• Stress and Health - Communication obvious
  • Effect

 Stress and health impact

Effect of stress on health

The definition of stress fall within any changes that cause physical, emotional or psychological strain. However, not all stresses harmful to health or even negative.

There are several basic types of stress:

  • Evstress or positive stress - a state of exhilaration and excitement, which supports our love of life and gives strength (for example, during a mountain descent on skis or doing urgent work).
  • Acute stress - a short-term condition that can be both negative and positive (evstress); with this type of stress we often encounter in everyday life (eg, downhill from the mountain slopes or traffic jam or a critical situation on the road).
  • Standing acute stress - a condition where the acute stress gets out of control and turns into a way of life, turning life into chaos (for example, stress that contributed to the emergence of such typecasting as hysterical diva or absent-minded professor).
  • Chronic stress - the type of stress that never stops and that can not be avoided, such as stress or a failed marriage is extremely difficult and hard work. This type of stress can lead to nervous exhaustion and depression.


Stress: fight or flight

Stress can cause the body's reaction to events or situations that he perceives as threat or danger, the so-called fight or flight response .  In this case, the body secretes hormones adrenaline and cortisol, speed up the heart rate, slowing digestion and increases blood flow to the major muscle groups, and changing various other autonomic nervous functions of the body, causing a surge of strength and energy .  This reaction, so named for the tactics that it stimulates in dangerous situations, there are now even in situations where the struggle and the flight out of place, for example, when you are nervous driving a car or at work .  When the imaginary threat disappears, there is a reaction of relaxation and body returns to normal, but chronic stress relaxation response are not always there, so constant failures mechanisms stress can harm the body .


Stress and health: the effects of chronic stress

If episodic stress often goes unnoticed, the chronic stress and overly excited by the autonomic nervous system are manifested by certain physical symptoms. The first symptoms are relatively harmless, for example, chronic headaches and increased susceptibility to colds. However, when saving a situation that contributes to chronic stress, you may experience more serious health problems. Among the most serious consequences of chronic stress should be highlighted:

  • Depression;
  • Diabetes;
  • Hair loss Hair: structure, characteristics of growth and development  Hair: structure, characteristics of growth and development
  • Heart disease;
  • Hyperthyroidism;
  • Obesity;
  • Obsessive-kompulsivnoe navyazchivoe condition and anxiety disorder;
  • Sexual disorders;
  • Diseases of teeth and gums;
  • Ulcers;
  • Cancer (not excluded).

Furthermore, it was found that 90% of all health complaints in one way or another are related to stress. To reduce stress, especially chronic stress and maintain health is very important to avoid the emotional state of overexcitement. There are two ways to do this:

  • Stress relieving techniques. Certain techniques are helping to activate the relaxation response and bring the body into a calm state. These techniques, including meditation Meditation and women's health  Meditation and women's health
 , Yoga, breathing exercises, journaling and visualization of nice things, very easy to learn and practice in a state of stress. It is proved that they are really effective in reducing stress in a short time.
  • Reducing stress. Unfortunately, we can not avoid acute stress, but often episodic acute and chronic stress - unhealthy - it is possible to reduce by using special techniques of work organization, time management and the building of personal relationships, as well as other healthy lifestyle management strategies.


Professional medical care

In some cases, the stress reaches such proportions that causes the development of serious illness and requires medical intervention and treatment (such as herbs or drugs). If you can not get rid of the feeling of anxiety or notice the symptoms of depression Depression  Depression
 , Experience displeasure or disappointment by their behavior or the behavior of others, or just feel the need for professional advice, consult a doctor. Professional medical care will allow you to quickly return to normal life.

In any situation should not be allowed to stress harms your health. Timely recourse to help you quickly return to a healthy, happy life.

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