• Trendy colors of clothing and mood
  • Pink, white, black

 the color of clothes and mood
 The colors we surround ourselves with, influence us more than we think. In our society we formed certain beliefs and associations, associated with one or another fashionable color - it has a symbolic meaning and goes beyond a simple visual stimulation. Some studies even suggest that we perceive colors on posdsoznatelnom level, that is, we feel, but not see them.

Psychologists say that we often choose clothes "mood": you can choose a lifetime range, but at some point you want to surround yourself irresistibly quite the opposite color. For example, you prefer the clothes in gray-blue color scheme and suddenly find themselves buying a red blouse. After a while, you find it in the closet and regret the money spent. Do not rush to get rid of it, because the desire to return to cheer and you wear it again.

Psychologists explain this phenomenon as follows: the constant craving of man to a certain color characterizes his character and unexpected "bursts" - his mood at the moment. This or that thing we buy, from her own taste and preferences. But if lately you have experienced physical and emotional stress, subconsciously choose dark colors. If, on the contrary, you are experiencing emotional lift, to opt for a bright and cheerful colors.

 the color of clothes and mood

Probably, you know that interior designers use color to create different moods - to stimulate, energize or calm. Why not apply this tactic to clothes? Take the energy of color in your favor - the result will delight you. So how does the color of clothing can affect our mood?

 Trendy colors of clothing and mood


If you want to attract someone's attention? Then you need a red! The red color gives strength and draws attention to the wearer. He is also closely associated with romance and passion, so red clothes - ideal choice if you are going on a romantic date. If you "crushed the life," or to be routine work, use this color. If you are excited, nervously exhausted, red only make things worse. But beware: the red - it is also the color of aggression, it stimulates the appetite and low instincts, so do not be surprised if you suddenly want to eat hot dogs and other fast food. Stay away from red if you try to live a healthy lifestyle and follow a diet.

 Trendy colors of clothing and mood


Orange symbolizes optimism, kindness, impulsivity and perseverance. Like red, orange What color blends orange: bold and calm combination  What color blends orange: bold and calm combination
   It attracts and energizes, but unlike too strong red orange can have a calming effect.

 the color of clothes and mood

Although orange is not suitable for some skin tones (in the background of the skin might look like junk) if your tsvetotip Tsvetotip - a problem or a tip? How to determine your correct tsvetotip  Tsvetotip - a problem or a tip? How to determine your correct tsvetotip
   It allows you to configure the Orange positive, optimistic.

 Trendy colors of clothing and mood


Solar shades of yellow lift your mood in a bad day, so if you feel fatigue or depression, wear something yellow.

 the color of clothes and mood

Yellow - the color of joyful hope that choosing fun, cheerful, motivated, active life. Yellow is also associated with intelligence and inspiration. Wear something yellow on an important exam or a business meeting - it can help you find answers to difficult questions, or see the situation in a new light.

 Trendy colors of clothing and mood


Green indicates the flexibility of mind, judgment and understanding of the situation, it symbolizes the financial well-being and prosperity. Shades of green, calm, because they are associated with nature.

 the color of clothes and mood

That is why green is one of the most popular colors of spring. Green also refreshes and relaxes those who looks at him. If you are a victim of severe emotional or physical overload, add green to your outfit and you will feel the tension gradually disappearing.

 Trendy colors of clothing and mood

Dark blue

Blue - the color of peace and truth. Love the blue and blue indicates a highly developed intellect. The nature of this color is discreet, coldish.

 the color of clothes and mood

This duality - cold estrangement on the one hand and reconciles, a calming effect on the other - and provide a popular blue What colors are combined with blue: the fashion new solutions  What colors are combined with blue: the fashion new solutions
 . If you feel a lot of stress, the blue color will help you to calm down and regain composure shattered. But if you feel sad, if you melancholy, stay away from blue - it will only aggravate your grief. Studies also show that the blue color evokes the creative energy, so if you need some inspiration to perform some creative work, put something blue or blue.

 Trendy colors of clothing and mood


Purple is considered a royal color that is associated with creativity and luxury. Like red, purple is very stimulating and helps to activate the energy resources of those who looks at him.

 the color of clothes and mood

And purple evokes lofty dreams and mystery. In addition, purple is sometimes associated with spirituality and intuition, so if you can not decide nakraste purple nail polish - the right decision will be forthcoming.

Read more Pink, white, black

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