• Psychosexual development of man: from childhood to adulthood
  • Psychosexual development of adolescents
  • Psychosexual development of adults

 Psychosexual development of man
 Psychosexual development of infants and young children is determined by the influence of early relationships in which the child meets their physical and emotional needs (such as the need for food, warmth, comfort, love). Emotional attachment and physical contact of the child and his parents (or caregivers) form the basis for sexual relations in his future life.

 Psychosexual development of man: from childhood to adulthood

The development of the newborn

Healthy psycho-sexual development of young children (up to three years) also includes the study of the body (including the genitals) by touch. Masturbation (getting sexual pleasure from touching or rubbing the genitals) - a fairly common phenomenon among children and a natural component of psychosexual development. As a rule, children's masturbation is temporary. It comes in waves - in the preschool period, primary school and adolescence. This is partly due to hormonal changes in our body, also contributes to the increasingly self-perfection. For boys, starting from six months old, and the regular natural erection (hardening of rigidity of the penis).

Erection of five years is not erotic nature, it is only a consequence of innate reflexes of the human body. Mechanical erection in children can occur for various reasons: because of a full bladder, or excessive rubbing of diapers Pampers - what parents need to know for beginners  Pampers - what parents need to know for beginners
 , Inflammation in the genital area, and even because of the disease (eg, worms, or problems with the rectum can also cause long-lasting erections in infants).

 Psychosexual development of man: from childhood to adulthood

Small child: self-awareness in the world

Since about two years, children need to learn that touching their genitals - normally, but outsiders can not do that, it's private behavior, as bathing or toilet. Young children also need as soon as possible to understand what they deserve protection and respect, and that other people, outsiders should never touch their private parts or touch them against their will.

The awareness of belonging to the male or female (the so-called gender identity) - an integral part of psychosexual development. Gender (sexual) identity starts to form about two years and all life forms. Gender identity implies the recognition of a particular society of gender roles, and demonstrate behaviors associated with male or female.

In older children and psychosexual development is manifested as an interest in the body and genitals of other people. Child often interested in what his body is different from the body of his mother, father, siblings or peers. It is important that parents and teachers were willing to give honest and clear answers to the questions of the child related to the realization of gender and sex.

Consult your pediatrician or a child psychologist - they will tell you how best to respond to children's questions about sexuality and to solve the problems associated with psychosexual development of the child.

 Psychosexual development of man: from childhood to adulthood

Understanding gender roles

Interest in gender roles, to ensure "where babies come from" sex and often increases dramatically in children aged six to ten years. School-age children are usually able to understand the basics of sexuality and sexual rights, and can address with their questions to friends, older children (eg, brothers and sisters, other relatives), as well as find them on the Internet and specialized literature.

Parents should give children to understand that the interest in differences between boys and girls, their relationship to sex and procreation - a completely natural phenomenon, and with all the questions they may apply to an adult they trust (eg, parents, other relatives, school psychologist). It is important that the child was an adult friend to whom he could appeal, with all sensitive issues, including sexuality.

 Psychosexual development of man: from childhood to adulthood


Some children start puberty earlier than others .  Puberty is considered early or premature if it begins before age eight in girls and nine boys .  Premature onset of puberty may contribute to abnormalities of the reproductive system (ovaries in girls and testes in boys), ovarian disease and thyroid .  Sometimes, precocious puberty is the result of structural abnormalities of the brain, such as tumor, brain injury as a result of head trauma, or infectious diseases (meningitis) .  Most girls begin puberty early not because of health problems, but for unknown reasons (idiopathic puberty), possibly under the influence of external factors .  Overweight and obesity contribute to premature puberty .  Early puberty is more common in girls than in boys .

Symptoms of precocious puberty include: growth and breast enlargement (in girls), the growth of hair in the armpits and pubic hair, rapid growth of the body, first menstruation (girls), acne Rash: Classification - primary and secondary elements  Rash: Classification - primary and secondary elements
 , Changes in body odor, increase in the size of the testes (in boys), hair growth on the face (boys), break-up and deepening of voice (in boys). In some children, there is a "partial" early puberty. In girls, breast is growing rapidly, but the growth stops soon, or not accompanied by the appearance of other physical signs of puberty. In this case, the child should see a doctor to promptly identify possible disease or disorder. Typically, partial early puberty does not require medical intervention, and all other signs of puberty appear in the corresponding age.

 Psychosexual development of man: from childhood to adulthood

What to do in case of early puberty?

In the case of suspicion of early puberty should consult a pediatric endocrinologist - a doctor who specializes in hormonal disorders in children. The doctor will examine the history of the disease, and then examined the child and referral for various tests that confirm or refute a presumptive diagnosis. The physical examination of the child can detect changes and signs of early puberty (breast augmentation, rapid growth, menstruation, acne Acne  Acne
 Increase testicles or penis and pubic hair growth). Also performed X-ray examination of the palms and wrists baby - this is a very important aspect of the diagnosis of precocious puberty. X-ray examination helps determine the bone age of the child and find out whether they are growing fast or normal. For the examination of children with precocious puberty perform magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the brain, the brain detects possible anomalies. Also, perform a survey of the thyroid gland, to exclude the possibility of hypothyroidism. In some cases, the doctor prescribes a pelvic ultrasound in order to detect ovarian cysts or tumors.

Treating precocious puberty depends on its cause lies in its elimination. When precocious puberty is caused by a disease to slow down the process requires the treatment of this disease. If your child has a tumor that produces hormones, "guilty" in the early premature puberty, require surgical removal of the tumor.

Treating precocious puberty helps to stop the ripening process as long as the child has reached the normal age. Otherwise there is a danger that premature puberty may interfere with normal physical, mental and emotional development of the child

Read more Psychosexual development of adolescents

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