Wedding superstition
 Undoubtedly, every girl's wedding is one of the the brightest events in the life. And not only that you bind the knot marriage. This day has to go perfectly. Because you always dreamed of. And if something goes wrong ... That's what makes the majority of brides (at least - the groom) Wedding believe in omens, superstitions and other stories. As of the centuries-old Wedding will is true and what is fiction pure water ...

No matter how absurd or that sign, girl They believe that it is better "to be safe, just in case, and then God forbid that ....". We Let us examine the most popular and the stereotypical signs and, from a psychological point view, find out what to believe, and what - no.

Myth 1 : In order to be happy in marriage, bride wedding day should cry.

Reality : As you know, the wedding - is not only one of the the happiest days in the life of the bride, but, also deep stress associated with preparations, hard schedule, perhaps forced intercourse with all invited as well constant thought that all the attention is focused only on you alone. In connection with This stress can actually be expressed in mourning (or mourning), but imposing this way the protective body's response to stress is not necessary. So the myth of "mandatory weeping before the wedding" is just a myth ... each struggling with the stress in their own way, not necessarily through tears.

Options :

Bride necessary bachelorette party before the wedding and cry According to an old saying, "Do not weep at the table - you will cry for post (ie marriage). "

Before the wedding Wedding - it is worth it to hurry up?  Wedding - it is worth it to hurry up?
   Bride to be a little cry - Marriage be happy. It is best if these are tears of parting words parents, and not because of some overlap or problems.

Myth 2 : Young impossible to photograph apart from other, otherwise they would part.

Reality : On the contrary. If you carry with you everywhere his favorite is his (or you) will soon get bored. Moreover, that for wedding album, where there is no photo with you parents, friends, and just one. If anywhere, absolutely all Photographs will meet the same acidic mine newlyweds album It loses its value and is boring and monotonous. Besides, it is not nice to have in his wallet a photo of your favorite wedding day. And how passport photo, visa. They photographed together certainly not be allowed!

Options :

Lovers do not give each other their photos - otherwise to part, disperse.

If the bride and groom were photographed together before the wedding - they are not to be together. So if you liked the young man or woman, not hurry to get her (it) pictures - parted, and the wedding will not happen.

Give a photo before the wedding - for parting Parting: punctuation rules  Parting: punctuation rules

Myth 3 : Give to someone trying on her wedding ring - and can give destiny.

Reality Psychologists explain this as follows: when the bride sees her friend in her engagement ring, she subconsciously He begins to understand, literally, "I am not the only one, either could be the owner of the ring, "and begins to be jealous of her husband's friends. Generally nothing terrible will happen if your friend try on a wedding ring. The main thing to love, to be sure that you are loved and trusted her husband. And not to succumb to the stereotype, ingrained in our Russian head: "I gave the measure Ring a friend ... Now I give up my favorite. "

Options :

Post a measure engagement ring - a miserable fate.

Wedding rings measure not to let anyone, either before or after wedding.

Do not allow anyone to measure the wedding dress, no sisters, no friends. (The same meaning as the ring)

Myth 4 : Beware that the ring does not slip and fall during registration or in the church.

Reality : It seems that it is the most widespread superstition. Although the reasons why the ring could fall a lot, case studies show that in most cases the bride before imposing himself thought that "once the ring has fallen - bad end" that end up on the actually leave. "Fires effect of self-hypnosis," - says Dr. Psychology Elena Kuznetsova - "Indeed, the reason why the ring fell, It can be set. This may be a manifestation of stress caused by such significant event like a wedding; It may be a simple distraction groom or the bride, and perhaps pure chance, what we face every day. "

Options :

When exchanging rings in the church must be especially careful, not to drop them on the floor. The people there is a superstition that fell during the betrothal Ring - to the disintegration of a marriage.

If you drop the wedding ring before they put on finger - this is a separation.

Myth 5 : You can not get married in May, otherwise the century "to suffer."

Reality : Of course, you can get married in another month, in order to avoid this prejudice, but the dishes: warm spring days of soft rays of the sun and the fresh coolness of May hundreds of times better than in January frost at -30. And, therefore, the memories left after May the wedding will be much warmer than after winter. Do not you want prove that this myth is just a myth, it is to marry in May and live a long and happy life together !?

Options :

I was glad to get married in May but will not allow

Good people do not get married in May

Marry in May - see treason Treason: Fall or loyalty to yourself?  Treason: Fall or loyalty to yourself?
   in your own home

Marriages in May, are not happy.

Myth 6 When the young approaching the place of celebration wedding car should honk loudly. This also applies to scaring evil, from the evil eye.

Reality : Actually, this myth exists only in Russia. If cans, hanging out on the bumper cars - a common (but already obsolescent) phenomenon in Europe and the US, there is a loud beeping machine is not welcome. However, like in Russia. Not many people like that, and in the midst of the noise of the city so contaminated the day dealt boring long beeps. "Psychologically, This myth is not necessary to explain, - says Elena Kuznetsova DPN - here are purely humanitarian principles - is it possible to harass strangers perhaps vacationing seniors or infants, an event which concerns Only you, and there is no need for that to inform about it all city".

Options :

Tied to the rear bumper empty cans to They rattled along the road and scare away any evil spirits.

And finally, a bit absurd - myths, which can not tell without a smile.

Myth 7 : Last night before the wedding the bride and groom We should spend apart.

Reality : Probably this myth was invented for what would bored, the wedding night was as follows.

Myth 8 : Impressive cash gifts - to the wedding travel.

Reality : Is not it logical !? Many newlyweds want Spend "impressive cash gifts" is to travel!

Myth 9 If at the time of the wedding the young look each other in the my eyes, I dislike one another or any of them will change the other.

Reality : How can you not look into the eyes of a loved one, especially during the wedding ... besides, saying the pledge of allegiance?

Myth 10 : You can not be in a dress with an open back. You can not wear a wedding dress above the knee.

Reality : The fact that the wedding myths and superstitions created by centuries-old prejudices and fears. This myth is outdated. Maybe, in the 60s in the Soviet Union did not have to wear a dress with an open back and above the knee, but now a different time, and the myths created during the "hard life" where "there is no sex in the USSR", and there totalitarianism are only myths, and short of the current ideals of brides.

P.S.   - But the myth of "the girl who caught the bouquet thrown the bride, the next to marry "will let" reality "in the end, why not believe in this myth and do not get married next?

Remember that true love does not take any superstition and "bad" signs.

Anna Thomen

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