• How to get rid of jealousy - understand and accept
  • Problem solving

 how to get rid of jealousy problem solving

How to get rid of jealousy - Problem Solving

Jealousy, like love, for all ages. It is believed that jealous lover responsible to you in return - is stupid and ridiculous, but unfortunately, it is impossible to oppose jealousy nor experience nor education level or degree of intelligence. This feeling equally well and is familiar choleric temperamental and calm-looking sanguine. According to psychologists, women are jealous more often than men.

Jealousy - a doubt in someone's love. And everybody wants to be loved. And jealousy can testify to the psychological problems such as low self-esteem: jealous of their close people who unconsciously are not sure that they have the right to personal happiness. Jealousy kills love, destroys families, turns severe mental illness for those who can not afford it in the crush. Statistics of crimes committed because of it - this is a separate issue altogether.

So do not bring themselves to extremes and passion. Smart people always try to get rid of jealousy Management of jealousy  Management of jealousy
   as well as to get rid of any bad habit, destructive to life and health - such as drinking, smoking, drug craving. What should I do in order to win a jealousy?


Jealousy - it is not love

"Jealous - means love," - they say. In fact, it is not. Love gives only light, joyful emotions. A stone in the shower rather speaks of the acute sense of ownership in relation to another person, but not about love.

If you try to analyze your own feelings, you can find out what kind of jealousy is the fear of loneliness. Woman jealous husband or boyfriend does not fixated on it, and is afraid to be alone Loneliness - this is not new, or why am I still alone?  Loneliness - this is not new, or why am I still alone?
 . She thinks that then she will never be a new relationship with men. Meanwhile, almost all psychologists unanimously recommend the fair sex in the first place to love yourself, then pulled the man to him.

No need to go into the emotional dependence on men. It is no coincidence the ancient wise men admire women who can be "closed book". This means that a woman should have its own interesting, exciting and eventful life.

There is also the phenomenon of projective jealousy: when a person is prone to adultery himself, he suspects this and his "soul mate."


Community without borders

Jealousy is multifaceted. Some ladies go crazy because of the fact that their faithful was careless smile pretty saleswoman in the store, while others - because of the fact that he spent home after an unmarried colleague corporate party. Others declare uncompromising war on his friends - they think that a man with friends spends much more time, than with them. In any case, do not stoop to scandals and clarify the relationship with shouts of "Either I, or anybody! ". It is better to try to look at the situation from a different angle, for example, to see the men in these actions further proof that he can be charming, courteous, sociable and enjoyed the location and the confidence of others. Is not that a reason for pride for a loved one?

One of the best ways to get rid of jealousy - to share their problems with a friend, relative or a professional psychologist. Even if the fears are serious reasons (such as a man "shirking" of intimate relationships), the reality may not be so tragic.

In some cases, you can talk with your partner. Loving person who values ​​the trust of his lady, certainly try to help her get rid of negative emotions.

But to cope with his own zeal and you can yourself, if we take for granted some of the simple things. Firstly, it should be remembered that men are by nature polygamous creatures, and they are always looking at other women, regardless of whether they have a far-reaching plans. Secondly, a man appreciates the lady of his heart, above all, delicious mistress and loyal friend. And it is unlikely he will be looking for adventure on the side, if it is in this sense and to "their territory" are satisfied.

Svetlana Usankova

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