development of the child in three months
 Three months - this is a watershed in the neuro-psychological and physical development of the child. It grows and develops not only requires care and attention. With the three-month baby is already quite possible to communicate and even play. He likes colorful toys, he listens to music and is well aware of his mother.

 Child Development in three months

Anatomical and physiological characteristics of the child in three months

The baby is three months more and more adapted to the environment. Infections cherish it as the mother's antibodies (their number, however, has decreased), submitted to it during fetal development, and own antibodies, developed in the process of exposure. Nasolacrimal duct child in this age wide, with the result that it often occurs irritation and conjunctival penetration of infection into it from the nasal cavity.

It is better to begin to function and sweat glands, so the child is not suffering from overheating. Finally, pass the increased muscle tone of the lower extremities, and the child begins to actively move the legs.

In three months a healthy baby was sufficiently distinguish basic taste stimuli - sweet, salty, sour and bitter. Start working at full capacity salivary glands, and the child blow bubbles (which he likes). The saliva contains ptyalin enzyme that breaks down starch and glycogen to simple sugars. Stomach to three months has a volume of 100 ml. By this age, most children have already formed the normal intestinal microflora and gone intestinal colic. But some children have such problems to a year, a condition called dysbiosis. Correct it will help the local doctor.

 Child Development in three months

Features three mineral metabolism child

A feature of the three-month baby is that in this age there are infringements of calcium-phosphorus metabolism, which in turn leads to violations of the processes of bone formation and functional changes of various organs and systems.

This metabolic disorder called rickets. The leading cause of rickets is the deficiency of vitamin D, resulting from the inadequate supply it with food or in violation of the natural formation of the vitamin in the skin when exposed to sunlight. Often rickets occurs in autumn and winter, when the sun appears rarely and briefly.

In the initial period of rickets on the background of a satisfactory general condition of the child appears excessive sweating, related sudamen, diaper rash, alopecia neck. The child is constantly t head on the pillow, in which individual hairs are becoming skittish and moody, bad sleep. The initial period of rickets lasts from 2-3 weeks to 2-3 months.

In the three months rickets it occurs only in the initial stage. To rickets is not moved to the next stage with a dangerous change in the bones, internal organs and appearance of seizures, it is necessary to treat with vitamin D. Alone it can not be done as easily overdose on vitamin D, it can also cause dangerous complications. Calculate the dose of vitamin D can help the pediatrician. Of great importance is properly organized sleep and wakefulness with sufficient exposure to fresh air (not less than three hours a day), proper nutrition.

In human breast milk, vitamin D is not so healthy babies who are breastfed Breastfeeding: notes  Breastfeeding: notes
   in the autumn-winter period prescribed preventive doses of the vitamin. In infant formula Infant formula for your baby: an alternative food  Infant formula for your baby: an alternative food
   always added vitamins, including vitamin D, so the children receive them less susceptible to rickets. But that does not mean you have to change the natural feeding on artificial - in human milk has many bioactive substances beneficial for the child, it far exceeds the absence of one of the vitamin.

 Child Development in three months

Psychomotor development of a child three months

At the age of three months, the child continues to develop the senses. He can concentrate for a few minutes, following the object is in an upright position. Kid also clearly detects the direction of the sound, turn his head aside.

Previously, he randomly searched mouth mother's breast, but now he has developed a conditioned reflex in the breast, it opens her mouth at the approach of the breast or a bottle of infant formula.

Lying on his stomach, the child picks up not only the head, but the whole body, leaning on his elbows and forearms. He can already sit, if support for the pelvis rotates from back to side, keeps the head free. Movement handles also become free and appropriate: he pulls things in their mouths, touches them, reaches for toys.

The child begins to recognize his mother, laughing in a good mood Good mood: Secrets positive  Good mood: Secrets positive
   and cry expresses displeasure if left alone or placed in the crib when he does not want to sleep. Sounds made by the child, are becoming more diverse - it is now Gulen. I am pleased to let bubbles. Musical sounds cause the child's positive emotions.

The mother may have to play and talk with the child.

Galina Romanenko

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Article Tags:
  • child development
  • Child development in four months
  • The development of the child in two months - adaptation to the world