• How to teach your child to say, the stages of development of children's speech
  • The first lessons

 teach a child to talk
 The first syllable of the first word, the first self-constructed sentence. The successes of the baby, introducing the native speech, and learning to speak, and cause emotion and pride. But if - it is impossible, if the child is silent, while his peers encouraging parents to a host of new words and quickly learn to weave from them the whole story? How to teach your child to talk and speak properly? How to do without the help of a speech therapist Speech  Speech
   and that it should make the parents?

The first syllable of the first word, the first self-constructed sentence. The successes of the baby, introducing the native speech, and learning to speak, and cause emotion and pride. But if - it is impossible, if the child is silent, while his peers encouraging parents to a host of new words and quickly learn to weave from them the whole story? How to teach your child to talk and speak properly? How to do without the help of a speech therapist and that it should make the parents?

 How to teach your child to say, the stages of development of children's speech

A child and a speech from the unconscious to the conscious

The most common mistake many parents is absolute certainty that the time will come, and the baby learns to speak himself. Of course, the existence of a right to every opinion, but in this case relied solely on the abilities and talents bestowed upon the nature of the child are not recommended either practicing psychologists or paediatricians or speech therapists. It is among the most important elements of human development and communication. Mastering the native speech occurs only if the kid teach this difficult skill, and trained properly, patiently and consistently. The question of how to teach a child to speak must first occur before the baby's parents.

To begin the process of learning language acquisition should be before the birth of the child, that is, at the time of fetal development. Since the beginning of the second trimester of pregnancy, the fetus responds to light and sound coming from outside. Consequently, it is during this period and can be considered the beginning of the training - mom and dad talk with your child, read to children's fairy tales and sing lullabies, talk about what's going on and just talk to the kid. The child gradually becomes accustomed to the sounds of their voices, and gentle tone, and to the sound of the words. This happens primary (unconscious) familiarity with the kid native speech.

It is a conscious process of learning speech is considered to be in the period of the child's birth to his six-month-old. At this time the development of the baby occurs most rapidly: increasing the volume of the brain, enhanced hearing and sighted. Hearing the voices of parents, the child concentrates on their images and trying to repeat the words they uttered. Already in the third month of life the baby is quite able to focus on talking with him parents actively reproducing many of the sounds he heard.

 How to teach your child to say, the stages of development of children's speech

How to teach your child to talk about? Age: 6-12 months

At the age of six to twelve months laid such important skills as the ability to listen and repeat heard. During this period, communication with parents takes up most of the waking baby. Talking to each other, Mom and Dad have to understand that the child can fully focus their attention on what is happening within ten (or more) minutes. Communication in a raised voice, loud knocks and harsh tone should be categorically excluded.

The most effective in teaching speech in this period becomes a play short musical fairy tales. Choosing audio, parents should pay attention to the clarity of its sound, the beauty of the musical design and the absence of sudden changes in tonality. Playing fairy tales better implement axis, multiframe, gradually increasing the length of the sound from three to ten minutes. Repeatedly playing back the same passage tale, father and mother teach your baby not only to listen, but heard him repeat sounds and words.

Active listening, the child over time, learn to recognize the melody and the words. The kid turns head, looking through the eyes of the sound source, and it concentrates on trying to reproduce heard. And let the children it is not yet entirely clear, though many of the words are distorted beyond recognition - the kid is trying his best. By helping him to develop such a complex science for him, patiently repeating the same sounds, words and fragments of stories, parents teach the child to active listening. As a result of this process is already one year old child will please mom and dad rich (up to 100 words) vocabulary.

 How to teach your child to say, the stages of development of children's speech

How to teach a child to speak correctly?

By the age of eighteen months vocabulary baby may exceed two hundred words. As a rule, these words are reproduced baby with some distortions, which blame the inability to fully own their own vocal apparatus. Special children have difficulty pronouncing the sounds "p", "g", "k", "s", "l", "m." Not always possible and correct reproduction of words, including several consecutive vowels. What is in this case, the baby can help parents and how to teach a child to speak correctly?

  • Dummy - the enemy of right speech. This fact is confirmed by numerous studies conducted children's doctors, teachers, preschool and speech therapists-specialists. Pacifiers contribute to the development of malocclusion, which not only affects the difficulty with articulation, but also contributes to the delay of speech development in general.
  • Reading - the basis of the creation of a rich vocabulary. Comparative analysis of the development of children's speech showed that those kids whose parents are not lazy several times a day to read fairy tales, poems and short stories have a much larger vocabulary than children whose moms and dads do not bother so troublesome task.
  • The correct children's speech - a consequence of the correct pronunciation of words parents. From ignorance or in order to talk with the child in the language he understands, many parents admit distorted pronunciation of words. As a result - the baby learns this form of words, being in the absolute certainty that Mom and Dad can not speak properly. Distortion of words - the prerogative of the child. Parents have to use conventional, not invented by the baby, word forms.
  • The development of fine motor skills and language acquisition - the parallel processes. Center for coordination of movement of the fingers and speech center are so close that the active development of one entails as the active development of the other. Folding puzzles and mosaics, tying shoelaces and buttons zastёgivanie drawing and use of objects such as a spoon handle and affect the acceleration of language acquisition.

With patience, finding time for reading and educational games, parents are thus not only teach the kid how to speak, but also provide your child a worthy place in the society around him.

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