Shaker: shake and mix
   The art of making cocktails for many millennia. Archaeologists have found the remains of the pumpkin Pumpkin for health: a royal vegetable in home pharmacy  Pumpkin for health: a royal vegetable in home pharmacy
 Age of over seven thousand years, has been used not only for food but also as a container for the beverage mix. More than three thousand years ago the ancient Egyptians knew many recipes for mixing various liquids, which will yield a whole new delicious drinks. In such circumstances could not appear shaker kitchen appliance, which is a device for mixing cocktails.

 Shaker: shake and mix

What Shaker

Shaker usually made of metal, although there are glass and plastic embodiments barman tools for mixing beverage. In most cases, steel beaker shaker for three-quarters filled with ice, the other half of poured liquid, sealed and begin actively shaking for a few seconds. Not in vain the name of the kitchen appliance and sounds in English - «shake», which means "to shake."

Shakers come in two flavors: the classic look, which bears the name "cobbler", and the Boston shaker. Kobler used in bars all over the world since the end of the XIX century, the most popular tool used in the 1930-1940's. Today Kobler has lost its former glory, he has migrated to the kitchen in the home use, giving way to more practical Boston shaker. If cobbler consists of three parts - the vase, cover and filter, the Boston Shaker is a device of two components: a metal base and glass cups for mixing drinks. This type of shaker was known in 1820-1830-ies, but today, slightly modernized this kitchen tool confidently takes place in the professional bartending racks of many cafes and restaurants in the world.

 Shaker: shake and mix

How to choose the right shaker

 Shaker: shake and mix
 Plastic shaker should not even be considered as cookware: the appliance of the same material is not suitable for the preparation of these cocktails. Best shaker - a metal cup with a lid, which is not screwed and inserted into it. This design helps to avoid spilling the valuable liquid during shaking and mixing cocktails. Measuring cups in a cover - a detrimental excess, capable of spilling part of the future of the beverage.

The best option - a Boston shaker, where there is no built-in strainer for the ice crumbs, like a cobbler. To pour the mixed drink in a glass without ice, you need to purchase an additional strainer with a spring (hawthorn strainer), which is applied directly to the glass before to drink is poured. Another necessary utensils to use a shaker - a beaker with two "tails» (Jigger), it can be used to accurately measure the dose of each ingredient added to the cocktail recipe.

 Shaker: shake and mix

It is interesting

Shaker is no coincidence that the metallic glass, which serves as the bartender device to indicate the available time drinks as soon as the hands become unbearable to keep the unit ice-cocktail ready and part of crushed ice added prescription, gave the desired temperature of the fluid.

Rules designed shaker centuries ago and have not changed so far: first, the device is placed in the ice, or added at the end, it will reduce the cooling time and can spill valuable drinks. The second in a shaker go soft and dense ingredients - milk, cream or fruit juices. And in the end - alcoholic beverages. Champagne and other sparkling products (mineral water, tonic) is added to smoothies after the drinks are mixed and spilled into glasses.

The main task of the shaker - to convey the cold ice and mix the liquid into a homogeneous mass, and the mixing takes place so quickly that ice has not had time to melt and dissolve in alcoholic beverages, reducing the degree of cocktail, or drink get watery and tasteless. Crushed ice in a cocktail shaker adds only a very close, so he did not have time to turn into chips, because more than two times in the same shaker with ice drinks are poured.

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   weeding potatoes, everyone cricket stick to his last. Shaker is good for home celebrations and cocktail parties, arranged in a circle of friends, is indispensable for professional bartenders.

Jeanne Pyatirikova

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