they protect against both infections. It is not necessary always to use local contraceptives because they may adversely affect the natural vaginal flora, resulting in dysbacteriosis.

Pharmatex (INN - benzalkonium chloride) - a topical contraceptive, which has a spermicidal and antimicrobial action. Available in the form of tablets for topical use, creams, vaginal suppositories and vaginal swabs. Pharmatex simultaneously affects the sperm and kills pathogens. Exposure of sperm is that damage farmateks shell flagella and sperm heads. Damaged sperm can not fertilize an egg.

Pharmatex able to inhibit the activity of agents of such infections, sexually transmitted diseases like gonorrhea, chlamydia, trichomoniasis, genital herpes, as well as the impact on Staphylococcus aureus Staphylococcus  Staphylococcus
 Causing inflammatory diseases of the genital organs. But it has no effect on the mycoplasmas, Gardnerella, fungal infections (thrush) and syphilis.

The instructions referred to the drug that the drug does not affect the normal vaginal microflora (including lactic acid bacteria, which are the normal microflora of the vagina) and the hormonal cycle. However, prolonged use of the drug can not affect the state of the normal vaginal microflora.

Farmateks not absorbed into the bloodstream, it is deposited on the surface of the vaginal mucosa and is then removed with water.


Indications and contraindications

Pharmatex used to prevent unwanted pregnancy:

  • with contraindications to the use of hormonal contraceptives or intrauterine device (coil);
  • in the period after birth and during breast-feeding a child;
  • after abortion or miscarriage;
  • during menopause;
  • in cases of emergency and, if necessary, episodic prevent pregnancy;
  • If you missed a pill once a hormonal contraceptive.

Application Farmateksa reduces the possibility of pregnancy, but does not eliminate it completely. Application Farmateksa simultaneously with vaginal diaphragm or IUD IUD: a reliable and efficient means  IUD: a reliable and efficient means
   enhances its effectiveness.

Contraindications for use Farmateksa is only a hypersensitivity to the drug. No adverse effects, including teratogenicity (causing malformations of the fetus) on pregnancy have been reported. Pharmatex not excreted in breast milk, therefore allowed to use the drug in feeding baby Feeding your baby - optimal breastfeeding  Feeding your baby - optimal breastfeeding


How to use farmateks

Degree of protection against unwanted pregnancy is largely dependent on the correctness of its application and observance of these instructions to the drug rules:

  • vaginal suppositories (the effect lasts four hours) are introduced into the vagina in the supine position for five minutes prior to sexual intercourse; during the second act of intercourse must enter another candle;
  • vaginal tablets (the effect lasts three hours) are introduced into the vagina in the supine position for ten minutes prior to sexual intercourse; during the second act of intercourse must enter another pill;
  • vaginal cream (effect lasts 10 hours) inserted into the vagina with the included applicator with metering device in the supine position immediately before intercourse; during the second act of intercourse must enter another dose of cream;
  • vaginal swabs (effect lasts 24 hours) inserted into the vagina until it touches the cervix immediately before intercourse; re-introduction of tampons for the day is not required; You can only remove the swab three hours after sexual intercourse, but no later than one day after its installation.

In applying Farmateksa can not use soapy water for hygiene (toilet can only use clean water or foaming agent farmateks not containing soap and relevant local contraceptive farmateks) as soap destroys the active component of the drug. If you enter a tampon, it is impossible to take a bath, swim in the sea, swimming pools and other bodies of water. Nor can it be further inserted into the vagina any other drug - it can destroy the effectiveness of Farmateksa.

Pharmatex made famous by the French company "Laboratory Innotech International", which has a positive reputation in the pharmaceutical market.

Galina Romanenko

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