• "Single / Single" or anatomy of loneliness
  • Women's loneliness

Whether it is caused by long-outdated feminism, or just the development of society, but women are desperately trying to prove that they can be both men and in relationships too. It is proved that it can drive a car, to be a director, and even boxing, but what love?

If an unmarried woman of 35 used to be called an old maid, but today it is a successful and lonely. In a large city such women naturally bigger. After all, young girls come here to seek fabulous heights. In an age in which their mother became just the mothers and wives. They meet the same men who do not want "is" a serious relationship. Break your heart, and crippled souls rewarding careers. By 35, she no longer believes in romance and cynicism has enough to treat the relationship like a man.

If the woman reaches the same heights as the man becomes whether it is the same in a relationship? Disappears whether the nature of emotion, sensitivity, and all other components of femininity?

A new type of woman: intelligent, beautiful, successful and alone. If she still believes in love, with every man she once again left alone with a broken heart Broken Heart: Steps to recovery  Broken Heart: Steps to recovery
 . What is she doing wrong? What is the reason? In her mind? Beauty? Or consistency?

Modern men are trying to perceive women as equals. They keep them shares of the same company, are co-direktaromi, partners in a relationship but they still have the upper hand. Rather prefer to take it. They simply do not allow leakage of the senses - just sex, just not to the non-committal attitude. Maybe they're just afraid and do not want to put up with the emergence of a new type of women?

If a woman plucked up enough cynicism in the big city - it is trying to build a relationship without emotions and feelings - only sex, or any non-committal relationship. She is trying to do, because as well, do not take what is given by nature, and really very little polygamous women. Female essence anywhere nor do, and even if at first it will be very good at it, then it will still come, thought, well, why do not love me, why I do not like - since we are women, being emotional. We do not know how we, as men, to enable or disable the feelings at the right time.

So, whether it is a new type of men The types of men and women's attitude to them  The types of men and women's attitude to them
   and women, or is it all the same people with the same views, but putting on the mask of glamor Glamour - the charm of bad taste  Glamour - the charm of bad taste
 , With all the attributes of life in the big city?


The world is developing with each passing day. There are more and more sophisticated production techniques. Trains are replaced by the expression small video DVD, massive computers thin laptops, The low five-storey high buildings. Which is the direction things are changing in the relationship? Feelings become fast as an express or narrowed to the size of a laptop? Developing technically, we are degrading the moral? And do we, however, are no longer needed a serious relationship?

I refuse to believe it. Furthermore, I firmly believe that it is not yet hardened heart "new type" of men, and not turned into a naked cynicism, feelings of women. I believe that as long as every Saturday I see many wedding cortege, rushing through the streets, until I meet couples who romantically eat from the same plate at parties or choosing foods for dinner at a supermarket.

And even the most modern and the most cynical man woman wants to stop at the widest streets of big cities and stay in one of the high-rise apartment houses, together and forever, if she met her man, and he was his woman.

Lyudmila specifically for the Women's Club

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