Child development in eleven months
 At eleven months, some children are able to walk, but most are just learning. Children are generally very quickly all learn at this age. Right now they have to learn the basic skills that will be useful later in life is the ability to walk and talk.

 Child development in eleven months

Anatomical and physiological characteristics of the child's development in the first eleven months

The growth of the child for almost seventy-five centimeters, weight is close to ten kilograms, and some already have passed this milestone, because every child develops differently. Die circumference more behind the circumference of the chest.

Subcutaneous fat is almost not increased in volume as the baby moves a lot. But beginning to develop the muscular system and is a great help in his quest for a child learn about the world.

Chair of the child of eleven months, not more than one - two times a day and it can already be accustomed to the pot. To do this, it planted in the pot at the time when he usually appear urge to defecate. Of course, everything will turn out not at once, but gradually the child begins to understand what is required of him, and he produced a conditioned reflex to planting pot.

The child, in most cases already have six teeth (four incisors at the bottom and two at the top), and he tries to bite and chew food. He has not just eat meat souffle, steam cutlets and Cutlets: a variety of national cuisines  Cutlets: a variety of national cuisines
   or meatballs, baby gnaws cookies (it special, quickly soak from the saliva of the child and they can not choke). Feed the child should be with a spoon, often already at this age, he is trying to take away from adult spoon and feed himself. Sometimes the end of the feeding is possible for him to afford.

 Child development in eleven months

Psychomotor development of the child in the first eleven months

The child at eleven months already may impose one subject to another, without the support of squats, lifting an object bends without squats, runs well, supported by the handle. He can already do quite complex movements, if to show him something interesting, such as a screw cap on the bottle - he was fully able to repeat such a move.

The focus of this age focused on the ability to walk. All children master this skill at different times: one in nine - ten months, one year after, it's all part of the concept of the norm. But most children begin to walk at eleven - twelve months. The ability to walk depends on the nature of the child: the quieter children start to walk later, and active and mobile - before. The preparatory period before independent walking lasts about two months - a child at this time learning to balance. He is ready for independent walking when can long enough to stand in the arena without the support, considering, for example, a toy or "talking" with an adult. This baby is already possible to learn to walk.

A child with a calm character can start to walk later than their peers, but this does not mean that it is worse than their developed physically, he just realizes that what he wants, he can achieve by other means, such as crawling. This makes sense to encourage the child with special training walking.

The child knows the name of almost all the objects that surround it and that he sees on a walk. He knows and shows parts of his body: arms, legs, nose, mouth, eyes, ears. It can perform many of the requirements of adults: "Bring a toy", "Beat the Drum", "Kiss Mama", "Open your mouth," "Weave Goodbye", "Do" forty "and" Ladushki. "

The child is already quite correctly and consciously say a few simple words. Again, the ability to speak depends largely on the nature of the child. Often the fact that the child at this age does not speak, is not due to a delay in psychological development, and with his character and temperament. Such a child can not speak, but he knew what he was told and adults carry their teams to understand the intonations of voice, understand when they are unhappy. These children are learning speech is to encourage various games.

 Child development in eleven months

Developing games for children of eleven months

At this age, a child interested in playing in a noisy outdoor games, and games that require effort and concentration. If it is inactive, that greater emphasis should be exactly on mobile games, developing general motor skills, and if the child is very active and excitable - to games that require focus.

For example, with a calm kid to play well in the town. To do this you need to put down the plastic pieces at a short distance, and throwing the bat, try to destroy the building. The game is often simply take the kids, and even the most calm during the game and get up can make one or two steps on their own. You can also play a variety of outdoor games with the ball or just tossing and rocking the baby by the handles or feet.

For concentrated studies suitable plastic bottle with a wide neck enough where you can put a small toy, and then invite a child to get it. In the same bottle can put something tasty, the child is particularly fond of, for example, cookies.

Talk with your child encourage language development Language development in children  Language development in children
 While adults should pronounce words clearly, without mangling them (baby talk should be avoided).

More talk with your child, and he quickly learned to speak!

Galina Romanenko

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