Taking the decision to purchase fur products, it is important to consider all of the many options, because this purchase - is, without exaggeration, an important investment in your wardrobe that might pass to your descendants will be passed on from generation to generation. Therefore, before selecting "the most" perfect coat of your dreams, you need to accurately determine the search criteria and see what kind of coat you need.
You need a coat, which will not be demolished or trend model the latest fashion, you can wear a couple of seasons? What kind of fur do you prefer? What is the length and style do you like? What is the price range you are comfortable with? And finally, from a fur coat you need - from a natural or painted? The answers to these questions will help you find your ideal coat.
Natural fur
The fur natural color is considered to be more traditional, because the preservation of the natural color allows maximum natural qualities manifest fur. Natural colors will be worn from season to season, but dyed fur will not last long. The natural color of the fur with distinctive brilliance for a more conservative, classic silhouette coats. If you want to make an investment that is a long time will bring you dividends and buy something that will stand the test of time, and also to pay tribute to the past years, fur coats, fur choose natural color.
If you want to connect the past with the present, look at the coat of fur, but in a modern interpretation of the color. Thus, you can satisfy your desire to conform to fashion trends without sacrificing elegance and comfort.
Dyed fur
Dyed fur - hit of the season. Choosing a coat of dyeing of fur, you can expect a very wide range of models of all sorts of colors. Modern technology allows a beautifully toned fur, painted it in one or more colors, or give it original with a beautiful shimmering shades that did not affect the properties of the fur. Dyed fur looks extremely bright, spectacular. If dyeing of fur was conducted in accordance with the rules of the process, it does not affect the quality of the coat. To check the quality of staining, perform light fabric flap of cloth. If the fabric has remained clean, the fur is painted quality. Dyeing of fur coats from unscrupulous manufacturers very soon begin to fade.
A fur coat from natural fur is worth more than a coat painted for several reasons. When sewing fur products manufacturer to find furs, natural shade which is practically the same (this is the main criterion), so that the product looks intact and not crosslinked of the individual skins. All fur used in this process should be the same in several respects, not only in color. Fur must have the same density and the length of the pile to the purchaser (or owner) could run his hands in the fur and do not feel the texture changes and transitions. And the main thing, of course, that all fur used to sew a coat, did not differ in color to the color gradation has been natural. To reduce the final cost of outerwear
Outerwear: with special warmth
fur, sometimes crosslinked smaller fragments fur whose characteristics are different, which diversifies the overall texture and design of the product.
Coat of dyeing of fur - ideal for those who want to keep up with fashion. Dyed fur emphasizes any good silhouette. If you need a fur coat, which will cause the admiration of others, you can choose the model cut ultra-bright fashion colors
Trendy colors: experiments with color clothing
For example, burgundy, blue or emerald. If you want to connect the current trends and classics, choose a coat
Fur - Fashion nobility and charm of vintage
classic cut, but dyeing of fur. As a rule, sew coats of fur dyed fur is used mixed, the characteristics of which are not the same, so they are a bit cheaper (but sometimes quality dyed fur more natural, since additional treatment increases the cost).
Select a coat of fur or painted - you decide. Among unpainted fur coats there is a gradation of values. For example, the price of white mink coat over the exact same coat only of brown fur.
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