how to wear white
 The white clothes have something cool and refreshing, so it is usually worn in the summer. It looks gorgeous, even in the hottest days. In the summertime white clothes is particularly relevant, since it has certain advantages over the other colors of clothing. In particular, the white color reflects sunlight well, so white even in the withering heat slightly cooler than in the clothing of a different color. For this reason, wearing a white has always been particularly popular among residents of hot tropical countries.

As you know, on the clothes as you can tell a lot about a person's mood. White says about the light and positive mood. Unfortunately, the white clothes is not practical, since it is much easier to get dirty, especially in the cold season. However, a man dressed in white, will always attract the views of others. If you prefer to wear white, stick to a few simple rules in order to feel in such clothes as much as possible relaxed and comfortable.

 Trendy colors: how to wear white

Always wear clothing with white flesh-colored underwear

Many years ago it was customary to wear white underwear under white clothes, but now everything has changed. As the contours of the white bra, panties and often exude a combination of linen, they will be less noticeable if a flesh-colored underwear. Look for clothes, the color of which corresponds exactly to your natural skin tone to the outline of underwear under his clothes were invisible.

 Trendy colors: how to wear white

Do not wear white on problem areas

Remember that white reflects light and visually increases, and certain parts of the body it seem more so when choosing a dress in white is useful to remember that. If you want to emphasize the upper body and thighs, the best assistant in this just do not find, on the other hand, do not wear the white stuff on the problem areas that you would like to reduce.

Note: Monochrome white ensembles (eg, white pantsuit) create unbreakable vertical line, visually stretching the silhouette. With white accessories you can emphasize the advantages of your figure, such slender legs with graceful ankle (heel sandals) or a thin waist (slim waist). The white thing, like any other, should you decorate and emphasize the advantages of your figure. Therefore, it is better if you choose the clothes, the most suitable for you. Ideal - a white suit made to order. However, this is not necessary. The main thing to thing, whether it be white shorts, blazers or blouse, as accurately as possible fit for your figure.

 how to wear white
  how to wear white

 Trendy colors: how to wear white

Stay away from white tights and stockings

If you are not a nurse, a bride or a girl under the age of five years, white tights have no place in your wardrobe. Yes, he was popular twenty years ago thanks to Diana, Princess of Wales,
  because it helped her achieve the desired effect - look below. Ordinary women of medium height, with a far from ideal figure and not too long legs, which do not need to look below the near undersized prince in white tights or stockings look unattractive.

 Trendy colors: how to wear white

Think twice before putting on white shoes

White shoes screams of summer, it is popular primarily in the warmer months. But as in white shoes legs appear longer and wider (in addition, these shoes make you look below), this is not the best choice. Look for the white shoes, which visually lengthens the leg, or completely give up the white shoes and replace it with a shoe or a cream-colored flesh.

 Trendy colors: how to wear white

Do not wear white clothes for the wedding (if you are not the bride)

Unless you are a bride or a bridesmaid, in any case, do not wear a white dress or suit for the wedding (one white thing, a skirt or blouse allowed). If a white blouse with a pink, blue or green skirt or trousers - quite a valid option, traditions are still relentless white - the color of the bride and her motorcade. Not to take away from the bride's monopoly on white in such an important day for her.

 how to wear white
  how to wear white

 Trendy colors: how to wear white

What accessories to choose the white

As for jewelry, the most suitable to white, then you can highlight uncomplicated jewelry from natural materials, such as beads made of wood. Effectively also will look white gold jewelry. Accessories must either supplement your white outfit or contrast with it, but in any case not to merge. Classics such as white top - black bottom, is still relevant.

But this style is, of course, is more suitable for formal occasions. In the heat of summer with a white dress, for example, can wear beige or yellow shoes. Jewellery preferable to carry wood, amber or gold. Effectively white suit will look jewelry with precious or semiprecious stones. Your bag, can in principle be of any color. Do not choose too bright accessory - then all eyes will be not to you and to him.

Finally, if you do not like the white looks at you, or if White simply "not your color," pay attention to the shades, close to the white: ivory, eggshell or oyster. Pure white looks good only for the elite, so do not be discouraged, try a different hue.

Using these tips, you will always look gorgeous in white, stay cool and enjoy the warm weather.

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