• Helmut Lang - the master of self-taught
  • Maverick

 Helmut Lang individualist

Helmut Lang - the fashion maverick

Fashion industry owes much to a man named Helmut Lang. The Austrian-born artist by vocation and minimalist in spirit, Lang showed that fashion should not subjugate human personality pushing to the fore. He was one of the dictators of minimalism that has become synonymous with elegance and glamor. For a demonstration of this style of millions of women around the world is grateful Lang. His creation was pleased to see on the catwalk, and easy to carry in life - like coincidence today is not so frequent.


First steps

Helmut Lang was born in Vienna in 1956. He grew up in a family with a fairly conservative foundations, it did not immediately do the work of the artist. The young man went to business school, but secretly dreamed of a world where he would be able to be creative and to design clothes. However, little by little, relying only on intuition, artistic flair and a great desire to work, Hellmuth still developed his own business.

In 1977 he opened the first Salon of clothes, which sold models Lang. Business took off, and a year later appeared brand Helmut Lang from the first collection. The laconic style of clothing very quickly led to permanent demonstration designer prêt-à-porter in Paris and Milan. The apotheosis of the recognition of the young master was the opening of the first boutique Helmut Lang in 1986.


From the minimum to the maximum

 Helmut Lang individualist
 The heyday of couturiers came in the nineties. At the time, minimalism was in fashion, in which Lang fit perfectly. Fan restraint, but a tireless experimenter, he mixed with the technological innovations and even classical elements of retro fashion. A born artist, Helmut Lang guided solely their vision - a fresh, innovative and neizbity. Elegant simplicity, a minimalist chic style have become the embodiment of his house.

He showed that in everyday life can wear strict pantsuit Trouser suit - one of the achievements of women  Trouser suit - one of the achievements of women
   shirtless. Practical without losing his businesslike made white jersey or T-shirt, who occupied a special place in the vast fashion brand from Helmut Lang. The edges of the garment if lost perfection thanks to the lack of clarity and the establishment of the cult of asymmetry. Black, white, gray, beige seamlessly combined in sets.

European nineties Lang came to an end in 1997. Then he moved from Paris couturiers, which certainly gave him a lot in New York. In 1998, a demonstration of the first collection of Helmut Lang in the United States. Perhaps naturally the background of these events is the launch of a denim line in the same year. The spirit of American pragmatism Hellmuth did not escape, however, his style has not changed much.


The era of change

Start of the third millennium was marked by major changes for the designer. Firstly, in 2002, it was launched and then closed men's clothing line. Two years later, Helmut Lang brand has gained industry giant Prada Group. It seemed that a new round of luck and a fertile ground for the creative designer. But it was not so buoyant, and in 2005, Helmut Lang left his company terminating all dealings with the brand, which has devoted a lifetime. And the designer and the brand since the new era began.

 Helmut Lang individualist
 Helmut Lang brand has found new creative directors in the face of the spouses Nicole and Michael Kolovos. Their debut collection was introduced in the season spring-summer 2007.

Despite the fact that the house lost its multi master image of Helmut Lang clothes practically remained unchanged by the new designers. They tried to keep such a fashion brand, which saw her own couturier, to do everything to have his name associated with high style. Former colors, discreet cut, a minimum of jewelry and decorative details, the asymmetry present in all the collections of Helmut Lang, 2010 including.

Regardless of the season, the tone is always the same. Only in resort 2010 collection include observed bright sky-blue color that look self-sufficient with no frills design. In the autumn-winter fashion designers offered a pragmatic way of urban women, who can not imagine themselves without leggings and asymmetrical layering volume in the upper body.

Lang did not lose the desire to create images. Even though in a different capacity, but he is still an artist, is now represented in the world fairgrounds.

The history of this amazing man. Passionately fascinated by designing clothes in adolescence, experiencing discomfort due to inability to do what he likes, he suddenly abandoned him at the peak of popularity. It is difficult to say whether the lost forever Lang fashion world as a designer. In any case, now he is happy and continues to do, does not change the principles of minimalism as a basis of good taste.

Eugene Zhirkina

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