diseases of the nerves
 All diseases of the nerves - it's completely correct statement, as the nervous system and its center - the brain keep under control all the organs and tissues. If disrupted brain is disrupted the activities of all other organs and systems.


Diseases of the nerves - as it happens?

Many diseases of the internal organs and systems develop in the nervous system. This happens because every muscle, every organ and whole organism as a whole controls the nervous system. Therefore, for any adverse effects on the nervous system and internal organs are affected. It can be concluded that in order to be healthy, you should pay special attention to the nervous system.

Why can hurt the nervous system? It can be various intoxication - smoking, alcohol, chronic diseases. People who have such poisoning, characterized by increased irritability, aggression, often get sick.

Significant negative impact on the nervous system can have an endocrine disease - excess or deficiency of certain hormones leads to the development of disease. But endocrine diseases often develop under the influence of the nervous system. Thus, as a result of stresses develop obesity, diabetes Diabetes  Diabetes
   and so on.

But the main role in the development of disease emotions play. Under the influence of emotions is released stress hormones (adrenaline and noradrenaline), which cause changes in the various organs and systems.


The impact on the state of the nervous system of the digestive system

Everyone knows that, for example, gastric ulcer or duodenal ulcer, the patient should be subjected to stress. But why that happens in the body of patients with stress?

The main stress hormone adrenaline is. In some negative psychological effects on humans it instantaneously released into the bloodstream in the organism and results in full readiness to repel - an ancient reaction which usually does not depend on the individual.

Adrenaline causes constriction of blood vessels, increased blood pressure (BP), heart palpitations and breathing. Including vasoconstriction occurs in the walls of the stomach and duodenum. This has a direct negative impact on the ulcerative process, as disturbed nutrition of tissues. Condition of prolonged stress contributes to prolonged hypoxia Fasting - this is natural  Fasting - this is natural
   tissue, cell death and proliferation of ulcer process.


Effect of the nervous system to the cardiovascular system

Adrenaline stimulates more frequent contraction of the heart muscle, constricts blood vessels and raises blood pressure. As a result, the heart muscle is forced to work in conditions of high load, overcoming the resistance of blood vessels. Prolonged overstrain the heart muscle contributing to its increase in volume - increases mainly the muscular layer of the left ventricle, which carries most of the load.

But sooner or later, the heart can not withstand constant load and lack of pumps to supply all tissues of the amount of blood. This venous blood accumulates in large and small circles of blood circulation develops heart failure with swelling in the legs (with the stagnation in the systemic circulation), and with the advent of fluid in the lungs (with stagnation in the pulmonary circulation).


Influence of the nervous system on the state of other organs and systems

No such body whose function is not compromised if under the influence of the nervous system. All chronic diseases begin and worsen the stress and high emotional stress. Particularly acute in the nervous system reacts to the endocrine system. There are such things as psychogenic infertility psychogenic asthma, atopic dermatitis, and so on. The stress a person can lose sight, hearing and speech. Depression, headaches, sexual dysfunction, skin lesions - they are also the effects of stress.

How can it be that will help curb your emotions?


How to cope with stress

Coping with stress is possible, adhering to the following rules:

  • under stress better than to give vent to their emotions, not storing them in themselves;
  • errors and failures should be regarded as the next stage of development, finding in them the positive aspects;
  • We need to learn to alternate the active work with rest and relaxation;
  • if everything happened the effects of stress, it is necessary to overcome himself and to share with family troubles;
  • try not to give much importance to external circumstances - in most cases they do not have catastrophic consequences.

Compliance with these rules will eventually lead to the formation of anti-stress condition.

Galina Romanenko

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