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In the perception of many, "housewife" - is something outdated and somehow shameful. But before you rename a housewife in a modern way in the "household management", for example, let's think about what this word denotes. Housewife - a housewife, homemaker.

Develop the skills not only to housekeeping, but also to create a home for your family. As you probably already know, this is not always the same. Economy - is washing, cooking, washing dishes, cleaning, and home - is something else ...

 I'm working mother: the advantages and disadvantages of living Housewives - Art home

Make home a safe haven

Fireside - a haven of peace, and create a home - so purposefully cultivate the beauty and productivity of family relations. The mother as homemaker and helps her husband and children to feel loved and needed; cares about them, as well as family friends and relatives, and all the house guests. Housekeeping everyone can. But to create and maintain a home can not all (and, unfortunately, not all set themselves this task).

To become a homemaker, you need to understand what the role of home and family play in our lives. The house should be a sanctuary, school, playground, and all this has to take care of my mother. Someone needs to turn the living space in the house to create comfort. In fact, a housewife - a cook, a psychologist, a teacher, an educator and a geisha in one person.

 I'm working mother: the advantages and disadvantages of living Housewives - Art home

On the role of odors

Some home business help to transform the living space into a cozy home. For example, have you ever wondered how important smell? It's amazing how the sense of smell can influence our perception of the world. The smell of perfume woman passing by could cause memories of a close friend, who loved the flavor. The sweet smell of fresh baking takes us back to childhood - remember, you were sitting in the kitchen with her grandmother, eagerly waiting for the cakes will be ready? And the smell of roses is reminiscent of first love and first donated the bouquet you ...

However, the flavors not only evoke memories. Experts in the field of aromatherapy will tell you that certain smells help restore emotional balance, heal and soothe. For example, lavender relieves anxiety, Jasmine gives self-confidence How to gain confidence in themselves?  How to gain confidence in themselves?
 Ginger fights fatigue. As you can see, aromatherapy - a very useful household item.

 I'm working mother: the advantages and disadvantages of living Housewives - Art home

Home Aromatherapy

When the children come home from school and feel the aroma of baking threshold that fits in the oven, they feel the care and motherly love. Whatever problems they have brought from school, all these problems disappear once they smell the fresh baking. When my husband comes home from work and hears the smell of dinner being prepared, he feels at home waiting for him. The house - a place where you can relax. Refuge. The place where we take care of. Whatever the stress at work, at home, we forget about all the problems and enjoy the coziness and comfort. When the aroma of freshly brewed welcomes guests coffee, they know that in this house they are happy they are waiting for.

Our house should be a place where we can relax and find comfort, to feel safe and receive love. Smells never replace the emotional conversation, affection and tenderness, or words of support, but they have a tremendous impact on our emotions. It is thanks to the home, "cozy" smells house becomes a home. Kitchen - a special place in the house. The place in which there is currently a mystery. It is in the kitchen is something mixed, mysteriously frays and whipped ... you experienced hostess feels a queen, which are subject to all the culinary subtleties and tricks.

One of the reasons that mothers stay at home - to create an atmosphere pleasant for all family members, create a home in which you want to return. Perhaps the smell of mint really improves concentration, but the smell of boiling onions works wonders, tuning and mother, and all the way home on the quiet. In addition, it helps to buy time to figure out what to cook for dinner What to cook for dinner: the eternal question  What to cook for dinner: the eternal question

Read more The power of a mother's love

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