• Treatment of mastitis - covers all the mechanisms of disease development
  • Herbal remedy

 Treatment of mastitis
 It is proved that the treatment of mastitis should be done in parallel with the treatment of gynecological diseases. Much attention is paid to the state of mental and emotional status of women, in the case of deviations performed under the supervision of the normalization of psychotherapist. Mastopathy is a complex problem that reflects the complexity of pathologic changes in breast tissue, respectively, the treatment of mastitis should cover all the possible mechanisms of the disease.


The validity of the appointment of hormonal drugs

Hormone therapy is considered to be justified in the treatment of mastitis. Hormones effectively normalize various deviations, so they are used in the medical schemes in the gynecological pathology. Diseases of the reproductive area and the breast are often combined with each other, so the diseases can not be treated in isolation from each other.

Generally administered progestogen preparations promoting restoration of normal menstrual cycle The normal menstrual cycle: the main feature of women's health  The normal menstrual cycle: the main feature of women's health
 . You can select several convenient regimens, at the same time allowed a combination with other drugs, depending on the presence of the disease at other sites. Currently, gels are designed with a hormonal component to the patient should be applied to the breast area. This method of drug exposure allows cutaneous application of a gel containing natural progesterone (100 g of gel contains 1 g of progesterone). The gel does not have the ability to be absorbed into the blood, there is no change in the level of progesterone in the blood plasma. In comparison with the systemic circulation local concentration of the hormonal agent is maximally expressed, however the progesterone dosage employed may be reduced.

Progestogens drugs are prescribed during the second phase of the cycle for ten days. If the patient uses a topical progesterone (the drug "prozhestozhel"), it is rubbed into the skin of the breast 2, 5 g of gel. The application mode can be continuous or courses for ten days. Marked reduction in the severity of disease, discomfort during mastitis, but at the same time there is the risk of adverse reactions. In case you are hypersensitive to the drug a woman is experiencing increased severity of pain, swelling of the breasts, which is an indication to stop the local use of progesterone.

It proved the efficacy of mastitis in the hormones that influence the development of the central level of pituitary hormones (a group of gonadotropin-WG). They are used in the treatment of various gynecological diseases (such as endometriosis), against this background, there is a stabilization mastitis in almost half of patients (47% of cases). These observations are evidence of the need for a comprehensive approach to the treatment of mastitis. Pathology female reproductive system naturally affects the state of the mammary gland, which is the target organ for the action of hormones.

The cure for mastitis chosen physician taking into account the clinical variant of the disease, as not all cases can be used hormone therapy. In this connection, before starting the course of treatment the woman should be examined not only from the standpoint of gynecological disorders, as well as other systems pathology (disease of the digestive tract, endocrine system, etc.). Often occurs with symptoms of breast latent hyperprolactinemia. In this case the tablet from mastitis assigned to suppress the excessive secretion of pituitary hormone prolactin. The impact on the hormonal activity of the pituitary gland has bromocriptine (or drug "parlodel"). When mastitis patient should take it in a dose of 2 to 5 mg for six months.


Vitamins in the complex therapy

Vitamins when mastitis is permissible to include in medical schemes, but this should be done by a doctor. Improperly selected connection in the self-medication can be harmful to women's health, especially if the selected dose will be incorrect (higher than recommended doses or, on the contrary, is not sufficient). The most common vitamins B and E, A positive influence on the processes occurring in the breast can be explained by the following beneficial properties of vitamins:

  • restoring hormonal disorders
  • improvement of metabolic processes in the body, the antioxidant properties
  • Full support for the immune system

His positive influence on the state of the reproductive system in general and the mammary gland is known for vitamin E, the daily dose should not exceed 100 mg. There is a strengthening hormone progesterone, so the vitamin is assigned based on the menstrual cycle phase character The menstrual cycle - that occurs in different phases?  The menstrual cycle - that occurs in different phases?
   women. As an antioxidant, vitamin creates protect cells against pathological effects.

When mastitis is a violation of the processes of division and the formation of cancer cells in the tissue under the influence of hormone levels. Vitamin drugs can normalize these processes prevent excessive growth of epithelial tissue, so the lesions disappear pathological tissue growth. The mechanism of therapeutic effects pronounced in vitamin Vitamins for everyone  Vitamins for everyone
   And that protects the breast tissue from the adverse influence of estrogen. To avoid overdose when taking this vitamin, it is recommended to use the provitamin A (carotene in preparations). Because his body is the direct formation of the vitamin.

In today's market of pharmaceutical products can be integrated to find effective drugs, balanced composition of vitamins. One such drug is available in capsules "Triovite." On the composition of a set of essential biological antioxidants, a combination that enhances the activity of each of the components. Triovite when mastitis is assigned to patients at two capsules a day. It is necessary to take into account that there may be individual intolerance of one component or intolerance to certain types of vitamins. Also, does it matter whether or not a woman takes vitamin A to prevent overdose.

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