how to look good in red
 Perhaps the red - one of the most beautiful and interesting colors, the color of passion and luxury. It attracts both men and women, but when it comes to choosing clothes, few dare to wear such a dress of bright color. The red color is not easy to wear, but if you do it right, will look very impressive and heard a lot of compliments in his address. So it is worth spending a little time to familiarize yourself with a few simple tips that tell you how to enter this difficult color to your wardrobe to look good in red.

Why do most people not at risk to wear red? Firstly, in red you will always be in the spotlight, so you need to look your best. The red dress is simply impossible to go unnoticed. The second reason that most of us prefer to avoid the red - the color of underlines all skin problems (acne, irritation, uneven tanning Tanning: the main thing - natural  Tanning: the main thing - natural
   And so on). And, thirdly, the wrong shade of red can make you unhealthy appearance.

 How to look good in red: elegant style secrets

How to choose the right shade of red

First of all, should be to find the right tone of red according to the tone of their skin:

  • Woman with blond hair and blue, gray or green eyes should choose pale shades of red with a blue undertone (pastel). It is best to avoid all saturated shades of bright red (yellow undertones).
  • Red-haired woman with the eyes of any color and golden hue of the skin is to choose a red-orange clothes and avoid the red colors with blue undertones (ie cold red).
 how to look good in red
  how to look good in red
  • Ash blondes and gray-haired women look best in shades of purple red, red with cold bluish undertones. Carrot and other yellowish shades of red they categorically do not go.
  • Brunettes and brown-haired with dark eyes and dark skin will look stunning in shades of red and purple.
  • Owners of dark blond and brown hair and brown eyes are the most muted shades of red.

 How to look good in red: elegant style secrets

From what to wear red

  • The perfect combination - red and white, red and black, but in the traditional combination of no surprise. But you can connect all three colors in one ensemble - it will cause a reaction in others.
  • To create an interesting image, play around with different shades of red. Combine the bright red color with fuchsia Fuchsia clothing - fashion neon splendor  Fuchsia clothing - fashion neon splendor
 , Light red to maroon, coral with light pink and so on.
 how to look good in red
  how to look good in red
  • Do not be afraid of bold combinations: red and blue, red and yellow, experiment with green tones.
  • Red prints look great too. Furthermore, they are less aggressive and provocative. Try a blouse with red polka dots or a long skirt in red flower - a win-win.
  • If you are not willing to brave the red dress, choose a stylish red accessory: a bright scarf Fashion Scarf - stylish accessory  Fashion Scarf - stylish accessory
 Chic shoes, gloves and bright red lipstick.

 How to look good in red: elegant style secrets

When appropriate red

Of course, red - the color is beautiful, but it would be appropriate not always and not everywhere. Where it is possible to wear red? The caller will be red especially appropriate when you want to attract attention: a date (but not on the ground) for a walk with friends or at social events. But be careful, wearing red things to work - it's pretty risky. If you believe that your office dress code is too boring, spice it up a red scarf. Red pencil skirt (or red jacket) with a white blouse - an ideal alternative to the boring business suit, but the other elements of your band must be neutral.

 how to look good in red
  how to look good in red

Of course, red - the color of the complex, but it is like no other color, it gives the one who wears it, a certain feeling of freedom, confidence and vibrant appeal.

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