development of the child in six months
 At six months, the child may have a lot to do with it is interesting to spend time and play, as it is more meaningful to the world around him, trying to understand it. But he still can not do something for a long time, all the time distracted by new items, sounds and sensations.

 The development of the child in six months

Anatomical and physiological characteristics of the child six months

By six months of innate immunity transmitted by the mother of the child in utero, exhausted and ceases to protect him from the surrounding infection. Therefore, if you do not follow a clear mode of the day, the rules of feeding and not to protect the child from infection, it will start to get sick often. The weight of a child in the sixth month of life, adds 600 to 700, his heart beats at a rate of 130-135 beats per minute, the amount is equal to 35-40 breaths per minute.

At this age, a child's first teeth erupt - usually the lower central incisors. But in some children this process takes place sooner or later. In the sixth month of life the child has enough breast milk or infant formula Infant formula for your baby: an alternative food  Infant formula for your baby: an alternative food
 So in this age of the first solid foods introduced. Lure called a food that is gradually replacing the breast milk to the year the child may have to completely abandon the chest.

 The development of the child in six months

The first solid foods

The first solid foods while breastfeeding is introduced in six months, on the artificial - two weeks earlier. At the reception, the pediatrician will advise you that it is better to introduce your child to the diet as a first feeding First solid foods: cook or buy?  First solid foods: cook or buy?
 . This may be a vegetable puree (it is recommended for children with normal or overweight) or porridge (if the child is a little underweight).

Purée can use ready-made in jars that are produced specifically for baby food Baby food - what to feed the baby?  Baby food - what to feed the baby?
 And you can prepare yourself. The most vegetables are considered to be neutral zucchini with them usually begin solid foods. But it is quite possible to begin with mashed potatoes. Vegetables boiled, rub through a sieve, diluted with water in which they are cooked, bring to a boil, cool and give the first one teaspoon before breast-feeding. Gradually two weeks the amount of mashed potatoes brought to 50 g, and a month later vegetable puree completely replace breastfeeding at 10 hours (at 6 months the child should receive food five times a day at 6, 10, 14, 18 and 22 hours). By the end of the month in the mashed potatoes already, you can add a little butter or oil.

Similarly introduce and cereal, ready to adapt better to use dry cereal, they are available for infants of different ages and are prepared strictly according to instructions.

 The development of the child in six months

Psychomotor development of the child in six months

At the age of six months, the child first tries, and then is turned loose on the back of the abdomen and back. Lying in a horizontal position, it will accept any position: on his stomach or on the other side, on the back. He even tries to get up on all fours and crawl. If next to it is of interest to his toy, but he can not get her hand, the child may even crawl several centimeters to get what he really wants.

Sitting child is without support, with a straight back, if he stretch out his hands, he can grasp them and stand on its feet. Sitting toy shifts from one box to another. Supported by an adult at his chest, he tries to cross the legs.

He is well captures objects with one hand waving a rattle, can independently raise the fallen from the hands a toy to pass a toy from one hand to the other, throws draped over the face of the diaper.

Becoming more diverse emotional expressions. The mother understands what mood is her baby, whether he is pleased or the contrary, he is bored, something irritates him. Excited child manifests physical activity and cry, which also has its emotional nuances. Mother already understands that she wants to "tell" the child, for example, his request to take the pen. The mother is still the most important person for the child, he always enjoys her appearance, her voice. For other adults, he also is friendly, but a stranger may not go.

The child makes no attempt to pronounce the first syllable - "ma," "ba". He listens attentively to the speech of the adult, especially he likes children's songs (the words you need to articulate very clearly) and rhythmic poems. He already knows many of the objects that surround it, and if the mother says, for example: "Where hare? "He finds his eyes. Also occurs with other objects and their number is increasing every day.

 The development of the child in six months

Developing games for the six-month baby

The kid is already actively requires attention, he likes to do gymnastics and play with mom. It is already possible to learn to lift up the handle, with the support of the chest. With great pleasure at the gym, he flipped on the back, on the stomach and back, gets the support, trying to walk and crawl.

He already stores some songs, especially those places that he likes. In such places adult should pay special attention to the child, highlighting their voice or some unexpected action.

Galina Romanenko

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