Child development in nine months
 In ten months of your child - an active and cheerful little boy who had explored everything in the apartment and yearns for new experiences. He tries to walk, and he is interested in everything shiny pans in the kitchen, advertising on television (he's the one who stares advertisement in your family), new toys and a dog, whom he meets on the street.

 Child development in nine months

Anatomical and physiological characteristics of the child's development in ten months

In ten months, your baby weighs about nine kilograms, and sometimes more, the growth - more than seventy centimeters. Bosom had greater head circumference. In the last month he has already adds three hundred - four hundred grams, it has a well-developed subcutaneous tissue. And if in the previous months did you do with him in gymnastics, then start to develop muscles of the arms and legs. This is a very active boy. When not sleeping, he kept moving. Spit it is much smaller - twice a day and a half - two hours. He already has four teeth, and maybe even six - erupted lower lateral incisors.

Here with immunity is not very: my mother (passive) ended at all, and your (active) are only just beginning to be developed, so that the baby is prone to infection, especially keep it away from seasonal diseases.

It suckling only twice a day - six and twenty two hours. At ten o'clock he eats porridge, fourteen - soup or borsch Borsch: versatile dish for every taste  Borsch: versatile dish for every taste
 , Meat souffle or steam meatballs and vegetable soup, in eighteen hours - yogurt Kefir: a unique drink for health and harmony  Kefir: a unique drink for health and harmony
 , Cottage cheese and half of the egg yolk.

 Child development in nine months

Psychomotor development of the child in ten months

In ten months the child is, by itself, without the support rises well goes behind the chair and tries to walk with the support of only a single handle. He likes to imitate the movements of adults: the opening and closing cabinet doors and desk, slammed shut the door to the room, takes Beret - a symbol of French charm  Beret - a symbol of French charm
   small objects with two fingers, does not give a toy is taken away from him, even if it's not a toy, but something completely wrong for him (and thus particularly attractive). He already can perform quite complex movements, for example, if you put a toy in a box and shake it, showing your child that there is something there, it will be a long and carefully open it until you open and glad that did it. He may have to play ball, hide the toy, and then he find them and enjoy.

The kid at this age are very curious and tries by any means available to it to explore the surrounding area. It usually crawling to the interest of his subjects, because this skill he already has a very good, but sometimes goes hand in a side of the arena or fenced off in the room space. It is interesting to walk, so every day he goes better. Developed muscles allow him to have a long time to maintain balance in the upright position: it can be, for example, holding both hands of some interest to his subject and treat it carefully.

He likes to throw toys out of the arena, listening to the sound of their fall, banging toys on a side of the arena. Very interested in adult subjects, especially those who do not give him. Can a long time to treat yourself and the surrounding objects in the mirror, and then to turn around and look at the same thing without a mirror.

Significantly develops at this age fine motor skills of fingers: a child nothing is worth taking your fingers some detail and, of course, send it in her mouth. So be especially careful: all the small toys and small items in general should be available for such a baby. It appears new systems - the kid badly like to tear the paper, but this can only be done under adult supervision and in any case should not be given sheets of newspapers and magazines covered with ink.

At this age a baby begins to consciously speak some words. Of course, most often the first word - a "mother." Began to speak, he tries to master other words, but all at once is impossible. For this age is characterized by the individual to name objects or toys or abbreviated syllables in words. The child already knows your name, responds to it, know the names of the adults (mom, dad, grandmother, brother or sister names) and pets. He knows when he is praised or blamed, and understands why.

The child begins to fulfill some requests of adults, for example, if you ask him to give some kind of toy, he slips behind her and give up. I understand perfectly when someone leaves, and he starts waving a pen.

 Child development in nine months

Developing games for the child in ten months

A child at this age, everything is interesting, especially he craves new experiences. Therefore, walking in the street, he needs to show new objects in your path to animals (especially interesting to the child, if the house animals not), vehicles and other children of different ages, and everything that comes along the way, trying to explain what it is. You can capture a walk breadcrumbs and feed the pigeons. These trips are very broadens the mind of the child.

The child is like playing at home, especially it attracts noisy outdoor games. With the baby can already actively engaged in gymnastics: raise his pen, circle the room, play ball, showing him how to kick the ball you need, and how to throw handles - all perfectly develops the child physically.

In ten months of your child loves to play, especially with adults, do not deny him the pleasure!

Galina Romanenko

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