Bag for interviews
 Interview - a very important event in your professional life. In addition to the make-up, clothes and shoes, when you are going to a meeting, you should pay particular attention to the bag for an interview. Of course, you want to look your best, to a potential employer to see you in a professional, reliable and disciplined worker, without which it simply can not do.

You should not look unkempt slob or, conversely, too smart and well-groomed (in this case, the employer will think that you are too much time on their appearance). Simplicity, elegance and discreet femininity - that would be appropriate in the corporate world.

Functional, stylish and beautiful bag - an accessory required for a successful interview. Besides, where else put a resume, business card and personal belongings? Do not skimp on the bag - invest in an elegant classical model of good quality. Your professional image is to be combined with elegance - first impression The first impression in business and in personal relationships  The first impression in business and in personal relationships
   very important, and the second chance you will not. In addition, the bag is able to tell a lot about his mistress, on her personality and temperament. Bag with lots of decorations, and even bright colors can create an employer misconception about you.

 Bag for interviews
  Bag for interviews

So how do you choose a handbag for a job interview? First of all, the color of the bag should match the color of your clothes and shoes, it should not be screaming. The decor and details on the bag should be kept to a minimum; there should be no separate hanging pockets for keys, large plaques, flowers or ribbons.

The size of the bag must also match your height and body proportions. Do not take it with you to the interview is too large bag in the style of Lindsay Lohan. With this bag you will look bigger than you really are, and yet it can be mistaken for a bag of diapers.

Think about what you might need during the interview Ten ways to fill a job interview  Ten ways to fill a job interview
 . If you need to get placed in a bag job, laptop, papers, big purse, so you need something between a portfolio and a bag on his shoulder. Pay attention to the classic model or structured Mulberry Bayswater Bags Cole Haan.

 Bag for interviews
  Bag for interviews

If you prefer to always keep a summary and documents in hand, choose a small and simple handbag that can put on his knees during the interview. The lack of such bags have only one - at the crucial moment can fall handbag and its contents - fall to the floor, and you will have to collect that barely raise your chances of getting a job.

It is best to choose a bag for an interview from the skin, even artificial suede or microfiber. Try not to take on a job interview bags of silk Silk - a legacy of the Yellow Emperor  Silk - a legacy of the Yellow Emperor
 , Satin, velvet or other textiles, especially embroidered with sequins and crystals. Bag made of straw - also not an option, even if the interview takes place in the height of summer.

Make sure the bag is not too packed full of things - it looks unattractive. It all must be clean, neat and organized, so that it did not have to dig in the presence of the employer. The contents of your handbag reflect your personality and your potential employer can look at the contents of your bag when you get it from your resume and documents.

 Bag for interviews
  Bag for interviews

Elegant classic bag roomy enough and will last you a long time. Do not spare money for a quality bag that you can wear not only on the interview, but also to work, conferences, corporate events. A good bag will last you for years.

What you will need:

  • handbag
  • Business Suit

 Bag for interviews - the key to success


Select a bag in which to put your resume in the expanded (not folded) form.

Choose functional bag: look for a model with pockets, compartments, comfortable handle, compartment for cell phone and secure buckle.

Pay attention to the bag with a zipper, Velcro, with valves that help prevent the loss of the contents of the bag, if it somehow fall or overturn during the interview.

 Bag for interviews
  Bag for interviews

Pick the color of the bag to match the clothes, which are going to go for an interview. The black and dark blue complement dark tone while light chocolate brown and blond shade suits. Make sure that the bag is not in contrast with the color of your shoes.

Note the bag microfiber and leather. Canvas bag is not suitable for a formal interview.

 Bag for interviews - the key to success

Tips and Warnings

If this is your first job after graduation, hide your backpack in the closet and spend on a quality bag. It will emphasize your entry into adult life and your new role, the role of a professional.

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